
Purposeful Life Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I want to live a very intentional and very purposeful life."
"Live your life intentionally and purposefully."
"God wants to empower you to fulfill his purpose for your life."
"I am purpose. You were created for a purpose on purpose."
"You were born to solve a problem. Every problem is a business you were born to solve."
"Do you think that we have created you in vain with no purpose?"
"You're the arrow from the quiver, and it will land where God calls you."
"You are now co-creating your life, living life on purpose, not waiting for things to happen."
"Jesus brings meaning and purpose to your life."
"I understand that the death was for a purpose, his life was for a purpose."
"Live as if there is no tomorrow in the sense of having an urgency to see God's will done."
"Religion is a necessary ultimate essential purpose and meaning."
"Are you living your life with an urgency for the things of Christ? Because if you truly believe that tomorrow is not promised, then you will live with a purpose."
"I do pray sometime and say I don't know why you still got me here but I know it's for a reason for sure."
"He created you to change the world, to touch people."
"Everything had a meaning. It was all there for a reason."
"You are definitely a starseed and you're meant to shine, you're here with a purpose and a mission."
"I'm blessed, God has put me in this spot for a very good reason."
"I believe that God put us here for a purpose which is to search for existential truths."
"Your life purpose is writing, sharing, expressing your emotions through writing. You heal, inspire, teach, entertain with the words you write or speak."
"Always think something amazing is coming and that you are constantly fulfilling your own purpose. Live like every single day is a blessing because it is."
"Do you know that God loves you? Do you know that your life has purpose?"
"If I do die, then at least I died for something right, something important. My life had meaning."
"What man needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling for a worthwhile goal."
"We're going to be everything that you've called us to be."
"You were created to live a life of magic... blessings to each and every one of you."
"I'm grateful for my daughter... she's given me so much purpose."
"The archangels are not letting that happen, you have a job to do."
"God created us for a purpose and gave us guidance on how to live our lives."
"I want to be remembered as having a purposeful life despite the chaos I want to be remembered as being one of the most loving person someone could have met."
"Nothing in your life happens by accident because everything in your life is intended to be in alignment with God's purpose."
"The adventure of following Him, their life had purpose, it had meaning, they were ready for anything."
"A life lived with purpose, contentment, and a deep connection to the world around us offers something priceless."
"Who knows if this is not the reason you became the queen."
"Are you living your life consciously with intention and with purpose?"
"God hath saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace."
"Everything has happened by chance, but this chance is really purposeful."
"God has a plan for you, God has a purpose for your life."
"We were all born to make a life that God can use in His coming kingdom."
"People who really live are people who are on the path, found what they're here to do."
"Where can ordinary people find meaning and purpose to their lives, a sense of commitment and caring?"
"If our existence is meaningful and purposeful, that automatically implies that there was a purpose for which we came into being."
"Samuel wasn't looking for a calling; the calling was looking for him."
"Everything in the universe is not a mistake, chosen one. You were sent here to do a special mission, a special assignment."
"He was put on this earth to do insanely audacious things."
"She was looking at a life that stretched out before her, filled with good deeds, her work which she loved, and always looking to help others."
"Do you want God to change everything about everything because you were on the planet?"
"Everything that you will touch will become gold because they are guiding you for a higher purpose."
"I want a life of significance; I want a life that counts."