
Web Content Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"However, websites might start to have some trouble. This is the fundamental thing. So the idea is we're at a pivotal point with AI."
"The goal of your pages should be to satisfy the searcher's intent."
"If it's just for web delivery, you can run through the entire process using just H.264."
"Enhancing user experience with dynamic content."
"The Deep Web is estimated to have 4 billion pages on it which is around 4 to 500 times the amount the surface web has which is freaking crazy."
"Writing content is the most important thing about websites."
"The affected content is what we usually see on a website."
"The front end portal allows you to view and work with GIS content in the map viewer, and you can also bring in GIS items from the web."
"Website copy is basically the stuff that goes on people's websites."
"Expect our header to have text content 'Hello World'."
"But that is okay, there's so much outdated, bad information, misinformation on the web."
"Headings and labels should describe the topic and the purpose of the page."
"Web content should be written in a way which caters to what the reader wants."
"We'll learn how to find free video content that you can insert into your website."
"All right, all right, welcome to Because Web channel, my name is Bekas."
"I love the fact that the principal actually appreciates their web show."
"Credibility and originality are essential components of good web content."
"We have the ability to include text in our web pages, we have the ability to include headings."
"HTML lets you put the content on the page, and then we use CSS to make it pretty."
"SEO stands for search engine optimization and is actually, in my opinion, most of the times it's three things: content, strategy, and technical."
"You're getting no SEO value from any of the images on that web page, but if you use real images and you use alt tags, Google now can crawl and index all of those images."
"The en here just stands for English, and that just means that this HTML content is going to be an English-language website."
"Much of the text content on a web page will be made up of headings and paragraphs."
"You could write HTML into that index.html file or you could dynamically insert HTML elements into the page using JavaScript."
"Block visibility... opens up an abundance of options when it comes to displaying content on your website."
"Content for the web is anything of substance that you need to share, promote, or provide information to your users about your business or services."
"Widgets are basically small blocks of content used for areas like your sidebar or footer."
"You can really add anything to this, anything you want to show up in your sidebar or your footer area."
"Delivering the goods is about getting the web content out to your users as fast as possible."
"Deliver the actual HTML that has the content the user wants to see."
"By changing the type of HTML, the type of mark-up that you use with your content, you give different instructions to a web browser on how your content should be displayed."
"HTML can point the browser to pictures, create forms, and many other types of web-based content."
"Imagine having this kind of content on the website where you can have an interactive bill of materials or parts list."
"Now if I refresh this one, you will see the new review is added."
"Dynamic web content... specialized bicycle company used a KeyShot XR as the landing page for their campaign."
"This just explodes the amount of content that's there and available and in terms of search, this means that there's a good answer that's available anywhere on the web regardless of what language it's written in, we can find it and help provide it to our users."
"For the testimonials section, we'll be using what's called Bootstrap cards to display the images, the title, and the paragraph for each one of the cards."
"Let's add an image inside this box."
"We're going to have the title label, date label, and a web view."
"Okay, so that's our text area, let's put a placeholder, we say, 'What's on your mind?'"
"Blip was ahead of the game on allowing you to monetize."
"You only want to have one heading one per page that shows both your users and Google's little robots what that page is about."
"Notice that the entire contents of the page are nested within an html element."
"Real-time web things are coming in constantly, content that users are interested in, and we want to make it available to them as easy and fast as possible without having to refresh the page."
"It enables you to embed any web content into a .NET MAUI app but still speak back and forth between the JavaScript and the C# code."
"We're really excited about what trusted web activities means for your ability to make the most out of your web content."