
Butterflies Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"The monarchs that live in Eastern North America fly to their second home in Mexico's Sierra Madre mountains, while those in Western North America travel all the way to California."
"If you have lepidopterophobia, the fear of butterflies, then even looking at a monarch could be terrifying."
"This massive movement of butterflies has been called one of the most spectacular natural phenomena in the world."
"Oh dear Jesus Christ so this guy has a weird obsession with butterflies encased in glasses these are gorgeous."
"This is your transformation. You guys could be seeing butterflies right now or thinking about wearing butterflies in your hair. If you aren't, do it, do it, do it!"
"Honestly, butterflies may be the best bug."
"Oh, baby, I know you're the one, 'cause I get butterflies every time I see you, girl."
"'Cause I know I'm in love, 'cause I get butterflies every time I see you, girl."
"...even when the blue morpho butterfly is dead, its wings will still reflect the same brilliant blue."
"Butterflies love flowers. Great job showing us butterflies, Mr. Noodle."
"I'm honestly getting like butterflies. It's a huge change for me, for us."
"The mimic butterflies itself can mimic the voices of ponies during hallucinations."
"Decorative Suncatcher is so pretty with the butterflies."
"You give me butterflies that make my heart race."
"Born to fly, butterflies wander through a wide variety of habitats, mostly in search of nectar from flowers."
"The Butterfly Palace rainforest adventure offers visitors a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the beauty of butterflies."
"In other European countries they are difficult but here we've only really got 59 resident types of butterfly plus a few others that come in as migrants rare migrants really so they're not they're not too difficult they are a beginners group as we call them."
"scientists can practically walk across the snow with a butterfly net and scoop them up"
"If we want to see continuing generations of the butterflies, we need to give the adults the nectar but we need to provide a place for them to lay their eggs so that the caterpillars can succeed for the next generation."
"Butterflies will drink blood if given the chance."
"There's just nothing cuter than a butterfly."
"If the world needs anything, it's more butterflies."
"Butterflies like things that are red, orange, yellow, pink, purple, and blue colored."
"Sizes: big flowers tend to attract bigger butterflies, little flowers tend to attract little butterflies."
"The male butterflies go and do puddling, which is they're looking for stony surfaces that accumulate some water and then they go and drink it."
"Chrysalises, because here's the thing, they will go, those caterpillars, they'll travel really far from a foot to 20 to 30 feet away to find that perfect place to hang their little chrysalis."
"Putting a mulch down prevents you from getting weeds in where you just put in your new butterfly garden and will help prevent you having to use pesticides."
"There's just something that's so wonderful watching the whole full cycle of life as butterflies go from eggs to caterpillars stretching those wings then going off to become butterflies and then flitting, floating, and flying all around your garden too."
"Find out which butterflies are in your area, otherwise, you might be wasting your money."
"Commandment number nine is to provide water and minerals to sip. Butterflies don't live by nectar alone."
"Every butterfly I see, it's like Giga 24 hours kid. So if you kill a butterfly, you're like, 'Oh man, you've just like, this motherfucker's been working towards this his whole life and you've just killed it.'"
"Did you know butterflies have their own way of sleeping?"
"Without magic there would be no butterflies."
"I love you beautiful butterflies."
"It's that stage where every time you hold their hand, you get the me butterflies."
"I love the added effects of the butterflies. I don't think I've ever used butterflies in one of my displays before."
"Butterflies are good as long as they're in line."
"These are perfect for spring butterflies."
"I get butterflies every time I lock eyes with yours."
"The Viceroy is a well-known mimic of the Monarch."
"It was magical, okay, I think, actually they had like real butterflies in there."
"Butterflies fly in all different directions, do not panic."
"There are butterflies everywhere, how magical."
"Butterflies only eat liquids like flower nectar and sap from flowers on trees."
"I'm loving all the butterfly things."
"I love butterflies so much, how did you guys know it's one of my favorite emotes?"
"I love this one because there's tons of butterfly size options with really amazing details."
"I'm in my butterfly activist era a hundred percent, and I think it's gonna be an era that lasts forever."
"I truly believe that butterflies are just dead relatives saying hi."
"Butterflies are cold-blooded, their body temperature depends on the sun."
"We have eight monarch butterflies... these monarch butterflies are actually on the verge of being on the endangered species list."
"I never see swarms of Monarch butterflies anymore."
"Butterflies are cool and there's caterpillars on the milkweed, so it's like two in one: you get the plant and the caterpillar."
"We're gonna have lots of butterflies in our future."
"Every time I see a butterfly, I think of him."
"Every time I see you, I still get them crazy butterflies."
"The monarch butterfly migrates to Mexico and back every year."
"They are the only butterfly that make a two-way migration like birds, they travel 3,000 miles all the way down to Mexico."
"We've had the most butterflies this year than we've had any year."
"Those butterflies that flutter around in your stomach when that person you like looks your way."
"Have you ever heard of a glass-winged butterfly? I have, yeah, they're beautiful."
"I had never felt so many butterflies before you."
"We started seeing all of these monarch butterflies all over the place, and they were just so beautiful."
"No one's gonna notice unless they're a butterfly expert."
"Monarch eggs, yeah, like for Monarch butterflies. They come, they lay their eggs on the milkweed, turns into caterpillars, turns into butterflies. The cycle continues."
"You should never grab a Monarch butterfly by its wings."
"Butterflies are always kind of in motion, so it looks like they're in motion."
"The butterflies have really been enjoying this area."
"We've seen a ton of butterflies just out on our hikes, so can't imagine how many we'll see in here."
"So we're gonna treat them, see how many we can save."
"I've got more blooms to come, the butterflies absolutely love this."
"City ordinance number 352 in Pacific Grove, California makes it a misdemeanor to kill or threaten a butterfly."
"I like butterflies because you can use them for many occasions."
"Butterflies come in all shapes and sizes, the tiniest ones spread their wings for only 2 mm."
"I am nervous. She's nervous. Yeah, she still gets butterflies."
"I still get butterflies in my stomach whenever I see that smile."
"I like butterfly weed... it's a great plant for attracting butterflies."
"Butterflies are so amazing, some of them have got eyes on the underneath of their wings."
"I don't want to kill him; I want him to grow up to be butterflies. The world needs more butterflies."
"It is important because butterflies not only serve to make the ecosystem look beautiful but also help with pollination."
"Butterflies are very important for the environment because they help with pollination."
"Does anyone have a favorite butterfly? I know that monarchs are pretty popular."
"The meteor shower verbena is looking great and I am noticing a lot of butterflies visiting it."
"A girl can never have too many butterflies."
"So this is a blue morpho, a monarch, these two are limited edition, one of each, once they're gone, they're gone."
"I love the butterflies here and this Bambi down here."
"He is thoughtful and considerate, and butterflies explode in my stomach just thinking about him."
"Pretty! It's a butterfly heaven. There's so many of them."
"I'm not too much of a girly girl, but I absolutely love butterflies."
"Butterflies have four wings... two wings on top and two wings on the bottom."
"We like each other, we're crushing, you know? You get a little bit awkward, but like, you just get okay, the butterflies come on like a second."
"Look at all these butterflies. I hope you all can see this on camera; they're all over the place."
"I really like the butterflies, that's cool."
"Butterflies are so cool and they're pollinators."
"We're doing it for the butterflies, to hopefully provide more food and resources for them."
"Butterflies that come out at night."
"Entering a new relationship can be an exciting time, feeling those butterflies when you see that person."
"I really love the little extra element of these little butterflies flying around. I think it makes it look super cute."
"As the garden started coming back, the butterflies woke up, so we got monarchs again."
"Butterflies start as caterpillars, they go through metamorphosis, and then they become beautiful butterflies."
"We sell our butterflies all over the world."
"Did you know butterflies don't taste their food the way we do, but with their feet?"
"Why I used to love watching butterflies just floating around."
"The first butterflies have also started to arrive, so very, very excited about that."
"It's so nice, I was watching these butterflies chase each other around."
"I love butterflies, I'm obsessed."
"Butterflies are a tenacious little insect, let me tell you. You know they seem delicate, but, man, they are resilient little creatures."
"I've already seen two butterflies today, so that's encouraging and just always a delight to see."
"We just released a bunch of Monarch butterflies out in the garden, and one thing we've found is these monarchs have been loving the hydrangeas."
"Butterflies are awesome, they're basically like flying jewelry."
"My milkweed patch brings all the butterflies to the yard."
"I did like seeing a monarch butterfly in my driveway because I plant milkweed to attract monarch butterflies."
"This officially makes them butterflies."
"They are the forgotten butterflies, and I'm here to tell people about them."
"I love looking at butterflies, they just flap their wings and they're so graceful."
"Butterflies are amazing, they can migrate thousands of kilometers."
"It's definitely been a better summer for butterflies."
"We're calling on everyone to create a space, a place where butterflies can live, can breed, can shelter, can feed from flowers."
"The moment that gives me butterflies is the first time he actually kissed me."
"Did you know butterflies have their own way of sleeping? It's not so much sleeping as it is having a rest."
"I love them butterflies, let's project."
"These butterflies are meant to be put together as a thoughtful gift for someone."
"Quite astounding migration that the monarch butterfly undertakes."
"The swallowtails, like the citrus swallowtail, are absolutely beautiful, the vivid colors, quite large butterflies."
"The butterflies' chrysalis is actually formed by the final molt of the exoskeleton."
"Oh my goodness, you know me and fairies, fairies and moons, and we've even got a butterfly."
"There is so much to teach and so much to learn from following the monarch butterfly life cycle."
"There is so much to learn about these butterflies; I could probably teach a year-long course and just talk about the monarchs and show you and teach you so many things about life and nature just with the monarchs alone."
"Five little butterflies resting at the door, one flew away and then there were four."
"The plant itself is actually also a very important larval food for a couple of butterflies."
"They are fascinating butterflies because they actually mimic the African monarch."
"When you see the contrasting shades of a common diadem, they really stand out."
"Isn't that beautiful? So you see those very prominent markings on the wings."
"Corky stem Passion vine is not an aggressive grower and it gets knocked back a lot by caterpillars because this plant is actually a butterfly host plant."
"I feel like this is Valentine's Day for butterflies, we just don't know it, there's love in the air quite literally everywhere."
"I'm so happy because I got to see so many butterflies."
"These butterflies spend the winter in the UK as adults, seeking out places under bark or in tree cavities and crevices in which to hibernate."
"Monarch butterflies travel more than a thousand miles to reach Mexico and their hibernating grounds."
"I have tons of butterflies all over my room, for those of you who do not know, I am obsessed with butterflies."
"No other butterfly makes such a long and intrepid journey."
"We've got everything from egg to full-grown adult butterflies."
"After all this time, you still give me butterflies."
"By the end of the summer, there will be butterflies dancing all around in these flowers."
"It's like a dream come true that he found the trees essentially just festooned with billions probably of monarch butterflies."
"Beautiful, two little butterflies coming together. I love it."
"You know I love butterflies, so I thought what better way to use this than to make a mini album."
"Look at all these beautiful butterflies, they're so pretty."
"I just love anything with butterflies."
"I love that plant primarily for the butterfly reason."
"I'm absolutely obsessed with butterflies."
"Butterflies are just such a beautiful animal; they represent so many nice things."
"Oh, it's not bad, okay, I kind of like those butterflies, I'm not mad at that."