
Stock Trading Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"For every time that happens, you're going to have 10 more times where the stock ends up tanking, and you're going to be really glad you took your profit off the table."
"Do not trade without a limit order capability ever."
"Living in a special time where we're all apes, you know, diamond hands together, ape strong together."
"I think short sellers are a really important part of a well-functioning market."
"Public.com, no payment for order flow, no market makers."
"Expect big movements, big swings. That's the name of the game for the market today."
"Honestly, it's an opportunity if there's volatility in a stock which is something you're looking for with call options to day trade."
"Traded sideways for a long time had a crazy engulfing candlestick pattern and then from there it gets people's attention."
"Swing trading annihilates two out of the four reasons that day trading is so detrimental for beginners."
"Price is back in the range, would need a minor support to break, a creative resistance if we get a closing 30 minute above this."
"With the $21,000 proceeds from the sale of Union Pacific I bought Salesforce ticker symbol CRM."
"But for me you know not so much of an issue but we will quickly just go over this again this shows us the open quantity so how many shares we have open right now."
"Fundamental analysis is a very valuable part of a trading strategy."
"I wake up giddy every morning because it seems like we're getting closer and closer to the squeeze."
"Understanding when a stock has begun to reverse is key to finding the best opportunities as well as knowing when to cut losses."
"When price breaks through the cloud, it can confirm a trend change."
"If we close above 32.68, that just makes it a stupid play for them."
"I will cover, I will get out of my position for the squeeze when the shorts cover, it's that simple."
"Our mission at Robin Hood is to democratize finance for all. As they proceed to restrict stock trading for the poor who have gotten savvy to this game that Wall Street has been playing for decades."
"The people that caused this to happen... are taking that money from those institutional investors and then returning it to the average retail investor."
"Everybody knew that buying these shares in these companies was risky."
"If we had one stock like that every single day, 400, 300, we would be so grateful. Now it's not going to happen every day, but it happens more often than you think."
"The small guy Robin Hood traders are now beating out billionaires."
"This Wall Street Bets thing has shown we have power."
"We have been given one of the most unique opportunities ever for a small group of retail traders to actually affect incredibly positive change for the entire Wall Street system."
"XSPA has proved for the last 20 days to have insane spike ability."
"Being able to know this ahead of time and take advantage of these opportunities is key."
"PayPal is exploring a stock trading platform for U.S customers, they want to let individuals trade stocks."
"This is the problem that people have: they sell stocks because they don't know why they bought it."
"This is a comparable situation where you could see a drawn-out squeeze for AMC, so that's massive guys, absolutely huge."
"Looking at level 2 data on just any old stock is pointless; we only look at level 2 data on stocks that are very active."
"This is all about reading the level 2. If you can't read the level 2, if you can't see those big sellers or the big buyers, you can't trade them."
"Pushing up the price of companies like GameStop..."
"One of the biggest mistakes that beginner traders make is trading stocks with low relative volume."
"So, that's really all it is. That's the first step, finding the right type of stock to trade."
"Just the last two days, two back-to-back fifty percent gains on option trades."
"As long as the stock market's open, I don't care if it goes up or down, we know how to make money in any market environment."
"You have to be able to laser yourself in and focus on a handful of different stocks."
"We like to trade Nasdaq and NYSE stocks, and that's no exception on the short side."
"Wow, what a move. What a move, this is such a bullish signal."
"Most of these stocks have most of their price action intraday or in a couple of days."
"Nice upside move... maybe Shopify... a lot of spice happening right now."
"Meta just came back into 150... I'm out because we could go all the way to 149."
"Trading their way to the top of our list is Ragusa."
"We finally got some life back into the market... today is going to be a fun show."
"I think over the week we're going to see a massive move... seeing a nice 20-30% pump to the upside."
"I think what they mean is off exchange percentage, not dark pool percentage."
"The only people that are going to win with these OTC stocks are the ones that have the patience."
"You're going to prove to yourself that you can choose the right stocks, manage your risk, and find the patterns."
"One of the most important parts of scanning for stocks is always remembering to hit that ravishing like one and also of course subscribing."
"I want to scale out slowly on the ask to get the best price."
"This was an incredible move from $2 to $14 in one day."
"GME just made a new intraday high itself, right above 180. Remember, we have resistance around 185-ish."
"AMC hit 37.35, currently up 8.8 on the day, making some money, making some money, honey."
"PRG: Alive play, wait for that $3 recapture."
"Robinhood is an app for you to trade stocks, deeply loved and beloved by millennials."
"The market order ended up working, the limit did not, and I still got a better price on market than where we sit right now with an average fill of 236."
"If you're able to get into this in the pre-market under 18 bucks I do think 17.30 is the best possible entry point."
"They're trading mechanisms now. It's the momentum trade. If you want to get long, they'll throw them out tomorrow if the momentum goes south."
"I might start shorting stocks that [ __ ] I know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna start buying leak puts on [ __ ] companies like this. I'm gonna try that out because I'm already profitable."
"If we realize that one of our investment thesis, the research we did on the stock, was misjudged, we should sell this stock as soon as we realize that error."
"The third reason we should sell a stock is if we find a much more attractive situation in a different stock."
"Sell it as soon as you made the mistake... it's okay to lose money on a mistake."
"It's a B-E-A-U-T of a bullish pattern, folks."
"We need to know more about Robin Hood's decision to block retail investors from purchasing stock while hedge funds are freely able to trade the stock as they see fit." - AOC
"Solid numbers and half dollars and quarter dollars are all psychological resistances."
"You never see anybody that has a net worth higher than 50 million dollars talk about actively trading, with the exception maybe of Paul Tudor Jones and maybe 65 other people."
"No thanks, I don't know, hey, play the dips on this one folks."
"You know, I don't fall in love with stocks. I don't fall in love with the trade. There's always going to be opportunities, always. You have to know where to look and you have to know how to capitalize on it."
"I just knew it could continue crashing, but on the alternate side, it could rip back up towards the close."
"Prague breaking out again to post-crash highs as retail fights short sellers all the way to the bank."
"It's the short squeeze people. It's coming up."
"The best stock traders make their decisions instinctively. They're not sitting down with a pen and paper and rationally thinking. It's instant."
"Robin Hood trades are not free. When you pay for order flow, you're probably charging your customers more and pretending to be free."
"If you're talking about what really drives a stock market in the short term, sentiment is really everything."
"Power of women traders: more rational, disciplined, measured."
"I still trade options on the Robinhood app because, to be honest, it's slick and I really like it."
"Buy the red, sell the green. Don't do the opposite."
"Over the last few weeks, more and more people on WallStreetBets, as well as other individual investors, have been buying GameStop shares."
"I just think it's a play for Wall Street bets to take free money from Robinhood to further AMC movement and trade. Could be."
"Claim your free stocks and start investing with confidence."
"Know your order types: market, limit, and stop loss."
"The GME gamma squeeze is a game-changing maneuver."
"Short sellers are forced to cover, driving the price still higher."
"Greed is not good. If you're holding calls or puts closer to expiration and you're up, the trade is profitable. Take the profits."
"I bought Tesla stock in 2015. that's almost eight years ago as of last week I've now sold the vast majority of the stock."
"I went right back into the long in front of the level from this morning on AMC."
"Gamestop just broke over 10, 11% - Gamestop pushing very, very nicely."
"If you're short a stock that's not paying a dividend, well then you don't have to pay that."
"There are three numbers to look out for in this story: $700,000, $25 million, and the share price at the end of its first full day of trading."
"Timing the market isn't easy, but spotting liquidity zones helps."
"Let me know if you're trading Palantir and what your cost basis was."
"FTX is a platform that's moving into a lot of other categories... stock platform that offers free trades... incredibly simple to use."
"Stop orders allow price to give more support and evidence."
"I know that whenever the stock drops in value, some people panic and start selling, but that's when I jump in and buy even more stocks at a discounted price."
"Looking at this postmarket action, I mean we're ripping folks, we are ripping."
"Write this down if you have not yet written this down, you should write this down, especially if you're thinking about trading Facebook in the after hours." - Elon Musk
"It's time to start watching the indexes if you're interested in trading them and that includes all individual stocks across the board."
"Those little edge cases often end up happening."
"And they crushed it, do you know how much they're up right now? That is ridiculous, those are the kind of trades that you could probably fade and just get a quick like 10."
"Capturing breakouts that lead to large candles making big moves and equaling massive profits."
"The 20 is above the 50 period moving average."
"You can't play momentum with volume going down, it just doesn't work."
"So I want to be shorting these Peaks on SI if there's any kind of a bounce."
"Two trades one went full profit already it was in TCL."
"If you're interested in swing trades, that's where I put out my live trades."
"Now executing an equity trade is free that's called Robinhood."
"Thousands of put stock options were bought on United and American Airlines immediately prior to September 11th, 2001."
"Support and resistance levels are crucial in predicting price movements."
"I made money off of GME, AMC, I made money off of Dogecoin."
"The mere fact that a stock is trading five or 10 million shares a day is a real good indication maybe I should take some money off the table."
"The only reason to halt a stock is if there's explicit evidence of fraud... or if there's a significant material economic event that has not been disclosed."
"Touch ding! It's like gotta touch Kevin's line."
"Hopefully tomorrow we'll have another green day it'll be the seventh green day for me if I can finish green which hopefully I'll be able to do right on Owen."
"I guess I'm sitting now up 89,000 on the month."
"You want to be a buyer when they open up positive the next day."
"Bullish harami—tells us the selling has stopped."
"If we can identify those signals to tell us where the buyers are coming in... the probabilities are greatly in our favor."
"Candlestick analysis is merely identifying where the signals are occurring."
"Investing in stocks is so much easier, you just hit a button."
"Look for floats under 20 million for hot penny stocks."
"Predictability in the stock market, predicting stocks, and this is why you guys can really do it."
"If you're measuring your time horizon in days instead of years, you are a stock trader, not an investor."
"AMC betting back around running for the Moon."
"Success comes from traders who have a systematic approach for the stocks they buy, the time of day they trade, where they get in, and where they get out."
"Short squeezes and gamma squeezes happening at the same time create an unending feedback loop."
"Robin Hood doesn't charge commission fees you can trade stocks and keep all of your profits it's easy understand charts and."
"Cut your losses quickly and take your gains quickly with penny stocks."
"Being a buy and hold investor, you're gonna be making a lot more money... than just doing random penny trading."
"We are dumb money three friends who turn thirty thousand dollars into thirty million dollars using nothing more than twitter and a zero commission trading account."
"This is not the squeeze. You'll know when it's the squeeze. It's going to be a much higher growth than this."
"We have a contrast between the 30 minutes chart and the daily chart, the 30 minutes suggesting a pullback, the dailies are suggesting a continuation of the pop and rebound higher."
"Public is an investment platform where you can invest in thousands of stocks ETFs and more."
"But intraday i guess i could risk 80 but i don't really want to burn a day trade on that because i know what the daily chart looks like."
"When nordstrom's breaks 1850, I want to be short the stock."
"and then Facebook which is trading at uh according to you in January 13 times forward earnings Max pessimism"
"If it's best to get into the stock near the 20, what do you do when you get away from the 20? You sell and wait."
"I always give ranges, right? So it could be like the 58 to 56, 56 to a 58,000 range that we build support levels on then bounce our way back up to new all-time highs. That's personally how I'm seeing the market play out."
"GME has hit the green mark, $222.24 is the brand new high."
"It's true, he posted the 'you only live once' update on Reddit. Says Keith Gill."
"That's why I use a trailing stop loss when I'm in profit because if the stock keeps running, I keep making more money. But if it turns around and trips the stop loss, then I'm in profit. I can't lose because I'm already 80 percent up."
"I'm gonna be a perpetual AMC genie ape, I'm not going anywhere!"
"This whole GameStop trade, it's an anti-establishment spy trade."
"When you sit here and you trade these stocks, what you have to look for is outs if you're wrong."
"What these OTC names and some of these swing positions provide is just immense risk reward where again you're able to risk 10 cents and this particular stock went from 20 cents to a dollar 58."
"Listen to the stock, respect the price action, price action is king."
"Facebook breaking through 234.10, I like it."
"This is great for people who want to start trading and practicing with very volatile stocks that have clear catalysts."
"We are unveiling our free tool that we use to find some of our best stock picks."
"You don't always have to sell at the first spike or look to sell whenever the stock just starts to pull back because a lot of times they can just start to take off again once they break through those high of the days."
"There it is right there so right there you're always looking for that back to 2021 January February there there's palette tier getting squeezed out as well."
"Every transaction has a buyer and a seller. And if they're selling the stock, the apes are scooping it up and they're waiting to freaking bleed these guys dry."
"Every day we're finding more and more about the true price discovery of these stocks."
"As long as these candles can keep closing above this level, we will be hopefully printing a new all-time high."
"It's like the dip basically was the first minute. Again, we talked about that. We literally talked about it. It's like, here's your dip, and here you go to the moon."
"When there's good news, they can make really big moves."
"Trade the best stocks and trade the best patterns... your accuracy will improve, your profit loss ratio will improve, your confidence will improve."
"If we can close the weekly above this, this would be pretty good."
"Fear is no place for a stock trader."
"Congratulations if you believed in that off the open."
"If you're going to learn anything from us, it's that it's trade stocks that are moving."
"If the market were to run up from here, it'd probably be a good time to use that strength to sell your stocks."
"Thank god on that one, we'll go diamond hands again on Palantir buying these 24s, what a great trade that's turned out to be."
"What you want to do is you want to get a list of stocks that are showing relative strength that are holding up really well because when the market resumes trend those stocks are going to have some big breakouts."
"Once the stock holds the key level, breaks through pre-market highs, you can see it had a really, really strong breakout."
"If a stock is really breaking through 52-week highs, it should keep going and form a strong trend."
"It's essentially trading at Book value and this is a premium dividend Aristocrat."
"So fast forward a little bit here you can see the stock is still consolidating around that view up area I'm gonna stock like this I definitely use a five-minute chart."
"It's that first uh uh you know couple months of a stock so I'm not thinking long term and well I traded a firm you know many times over the last year and the uh approach here was more swing trade-minded."
"The agent then takes another phone call. The investor enters an order online to sell the stock and receives an execution at 19."
"I ended up learning a lot of mistakes that I did. I was a sheep, you know? I chased the trades that the Guru would go along, and obviously most of these stocks were low flow stock, so you end up chasing that a bigger price and you know, I got burned."
"Trade the stock, don't let the stock trade you."
"So far, so good on the sticky note, man. We've got Rivian, there we've got Snapchat long 1150."
"Develop a series of profit targets based on a stock's volatility."
"Understanding when and where a stock is likely to pivot to go higher or go lower is one of the single most important things you can learn in trading."
"I finally read 'Reminiscences of a Stock Operator'."
"Robin Hood is a relatively newer kid on the block, but anyone can trade stocks on the platform for free."
"They offer an edge in today's markets."
"A setup is basically a repeatable price pattern that indicates that a stock is under accumulation and is at a key spot where we can expect a large directional move either upwards or downwards."
"I'm happy I got out of that Q short... now it's breaking above that 50 point level and that was definitely my line in the sand."
"The VIP program is five thousand... that includes all of my stock courses from intro to advanced and you get personal coaching from me."
"When the stock is rapidly going up, shorts are gonna panic and they're gonna panic buy."
"This program uses Fibonacci retracement levels and MACD to indicate when to buy and sell stock."
"I'm gonna teach you how to get some money, I'll teach you how to trade stocks or teach you how to do something."
"I'm dip buying these stocks that have potential breakouts."
"When a stock breaks the 52-week high, you enter the stock and ride the price movement for a bit more and make some nice profit there."
"Stock trading is a marathon, not a sprint race."
"I like reading lately; I've been reading a lot about stock trading psychology and also a lot of self-help books."
"This cash credit reduces the cost bases of the stock and reduces the overall risk of the trade."
"It's all good baby baby because this is not all a dream, you're watching live GameStop trade."
"Come on AMD, we're going to make money here at the end of the day."
"It's so much easier to make money on a stock that's in a strong uptrend or a strong downtrend."