
Customer Understanding Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"The key to success is a deep understanding of your customer. Market research is how you get there."
"Yeah, it is. I think being able to read the customer... Everyone's different. I think that's super important..."
"The customer doesn't buy when they understand, they buy when they feel understood."
"You gotta understand your brand, you gotta understand your guest base, and you gotta make those decisions based on who you're trying to be as a club."
"If you try to build software where you don't deeply understand the problem or you don't deeply understand the customer, you're never going to succeed because you'll always be one step behind a competitor that does."
"Know your market, study your potential customer base, and know how you're going to appeal to them."
"Knowing your consumer gives you the ability to give them a more compelling experience and have a connection."
"Understand your audience's false beliefs... about the thing you're trying to sell them... their internal ability to do the thing... and then the external fear they have."
"At the core of a great user interview you need to learn about their life, you need to talk about specifics around the problem area that you're trying to solve that the user may be going through."
"Brand awareness is really about being aware of your target customer, understanding and clarifying your brand story, and ensuring alignment across the marketing mix."
"Figure out what your dream customer's pain is and then figure out what his real desire is."
"Luxury is about having a deep and absolute understanding of what your customers need and want."
"People buy from you, love you, adore you, will learn from you if they feel understood."
"Understanding your customer... is really the most important part of sourcing."
"Don't just listen to what they say they want, understand them deeper than they understand themselves."
"McDonald's focuses on understanding and catering to evolving customer tastes."
"Tech problems are significant... please be understanding or leave you could just not be understanding leave if you want that's fine too."
"Our job as marketers is to turn human understanding into business advantage."
"If you understand what your customer needs better than they can, they will assume that you have the answer."
"A good salesperson first seeks to understand the true nature of a customer's problem and only then offers a solution."
"The consumer isn't as dumb as a lot of people think."
"Get in their shoes... Start to think more like your buyers."
"Volkswagen understands how their customers use GTI... they're putting a lot of performance cred in this vehicle."
"The most important thing in selling is for you as the person selling to understand the desires of the person you're selling to, the pains and the pleasures of the person you're selling to."
"Understanding your customer is the single most important thing that you need to do with anything before you start anything."
"Knowing your customers is so important. When you really understand the customer, you understand what they need after your product."
"Sustainable growth comes from understanding your best customers."
"Understanding the customer is very very important when you're working as a technician."
"Knowing your customer is really going to focus you in terms of design. What would they prefer? That'll help guide you in the design process."
"We truly appreciate your being understanding of that Q4 is when most stores and brands are running holiday promotions."
"You've got to know who your ideal customer is and you got to go deep enough to understand what are their desires, what are their goals, and what are their needs."
"You need to understand what are your customers looking for and what are you offering to them."
"It's not until you really understand your customer that you can design a call to action offer that's going to resonate with them and get them to act."
"This tells me Yeti understands their customer."
"it's just it's an example of the brand knowing its customer"
"Knowing your niche is very important since it can help you understand what interests the customer base."
"Think of a buyer persona as building a fictional avatar of your ideal customer. It helps you understand your customer's goals as well as pain points so you can effectively market to them on multiple different channels."
"The best time to know who your customers are is before you even get the idea for your business."
"Know your market and know your customers, not from a feature function perspective, but to live and breathe the world of so what, who cares, and why."
"If your story describes your customer's problem better than they can describe it themselves, they will automatically assume you have the best solution. That process is automatic."
"I love how Winnebago truly understands why you're buying this."
"Adding so much more context to what you're offering... the customer can understand the story and the value of what you provide."
"Knowing who wants to buy your prints and why they want to buy your prints is as important as the actual content of the prints itself."
"Mastering value propositions is about understanding customers and designing what they want."
"Once you know who your ideal customer is, then you will have a better understanding of how exactly to get your product in front of your ideal customer."
"By better understanding your customer, you're better able to position your business as the core solution to their problems."
"Have quality, don't undercut your competitors in your area, and make sure that you take the time to know and understand what your customer needs."
"The most important thing is understanding the mind of your prospect."
"I felt like I needed to understand what our customer was, the tones they were going after, and what kind of vibes they want."
"So you have to understand what your customer wants, the top level requirements."
"We need to know who our customers are so we can take their perspective on addressing and setting priorities for maintenance for support."
"A product marketing manager is able to influence the tactical execution for one main reason: you understand customers better than anybody else."
"You want to understand what the customer wants and what they're trying to achieve and what they're looking for."
"The more you understand your customer, the better you can select the best social media platforms to reach and engage them."
"When you understand your customers, you better understand your business."
"If you choose the right market with the right products, one with plenty of customers who understand and need your product, you'll most likely have a head start on success."
"It's really about having that 360-degree view of your customer."
"It's important that we know our customers well, what their journey looks like, and what they care about."
"Understanding your customer demographic is huge, it is critical actually for your business."
"It's going to be an education piece... even a new customer is going to have to understand the new and the old."
"Understanding the nature of your customer and what they desire to buy will always trump even the best search engine marketing strategies."
"We really want to understand what our customers' needs are, and each industry has a specific need."
"Understanding deeply your customer's challenges is really quite valuable."
"You want to be able to understand who your audience is."
"The more understanding you have about your customers, the easier it is to build your product and scale your company."
"Once again we deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused and we appreciate your understanding during this time."
"Imagine being able to understand the minds of all your customers and website visitors."
"Do you really know who your customer is?"
"We're only going to uncover if we have a good understanding of our customer."
"Ultimately, we're engaged in this process of empathy, which we know is critically important."
"Great interactions begin with knowing what your customers want and need."
"You're not trying to find out if they can buy, you're trying to find out why they would buy."
"Software engineering starts before any development even begins and we start off by actually understanding what the customer wants first."
"The objectives for the meeting are to understand how your teams are structured, how they work, and who your customers are."
"Straight away it's a nicely readable title where the customer knows exactly what they're getting."
"Understanding customers is key to success; Predictive Analytics helps organizations gain a deeper understanding of customer behavior, their preferences, and their overall needs."
"The retailers and the merchants and the makers in the future that are gonna be really successful are gonna have a really deep understanding of what their customers want and how they wanna purchase."
"Understanding who your customers is, is definitely by far the number one crucial step that you need to take."
"Digging into the question why will help you go back and start understanding things about your customer, your channel, and your product."
"Understanding your customer base is so important."
"Keep a view on the big picture, understand your customers, create key performance indicators so you measure what counts."
"If you can't really describe a day in the life of your customer, how the hell can you build a product to meet their needs?"