
T-Rex Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"The level of accuracy that they actually were able to achieve with that T-Rex was extraordinary; it's by far one of the best T-Rex figures I personally have ever seen."
"Over that two and a half million years, which is 127,000 generations, that means about 2.5 billion T-Rex walked on this earth."
"The bite force of Tyrannosaurus Rex is unmatched; this carnivore can open its jaws to 80 degrees and slam down with the force of up to 34,500 Newtons."
"T-Rex: Not just a killing machine, but a real, complex animal."
"T-Rex: Not just a monstrous predator, but a complex creature with behaviors worth exploring."
"T-rex wasn't stupid... it was a pretty intelligent animal."
"T-rex had like quite literally a phenomenal sense of smell... several times stronger than a bloodhound."
"Creature identified: Tyrannosaurus Rex. Name comes from the Greek word meaning tyrant lizard. Weight of this T-Rex is seventeen thousand five hundred pounds."
"From the information that we have now, T-Rex could not really maneuver side to side like an athlete would."
"T-Rex might not have been the fearsome predator portrayed in books and movies."
"The original T-Rex from Jurassic Park and both Jurassic World movies has only killed two people in the entire franchise."
"Sue the T-rex: one of the largest, most complete, and best-preserved specimens ever discovered."
"In fact, when it comes to fearsome predators even today, nothing can quite compare to the hulking form of the T-rex, whether in flesh or machine."
"Just look at the jaw of this T-Rex. Holy ****"
"Relatives of T-Rex had feathers, indicated by fossil evidence."
"According to recent calculations, the bite of a T-Rex had more force than any other creature that's ever walked on land. They were capable of biting down on things with a force of 7.1 tons of force, about four times as much as a saltwater crocodile."
"T-Rex's teeth were the size of a large banana, extremely sharp at the ends."
"T-Rex wins this fight and takes the title of champion of all land dinosaurs."
"T-Rex's legs alone were taller than a basketball hoop."
"T-Rex could run at speeds of 45 mph. At that speed, T-Rex could get from New York to Philadelphia in about 2 hours. It was as fast as a modern car."
"T-Rex was indeed an apex predator equipped with formidable features such as powerful jaws and sharp teeth, indicating its capability to actively hunt and capture live prey."
"My secret weapon was a T-rex because that is the coolest thing that has ever existed."
"Can we stop comparing everything to T-rex? That species has become a unit of measurement at this point."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex is the largest carnivorous dinosaur in terms of mass."
"Given the time frame in which the Dinosaur King model was made in the 2000s, Terry is more than likely based on material still referred to T-Rex."
"Sounds like a T-Rex from the movies," I whispered aloud.
"A flock of flamingos can pick a T-Rex clean in under 90 seconds. Nature is brutal."
"Because bigger T-Ran tyrannosaurs are really popular we know they have these really bone-crushing bites so we're always asking how powerful were they right so it's a kind of a popularity thing there."
"This is a special t-rex that is very rare. You can see right here, the rare t-rex. Nice."
"The idea that T-Rex had feathers has gained traction among paleontologists in recent years."
"this was a great utilization of the t-rex"
"...direct evidence in the form of fossils bearing bite marks as well as digital analyses tell us that T-Rex had an incredibly powerful bite, the strongest bite force of a terrestrial animal ever."
"Evidence shows that many dinosaurs, including the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Velociraptor, were adorned with feathers."
"T-Rex had one of the most powerful bites of any land animal that ever lived."
"T-Rex had sharp vision, possibly surpassing that of modern Eagles."
"T-Rex had a brain that was larger than most other dinosaurs when compared to its body size."
"The iconic King of the Cretaceous, Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"It's only right that we kick it off with the king of the dinosaurs, the Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"The Tyrannosaurus Rex has the majority of the advantages in this battle."
"Ultimately, on a balanced environment, I would give the battle to the T-Rex nine times out of ten."
"This T-Rex had teeth like murder bananas."
"T-Rex was built for harboring the most intense bite force of any land animal to have ever lived and potentially any animal to have ever lived."
"This is our reconstruction of dynamore, the Tyrannosaurus Rex. That's him. I think this is the best way to bring him back to life."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex is easily one of the biggest, beefiest bipedal animals to ever live."
"The T-Rex is never going to lose its bite."
"It was a tremendous achievement by Prehistoric Planet to be able to feature T-Rex in a manner that felt fresh, unique, and original."
"Park rangers, we got T-Rex. You do awesome!"
"The T-Rex was one of the biggest predators."
"I like the T-Rex because it was one of the biggest predators."
"That was an awesome meal. I was really pleasantly surprised with T-REX."
"Not only was the T-Rex smarter, but it may have even been able to form some sort of unique social behavior."
"Believed to be a female, Scotty measured over 13 meters or just over 42 feet long and with a weight of 8.8 metric tons."
"Scotty's bones have been carefully preserved and are stored at the T-Rex Discovery Center in Eastend, Saskatchewan."
"There are actually four casts of Scotty in the world: the one here in Eastend, the one in Regina, there's one in Japan, and there's also one in Australia."
"Scotty does have a whole bunch of what are called paleo pathologies, so these are injuries that the animal got while it was alive but injuries that healed."
"T-Rexes did this thing called face biting where they would just like bite each other's faces, and that was their kind of territorial dispute or their competition for mates."
"Trex is the big brand in the industry; it's the one everyone knows."
"It's the cheapest option of getting yourself a Trex deck, which has a great warranty and a good reputation."
"How about a T-Rex dancing hip-hop but while trying to do a handstand flip? Big trouble, short arm issues."
"The T-Rex is awesome, nobody takes that down."
"The true God in the story of Jurassic Park is actually the Tyrannosaurus Rex."
"Nah, Tyrannosaurus Rex is the best. The T-Rex is the king of the dinosaurs."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex, or tyrant Lizard King, needs no real introduction as it's widely known and is one of, if not the most well recognized dinosaur ever."
"Over the years since its discovery, much has been learned about T. rex, and it's currently the non-avian dinosaur we know the most about."
"The T-Rex that appears here in prehistoric planets has more muscle, fat, and tissues."
"T. rex is considered to be the largest terrestrial predator to ever exist."
"The max speed T. rex could run at before its bones broke under their own weight would be 12 miles per hour."
"Fortunately, this came out at a time when the more accepted posture of the T-Rex is now tilted forward like this."
"The card has that incredible image of the T-Rex, absolutely breathtaking."
"If you are looking for that final scene version of a T-Rex from Jurassic Park, this is an absolutely incredible one to go with."
"The Tyrannosaurus Rex ate up to 22 tons of meat a year."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex is the best. The T-Rex is the king of the dinosaurs."
"I like to give my T-Rex an underbite; it kind of gives them a little attitude."
"The T-Rex could regrow its teeth."
"The T-Rex was the apex predator of the Cretaceous Period."
"It really is so refreshing seeing T-Rex just being a parent."
"It's got some battle damage on the side, it's got the gold reflective paint on the top, and overall just looks like a crazy amazing T-Rex figure."
"Tyrannosaurus Rex... Tyrant Lizard King, yep, I'd say he nailed it."
"Only one dinosaur bone has been found in Washington, and that first dinosaur bone, the left thigh bone of a T-rex, was found on the San Juan Islands."
"Oh no, it's only an experiment on the revival of the T-Rex."
"You're going to come face-to-face with the T-Rex in a big finale scene."
"The once and future king Tyrannosaurus rex."
"I absolutely love this T-rex; it's definitely centerpiece material in my collection."
"The classic T-Rex roar, love that."
"I wanted this T-Rex to look intimidating but not too scary."
"I really enjoy how they designed this T-Rex."
"This is a super fiery red T-Rex with black on the top, it's got some flame-like things on the side."
"I'm sure that the T-Rex is one of the best known apex predators."
"The T.rex, with its 2 to 2.4 ratio, could be as smart as a chimpanzee and smarter than dogs and cats."
"I'm just going to show you guys how I draw a T-Rex."