
Cultural Assimilation Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Most American Jews are only loosely actually religiously Jewish, but Jewish American culture is as American as any other subculture; it's just also Jewish."
"I wish they did teach me Italian, but they said we're in America we will speak English."
"White America to me is white people who have their own culture and the only way you'd be accepted by white America is if you adapt to their culture."
"Our history is now your history, our traditions are now your traditions, and our Constitution is now yours to safeguard, celebrate, and cherish as Americans."
"We're doing something right, immigrants immerse better over time to American values."
"There's a difference between mixing with the outside world and being sucked in by it."
"Assimilation ultimately is a thankless task; it's about other people's comfort, not your own needs."
"Christianity will move into a culture and assimilate, identifying with the heartbeat of the people who are hurting and lost."
"More and more people are assimilating... crucial gifts that Jung gave us..."
"If somebody wants to come in and assimilate to American values, I don't care what color they are."
"It's important to point out that Carlisle... became the archetype of off-reservation indian boarding schools... they learned military discipline... flag worship and religious obedience." - Nick Estes
"The film seems to argue that assimilation is preferred over annihilation."
"Everyone comes here from all over the earth. They bring their traditions, but you become part of the greater tradition of America."
"Sooner or later we pick up the language of our rulers, don't we? No one forced the people of Iberia to speak Latin, but it was certainly convenient."
"When there is no demand placed on immigrants any longer to assimilate into the founding liberal values of the countries to which they have emigrated instead a misguided and thoroughly wrongheaded policy of multiculturalism encourages the opposite."
"America has to be the great synthesizer, stealing ideas from wherever we can."
"This is a long-term thing, it takes a long time for people to switch their culture and religion but it's very worth doing."
"You're gonna be American, you speak the language, you live like Americans, you respect the rules of America."
"If America is to hold together, assimilation, not just good or bad, necessary."
"Assimilation as a societal goal has grave political consequences."
"I love the immigrant experience. These people come here, they work hard, they eat pizza, hamburgers, listen to rock music. They just become Americans."
"Welcome to our video on the Norman Conquest of Southern Italy, and the creation and culture of the Kingdom of Sicily."
"The vikings began raiding britain in the 790s although they started out as raiders once here they began to settle down."
"A single unit of people in a single location can be any size from 1 to a billion, as long as they share the same three attributes: culture, religion, and social class."
"Resembling them in their clothing will lead to loving them and aligning with them."
"By the time of the Abbasid Caliphate, the Muslims in many regions were totally Persianized."
"Just figure out what the problem is, then fix it, don't just change some parts."
"In assimilation, I don't care anybody says, is an awful thing."
"Thank goodness immigrants tend to assimilate."
"The Spartacus legend has a powerful popular appeal."
"Part of what sets the United States apart from their adversaries is their ability in the past to absorb people from all over the world and unify them under one culture with similar shared values."
"He unified China. He took these disparate states with different languages and with different writing systems, and he forced them all to be Chinese."
"We conquered these places but we didn't want to bring the people fully into the American project."
"Not just learn them, but we have to adopt them and not just adopt them but we have to master them and mirror them so that we actually become what the culture is."
"They told us that Indian ways were bad. They said we must get civilized."
"I found this store and it's literally your guys you become Korean."
"But the Jews in the Dispersion were becoming too like the Gentiles."
"This hindu spirituality is sort of making its way into our culture."
"...Easter itself the name Easter is similar to astarte right we have that name ishtal in the in the tanak it's an absolute Pagan again the Christian when Christianity developed these Roman holidays these Roman Pagan festivals became Christian festivals right."
"Belonging to the tribe didn't depend on one's birth ethnicity, family, or religion. So if anyone, even a Cherokee from Scotland, could learn the language and culture of one of the six Iroquois nations, they would be considered a member every bit as much as someone born into it."
"Egypt eventually became more Hellenized, meaning it imported the Greek religion, language, and culture."
"Americanization. That’s why lots of older shows had name changes."
"If these pagan traditions were incorporated into Christian festivals, then what other traditions survived under the surface or on the borders of society?"
"They learned the language, they took on the dress of the Babylonians, they participated in Babylonian culture. But then there came these moments, these line in the sand type moments, where they couldn't compromise."
"Those Chinese who had left China were actually not anymore Chinese."
"...to present them with the kind of wine god who they would have understood and tried to assimilate into practices that were ancestral to them that went back centuries."
"He's learned to like a lot of Earth's customs, food, movies, and especially music."
"One another strength of the Vikings is that they often moved to different places or went to different places, but they tried to assimilate with other people and adopt the culture of where they were going."
"I see us becoming more and more 'white' as we lose our language."
"Cultural convergence... our cultures are becoming more and more alike, more and more the same."
"Greek literature, art, religion, and philosophy were all absorbed into Roman culture."
"His coming to this country was all for good, and that his old beliefs were supplanted in his heart by the better faith."
"I feel ready to become French and I can't wait to share that journey with you guys."
"The Hittites assimilated the rich cultures of the many lands they conquered."
"You are not there to change that country... I'm here to assimilate as best as I can to understand the culture and languages and the practices of England."
"The process of Romanization started in these areas controlled by the Romans in the Iberian Peninsula."
"You came to bath houses a Gall or a Syrian, but you entered the water a Roman."
"...after two or three generations they became completely assimilated to the Egyptian culture."
"It is like a sponge, right? It is like this amazing language that absorbs all of these old world cultures and all these old world stories."
"The Romans remake it in the Roman manner, they add typical Roman buildings to it, create a kind of mini Rome in Greece."
"New research shows that one in five Asian Americans have hid their cultural heritage in order to fit into America."
"If you want to be more British... drink tea at least three times a day until it stains your teeth."
"In conquering the Greeks, they did not simply discard all that was Greek but rather they brought Greek cultural developments to Rome and continued with some shifts."
"Rome took good ideas wherever they found them, and was willing to let any barbarian become Roman so long as they took on Rome’s customs and learned Latin."
"She embraces the Russian culture, the language, the people, the history; she really does become Russian."
"Assimilation is the process of becoming American."
"In less than a hundred years, the fierce sea Rovers had become as good Frenchmen in speech and everything else as could be found in the kingdom."
"Anglicization is a process of becoming or acting British."
"The Mongols were never defeated; actually, they just assimilated into the society and eventually just became whatever culture they were."