
First-person Shooter Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Seeing a Southeast Asia tactical first-person shooter is very welcoming. I don't think we've seen one in quite some time."
"Pathfinder teaches you a lot about what makes something good in a first person shooter high ground burst mobility away and towards fights and also the ability to transport your team to those bursts mobility locations or high ground locations."
"Call of Duty is the game that provides that some of the best gunfight mechanics the best gunfight and feedback of any first-person shooter out there that's what Call of Duty has always done well."
"To have a pure, unfiltered action FPS experience."
"Halo Infinite is a remarkable release. Against the odds, I feel that 343 has delivered one of the best first-person shooters of the last decade."
"Metro Last Light Complete: easily one of the best FPS from last year, extremely atmospheric."
"Solaco is one of the most promising first-person shooters currently in development."
"Apex whenever it came out was the best FPS game on the market, and it was not even close."
"Phantom Forces: often referred to as one of Roblox's best FPS games ever."
"I'm excited. I think genre is a genius when it comes to FPS design."
"Battlefield 3: Easily worth the price of admission alone."
"Goldeneye was probably the best first-person shooter of the period."
"Destiny has the best gun play of any first person shooter."
"Americans have the best chance. These are the only games that we could win in. It's first person shooter. It's all we do here. This is our shot."
"A game which redefined what a first-person shooter could be."
"Doom Eternal is probably the greatest first-person shooter campaign of all time."
"Next up, let's talk about Diabotical, the free-to-play first-person shooter which is without a doubt the final hope for the arena FPS genre."
"In the most plainest sense, Deus Ex is a first-person adventure game with stealth RPG and shooter elements."
"It all starts with that most essential thing in any first-person shooters: inhabiting the view and position of a character."
"The awp epitomizes thrilling risk versus reward dynamic."
"It's a nice break in monotony for what we may be used to in regards to the FPS genre."
"Back 4 Blood is a thrilling cooperative first-person shooter from the creators of the critically acclaimed Left for Dead franchise."
"Forgive Me Father is thankfully a quality and satisfying first-person shooter."
"Metroid Prime was one of the first console-based first-person shooters that I fell in love with."
"Witchfire: it's a roguelike first-person shooter set in the age of the musket..."
"At the end of the day, Doom Eternal is a really fun and satisfying single-player FPS, and that's all that really matters to me."
"This game is wonderful and I recommend it to anyone that likes Call of Duty or battlefield."
"The best shotgun strategy is to shoot one shot with your pump and then swap to your tac to finish them off."
"Possibly the greatest first-person shooter ever made."
"Fear revolutionized first-person shooting in its day."
"This change in audio just goes to show how incredibly important satisfying audio feedback is in a first-person shooter."
"If you like any of Arkane's games or just really creative, outside the box, first-person shooters that make you think a little bit more, definitely check out 'Deathloop.'"
"The variety is there there's some pretty amazing guns like the MP7, SCAR-H, and the A94 and MSMC and M8."
"Being able to fool multiple players when they round the corner and then you swoop in and take them out is one of the most satisfying things to do in the game."
"Wow, what an experience! This is perhaps the smoothest first person shooter I’ve ever played."
"We set out to build something truly unique, blending great parts of a first-person shooter with real-time tactical elements in a way that's never been done before."
"It helped coin the video game genre title first-person shooter."
"When I say sniper, you think headshots. I mean the two go hand in hand. They're integral to basically every first person shooter ever made and for good reason."
"Half-Life 2 is one of the most important video games of all time, let alone in the shooter genre."
"I love Far Cry because I love an open world first-person shooter."
"They need a legit first-person shooter, it's a good fit for PlayStation."
"Doom 2016: Pinnacle level design, amazing gunplay."
"Let's not forget that Call of Duty is a first-person game which differentiates itself massively from Fortnite."
"Dark Tide is a first-person action game built off the back of fat shark's success with the vermintide series."
"Halo 1 was the first shooter game I ever played so I'm glad I started off strong."
"Left click to shoot right click to reload and we are we playing a first-person shooter out of a 2D tile set."
"So let's get a first person shooter going."
"...we flailed around a bid and we experimented with things and finally inspired by different gameplay prototypes and pitches and concept we found the core of that game which was a first-person game with wall running and double jumping in giant robots and it was pretty great."
"I thought the first person shooter sequence was really badass."
"Jedi Outcast goes from being a competent first-person shooter to what is argued to this day as the best lightsaber combat simulator ever."
"I love it, and I haven't been this addicted to an FPS since Modern Warfare 3."
"I love that game, so if you like first-person shooters and you loved Fear, you will like that."