
Religious Impact Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"The discovery of life beyond Earth has the potential to bring about significant theological shifts across different religious practices."
"From the Wartburg Castle, Luther begins to translate into German the Greek New Testament...beginning the process where Luther will eventually translate the entirety of the Bible."
"Demographics is destiny, particularly when it comes to religion and politics."
"People say, 'Hey, that gospel is going to anger people.'"
"Jesus Christ is easily one of the most important figures in human history."
"Religion has largely been a incredibly destructive force on this world for the last 2,000 plus years."
"It was almost as if they'd all gained a newfound respect for Western Jesus and his mission..."
"The turning point for Christianity in Rome was Constantine the Great’s conversion."
"Finding God saved my life. It's been incredible. It's been a journey but without Him, I could not do this."
"Christianity makes you a sadder person and a happier person at the same time."
"Christianity will move into a culture and assimilate, identifying with the heartbeat of the people who are hurting and lost."
"He was the man who brought the most powerful message to this world."
"The revelation in the word literally dropped me to my knees."
"No other person has spoken to more people in an evangelistic conversionistic gospel way than Billy Graham has here in the 20th century."
"Mommy, I didn't realize how much Jesus loves us till now."
"The Bible being translated into English was a revolutionary act."
"There has never been a time since the Great Awakening that even begins to compare with the spiritual impact that God brought upon the people living in this land."
"The effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much. It produces power."
"He will seemingly stop food shortages and triumph in the global form of religion."
"Spurgeon's sense of spiritual reality gripped me. This is a man who's speaking to my experience and my heart."
"What matters is God's attitude, what He means by that term, and its effect upon all of us."
"Our covenant and collaborative purpose will bring many souls to the kingdom."
"The Quran has created literacy in the world."
"I've made our country safe. I've rebuilt and ever in the process of rebuilding our military, and the jobs are here, every one of them built here. We're gonna have the strongest military our country has ever had."
"Christ changed fear to boldness in the hearts of men, despair to the highest confidence."
"Bottom line: souls are being saved, believers are being strengthened, the gospel is being preached, and the world is being changed by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"The influence of Buddhism in Korea reached its apex during the Goryeo Dynasty."
"But did Jesus really curse the city 2,000 years ago?"
"According to the Acts of Philip, Mary Magdalene, Jesus's most trusted apostle, dies here in Jerusalem."
"He's a transformed man by the power of the Holy Spirit."
"Christ arrived to release Satan's prisoners."
"If this could happen to him with a simple gospel message, it could happen to anybody."
"Prophet Muhammad was the cause of the fulfillment of the promise of a great nation to Ishmael."
"You make Jesus Christ be astonished and stunned."
"Jesus is the great equalizer and he steps out and everything changes."
"These ayah that he's reciting, they are very effective."
"Many of these differences not only change the text but in some cases even change the theology."
"It was groundbreaking because it was the first time that an Evangelical Christian had been affirming of a gay man living with AIDS... it turned them around and made them realize they had to come out."
"When I preach the word of God, I'm preaching a spot-removing message."
"I cannot admit that this hope [for the success of Muhammadan society] be denied... In truth, the Muslim religion has tried to stifle science and stop its progress."
"What's sad is his religious beliefs and abusive practices are the cause for her anxiety in the first place, not the solution."
"It was all an interaction with people and to go back to that same bet the reason you lost that bet is cuz what Jesus offers and what he did on a cross and the moment before and after is still just as appealing today."
"A shift to the negative world has had dramatic repercussions inside the church."
"Paul was a Mystic and it appears that his very Jewish mysticism it changed the world forever."
"I truly would not be able to preach if it wasn't for what Jesus did in my life."
"Muslim women are 50 times less likely to give birth to a fetal alcohol child."
"Christianity changed the game for marginalized groups."
"I am who I am sitting here today because of the black church."
"If it wasn't for Jesus, if it wasn't for the Bible, I would not have been able to forgive my dad."
"I really appreciate how kind you portrayed Jesus. It's gotten me to seek Christ at an even deeper level."
"The torn Veil demonstrated the greatness of Jesus' work."
"The evidence is there, we're just telling the story."
"Never lose hope that God doesn't use the voice of truth in any community to change people and save lives, He does."
"Living a life of relative obscurity... suddenly, Jesus Christ would change Life as we know it."
"Two things gonna happen when I die, I promise you this: Hell will rejoice because I left the battlefield, and I will make Jesus Christ proud."
"Christianity is the reason we overcame slavery."
"You are carrying the word of Allah that changed the world."
"I bring all of my problems to God now I cast all of my anxieties onto him and to say it's been impactful would be an understatement."
"Judaism really informed who I am and my values and my worldview."
"Imagine what the world would look like with 7,000 prophets in every nation."
"Reinhard Bonnke is not a loss, he's a gain for heaven."
"This stuff does affect all of us under the name of Christendom."
"Having God in our lives changes a seemingly hopeless situation into one filled with hope."
"If Africa is the export of the Abrahamic Traditions—Christianity, Islam, and Judaism—and it is, then what distinguishes white Christian nationalism from the ways of knowing that left Africa and that the Romans adopted?"
"We know, it's been over a million people saved through their ministry, probably about 10,000 churches started."
"I think it's kind of indisputable that many people find Christ or find religion of some kind and become more moral people."
"The Torah radically changed the way right and wrong were viewed by introducing moral laws as primary."
"I don't follow God just because he exists, but because of his message that has changed our world to a better world."
"Islam gave me confidence and nothing else could ever give me."
"It's unbelievable how much this religion has changed the world it has."
"Religion does seem to help some people out, but when people are helped by religion, they should give themselves credit."
"Religion can be a barrier to someone's progress in life."
"I preach with love, but I come to hit you and cut you with the Word of God."
"If you burn all these Bibles and billboards, let's see what happens to Christianity next ten years."
"The library of Babel has the script to every one of my video essays."
"The force that is most likely to fill the gap when the church dies is Islam."
"The book of Acts... Radical, revolutionary, mighty."
"Dysfunctional cultural coping mechanisms, like religion, actively stifle our progress, holding us back at a primitive stage of development we've long outgrown."
"Live in such a way that the change in your life cannot be explained by any other cause except the church."
"Do you think a lot of churches are not going to be able to recover from the pandemic?"
"Oftentimes the people that seemed the farthest from God end up being the people that really become Advocates."
"Unfortunately, there's a wave of feminism that is destroying the iman of many of our brothers and sisters."
"Jesus Christ has inspired more art, architecture, books, literature than any human being who has ever lived."
"God speaks to us in human words, and that's just so powerful and real to realize."
"The biggest difference between Jesus Christ and ethical and moral teachers who have been deified by man is that these more or less came to make bad people good. Jesus came to make dead people live."
"It is profoundly difficult to downplay just how significant the second and third centuries of the common era were for the development of Christianity."
"Many Christians have been greatly wounded while some have not survived the error in this kind of decision."
"One Christian being fully Christian or one Catholic being fully Catholic can change the world."
"Your teachings have started a revival in our home."
"People who engage with the Bible tend to flourish more according to a secular metric."
"Mary Magdalene is shown as a prominent disciple of Jesus, a leader among the disciples."
"Verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me hath everlasting life these words so short and so sweet went right through my heart."
"Nothing is more political in this period than religion and the Bible is at the heart of it."
"The sound of the church is going around the world, it activates, it ignites, it inspires."
"Jesus Christ when he talked I never walked away from him thinking I wonder what he meant he's not like that."
"Christianity popularized the idea that we're all equal before God."
"Many evil things have been done in the name of religion."
"Sometimes God gives certain people a very powerful experience of his presence so they can share that. Those are prophets."
"If aliens exist, 100 the world of religions they're going to be baffled."
"When Jesus manifests himself, everything that Jesus is is manifested in the room."
"You're making a difference in the kingdom of God."
"Your career opportunities will be limited if you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
"Your educational opportunities will be limited as one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
"Your children are more likely to be at risk from sexual predators if you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses."
"It's amazing that this man reached such a huge proportion of the population preaching to millions."
"When Jesus Christ comes in, he turns on the lights."
"He affected the whole world... millions and millions of people were touched by Padre Pio."
"Through the strong uncompromised preaching of the truth, we're not going to change the judgment on this nation, but we're going to see many people saved."
"Salvation changes lives; it's not just about going to heaven." - Personal reflection
"The gospel is every bit as powerful in their lives as it is in mine if not more so."
"He is not important because he was the first to say that Jesus' death and Resurrection brought salvation; he is important because he realized this could be a worldwide movement."
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not even want."
"This document is representative of the modernist Spirit which is not only the destruction of Catholicism but it's the destruction of religion in general."
"You're hurting their iman greatly and you're crippling their Islamic identity."
"Recovering from the harmful conditioning of religion is lifelong."
"The Adhan is so powerful that Shaitaan runs away when he hears it."
"Millions have found hope because of Christianity – but millions have also been slaughtered in the name of God."
"Get yourself on the altar and He will consume you and use you to set a generation on fire."
"Its preaching led to the salvation of millions of souls."
"Only slaves and conquered people take on the religions of their conquerors and enslavers." - Anthony Browder
"Latin Mass affects me deeply, deeply."
"The Quran came and changed the world around me."
"...imagine the blood it would represent to Abrahamic religions, religions that maintain the importance of the soul blessed by a divine touch."
"So the church can be Salt and Light and have like a real impact on the world."
"If we the church are being salt and light and actually influencing what's happening outside, then everybody else benefits as well."
"Throughout history, the Vatican has been home to numerous popes who have left a lasting impact on the Catholic Church and the world."
"I was really impacted by the radical transformation that Jesus did in Brittany's life."
"The impact of the church in the world is singular, it's for the sake of the expansion of the gospel and the glory of Jesus Christ and the salvation of souls."
"Two hungry wolves let loose on a flock of sheep will not do more damage to that flock of sheep than the love of wealth and the love of reputation will do damage to someone's religious commitment."
"Whoever sets a good precedent in Islam will have the reward for it and the reward of those who do it after him without detracting from their reward in the slightest."
"The impact of Shoghi Effendi on the Baha'i faith could not be underestimated."
"People around the world have come to Christ through watching these videos."
"The gospels have exaggerated his importance during his day; it's impossible to exaggerate his importance now."
"Are you using religion in a way that is hindering yourself, harming yourself, or are you using it in a way to truly heal and move forward?"
"It is sending absolute shock waves across the religious community."
"But in its time it was mighty... the important role that it played in the development of some of the world's great religions and its once powerful trading empire give it a unique role in history that deserves to be remembered."
"The Gospel changes Earth and Heaven forever."
"The word of God can you imagine how that would shatter them."
"Once the common people could read the Bible, it swept through Europe like a wildfire."