
Personal Update Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"Sorry that I have been gone for a while now, I was really busy finishing up my master's degree, but that is all done with now, so I'm happy to be back."
"I'm alive. I'm dealing with a lot right now and not ready to talk about it yet, but I figured I'd drop by and say hello. Please take care of yourselves."
"We're doing okay, doing okay. Things are coming along."
"Things are going quite well I must say. We've gotten off to a great start."
"I've been like, yeah, I've been healthier but not still it's not great to be fair."
"But as far as how Leon is doing now, it is said that Leon is doing very well. Honey said he's doing better than everybody actually, because Leon went on to be a very successful producer."
"Now that I finally have the dress, that task is done—I hope everyone else is doing okay."
"Better late than never, right? I've been gone for a while from YouTube."
"I didn't even mention it on my social media other than providing you with the wrong link."
"Remember we're doing at the beach like well we were like predating stuff so we're if you see this vlog we are not here we're close to the beach at the new house so that's it here's our vlog I guess."
"Hope you all had a lovely past week and are enjoying the spring, oh I certainly am."
"I didn't feel so good... But two days ago, I felt great."
"These days things are looking up for the former actor."
"It's a mess guys, and I'll keep you updated."
"So football's nearly finished Liverpool or winning I'm not very hungry the boys aren't either really but I'm just gonna cut some watermelons refreshing beautiful hydration to end the day."
"Lots of love and I will see you guys next time."
"Life is good, little busy... making great progress with Midnight, great progress with XE, great progress with Reflect..."
"I'll be back soon with another video, but until then, later."
"Since it's been two years since you've heard, since you last appeared on camera, why don't you introduce yourself to the audience?"
"It's been a wild last 3 days, everybody. I love you."
"I'm sure as soon as I have an update with the Luis Rossman situation, so have a good one everybody, love you all. Bye."
"Keith would have been here but his audition is running a little late, some of him that. Hey, let's hope he gets it. He'll be the next Will Smith."
"It's the new and improved version, and I'm here for it."
"2020 has been an incredible year on the channel."
"I'm finally caught up, but before we get to that, let's get right into my reactions."
"Oh, I hope you're doing okay. Seems that I keep getting home later and later."
"I don't know if this is the update you hoped for or if you are all rooting for boyfriend to get dumped hard, but please know I'm genuinely happy with my outcome."
"Thank you guys for all your support over the years... whole new ball of energy coming in to the rackley household."
"Life is good all right you guys, well that's going to wrap it up for this video."
"Don't forget to check out me on patreon everything else is linked below for your convenience have a really great month and a really great night and I'll see you guys soon namaste."
"It's been a while since I've been on camera because it's been super super busy."
"Great news, it is 4 P.M and my book was just delivered."
"Thank you so, so much for watching, guys. And have a wonderful, wonderful day. Look how much I'm sweating at the front, guys. I'm sweating so much. Dub. Bye-bye."
"Thanks for hanging out with me, I know it's been almost a month since I made a video, I just went a little bonkers, but I'm trying to be human again, so here I am."
"Thank you all for sticking with me, whoa that took a while. I'm sorry for the absence, I've been busy with school and being sick and personal drama."
"I know that I have been obviously m.i.a recently I have been all over the country to various paranormal locations."
"Thank you so much for watching... I make 2 videos every single week about intentional living entrepreneurship and success."
"Next week's video is, let me check my schedule... Oh, it's 'Why I Left.'"
"Alright guys there we have it... fully put together."
"The build I'm driving right now is almost there." - Elon Musk
"A lot of good stuff coming out... I'll speak with you again soon."
"I've decided to leave, and the reason why I'm making this video... is because it's been four weeks or so since I've left."
"Diamante had this to say: 'This last year has been pretty eventful for your girl La Mas Duda Diamante.'"
"I don't know if you guys know this but my channel got deleted two weeks ago so I just want to say that I appreciate you guys."
"Perhaps the biggest update that came from all of this is Alec himself had in fact predicted predicted this."
"I truly wish you the best. Get some help and then keep us updated."
"We'll check in at the end of 2023 and maybe I can let you know how I did on some of these goals."
"Great, so now I can go back here and refresh."
"Hi from Germany. Studying for the bar exam in Chicago, only a couple of weeks away."
"And I will see you very soon in my next one. Bye."
"Next week is going to be really busy for us...see you in my next one."
"I wanted to come on here and show you guys to kind of like end this video off and show y'all how I've been doing lately ever since I got home."
"May all it's me again, thanks for all the great feedback on my previous update."
"Thank you so much for watching today's video, you guys. I hope it was an interesting update on my journey."
"I will be back tomorrow with a brand new live gym, it's going to be an all-day live gym."
"Goodbye, Twitch, but not fully in the way that you think."
"We're going to keep it real. I'm going to have to update my photos everywhere because now the hair is purple."
"things are heating up folks things are heating up"
"We do still want to expand our family but the past couple months have been absolutely crazy and stressful."
"We just made it to Charlie's and Dad's house."
"Leave me a comment, let me know how you're doing, what's going on for you. Take care, I'll see you again soon."
"Alright guys, this is my last video, I'm going into comedy until the next one."
"It's like a little bit like I said last week, I usually upload once a week. I did three videos last week."
"Tiny update: I'm gonna take an exam right after this video records."
"Thank you everybody for watching this video I think this year I'm gonna start talking on the end cards again cuz you know why the heck not"
"Despite some recent chronic health issues, storms, power outages, and other issues that have already hit here in early 2024, for myself, it is awesome."
"I'll probably drop a double reaction this week."
"This video is for those who've asked for my updated mods, my personal game, and also who are new to modding in the Sims 4."
"This probably will be the last health video I do unless anything dramatically changes in the future."
"It's been a while since I recorded, so this is probably a great way to get back into the swing of things."
"All right y'all, we are back with another video... it's been a minute since I made a video about Jack Smith..."
"We got a lot to talk about this week thankfully my cold is cleared up I'm no longer congested and I'm more capable of doing longer videos like this this week."
"Sorry if this Vlog felt a bit chaotic it's life's been chaotic but I love you guys thanks for watching see you in my next video."
"I got some exciting stuff coming in 2023, so definitely stay tuned!"
"Finished two books since I last talked to you."
"But anyway, that's about it until next time Dawson Ryder signing out."
"To help me focus I got myself some boba because I am boba trash."
"Update time, I've reached chapter 12, I'm on page 303 and we have 480 pages."
"See you guys next week, gotta go, hot chocolate time, bye."
"I hope you guys have been enjoying the journey so far."
"That's gonna wrap it up for me today. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this one!"
"I'm enjoying everything in life lately, it's going good."
"Next time you see me, I'll be telling you what I got, so... yeah, okay. I'll see you guys there. Bye guys."
"Lastly again I do go live on twitch a few days a week at twitch.tv/braxton. Okay, bye!"
"Marcos is on his way, my sister got the dog, she sent me so many cute videos of her."
"I mean, it's properly sunny, so welcome back."
"I'm excited, five weeks. So thank you guys for watching and as always peace."
"I probably will be back with another video before then, but just in case I'm not, yeah, have a great one."
"I've missed you guys, I've been really busy just getting stuff done."
"I'm no longer allergic to dogs in fact if you guys follow me on my youtube channel or on my instagram."
"I'm excited to start another KU vlog very soon."
"When will the world summer this is summer stay tuned go to Sarah's Channel subscribe and find out where is she leaving Texas for."
"Baby has lost 3 1/2 pounds since the last time I was here."
"I have been Luke, please do join us for TLC this Sunday because we will be streaming it, and I've been reliably informed I will have internet at my new house when I move in on Friday, so I should probably be there as well."
"Alright guys, update it is now almost 11 p.m. and after I read outside I waited for the sunset then I came back and I finished my paper."
"Hey Vlog I'm gonna hit the StairMaster and then we're shaking core and my little blue fit Violet you joining?"
"But anyways, other than my potentially quicker than normal keyboard, my life has been really good lately, how about yours?"
"This is day five to this is day six because today is day five because I need to get this information out to you ASAP."
"Let me know down in the comments what you're up to if you're enjoying the fall season and if you have any plans for October."
"We're home now, we're showered, it has been a wonderful day, and we almost forgot to sign off with you guys."
"Good morning guys, so it's the next day, it's 50 degrees, the snow is melting, Colin's at work and his birthday is tomorrow."
"That's all I have for you today. I hope you liked this special video where you stepped right into the headquarters."
"Hair reveal is coming way sooner than you guys think, it's actually coming and it's going to be great."
"Hope everybody has had a great week, so my son started school. Pre-K is big [__], that's huge."
"Chapter nine will release on the 26th of June. Afterwards, I'm gonna be going on vacation and taking a break for a little over two weeks."
"My day is going friggin' wicked, it's even better now."
"I'm good... we're gonna get into some things."
"It's been a busy couple of days for me but um it's been a good couple of days right."
"I can confirm that is the color of my 992 GT3 which will be revealed on the main Channel this Sunday."
"Hope you guys have a good rest of the summer, for you, for me. I'll see you all in my next video, peace out."
"Your computer has been ok some, yeah, but that's great buddy."
"Super happy to announce from my last video a few days ago this room is clean now."
"I'm in Colorado now. Things are not going well."
"I just got a call from the dealership - my car is on the way!"
"Let me know what you think about it. I will of course still be doing my league, I'm just gonna have to spice it up."
"Peace and love everybody and I'll see you guys real soon, bye bye."
"I just kind of wanted to do a quick chit chat because I haven't talked to you guys in a while and I'm pretty dead now so I'm gonna go to bed and take my makeup off and do nothing for the rest of the day probably watch Netflix and eat food."
"Don't run with cups of pee and I've enjoyed and I'll see you guys next time with maybe some more sayonara."
"I stream every single day right around the same time, six to seven PM PST. Content every day, baby. I love you. Tomorrow I'm gonna tell you more about my little secret. All right, bye."
"It's been a long time coming, but I can finally tell you what I've been working on."
"I've been super busy, but it's good in a lot of ways."
"I just want to give you guys a little update thank you so much for everybody that gave me their prayers and thoughts and well wishes while I was gone."
"Shapiro is moving to Boca Raton by the way, there's a rabbi that's a perfect fit over there."
"I just want to wrap up today's vlog so you guys have a video to watch."
"I figure I owe you guys an explanation for why I've not been as involved with political stuff recently."
"I feel amazing and that's my update on that."
"I am so so happy and yeah, I just big smiles Big Love and I'll see you very soon."
"Time flies like crazy, but uh, it's been a long time and I'm just so excited to be back."
"I feel comfortable enough right now to just step on camera and give a solid life update."
"I promised this video about my rooftop tent falling off weeks back and just haven't had a chance to make it."
"The most important update and upgrade is consistently updating your systems of belief."
"Remember, that's because they're projecting their energy. They wish they could feel the way that you feel."
"I'll probably make a separate video about that if you guys would want to see."
"Thanks a ton for taking the time to listen to my little update and have yourself a most wonderful evening."
"Life moves on. So, what's today's video about do you ask? Yesterday March the 4th, today is March the 5th so yesterday marks the one-year I'm not gonna say anniversary, but one year since I left the UK and came to China."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and well I'm back in Canada of course they're still gonna be plenty of videos and livestreams and things like that."
"I just talked to the real J-Sab Bra. He's doing just fine."
"That's it, we're good for today. See you again tomorrow."
"I guess we'll have to see, but I'm feeling pretty good today."
"He's doing incredibly well, and now you're married to her. Okay, she's pretty and intelligent, that's fine, we'll take that."
"Things are changing for me with a new house and little baby on the way." - "Things are changing for me."
"Thank you for getting into the senior year of it all with me today. I will see you next time."
"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Siddhartha and yes, somehow by some strange miracle I remain alive and well even though it has been a solid two plus months since my last video."
"I have started moving on and I'm very excited to continue with my usual content."
"Potato's cell phone was turned off for about 15 days and was last on around August 31st or September 1st."
"This is quite a big shift from my last video."
"Baby is sleeping in the room next door but I couldn't finish the vlog without showing you guys the nursery progress."
"I'm home now. It's 7:05. I stopped by my parents after to grab some wrapping paper and, obviously, just to see my parents."
"It's been a long, long couple of weeks, man. We had all these movie releases at Megacon four days in Orlando, and then I had a whole week of just me and the children, and, man, had to get my taxes done. Spent the last two days doing taxes."
"Rachel has now had a little girl."
"I'm getting my hair done on the third, so I got it done. I got a balayage in March like the beginning of March, and it's like really brown now, it's kind of just like faded."
"The main part of this video and what I'm really excited to share with you guys is I have a massive weight loss surgery update. I'm super excited for this, actually."
"Back from my adventures, got my blowout. I'm obsessed with it."
"I hate to do like the corny YouTuber thing where I'm like I'm sick by the way"
"That's some really positive news in my world."
"Nicole has since moved on from working with the Secret Service and is currently a security engineer."
"Some personal good news for me is that I am still alive. I was very tired, so I had to fly in from Portland like I said before. I did the shows in Portland at Helium Comedy club which was absolutely fantastic."
"Thank you all for your patience with me this week and that I haven't been around I will come back it's just I've been completely overwhelmed and dealing with a lot of stuff right now including how I had food poisoning and just completely took me out for a while."
"And that's how my January has been going how the frick are you everyone I know I feel like I talk to people I'm like so how's it going and everyone's just kind of like a sad face so I would love to know how your 2022 is going."
"I know it's been a while and I kind of want to just like talk to you guys a little bit because life's been very interesting these last couple months that I've been off YouTube and haven't been posting like my everyday life and you know what I do and stuff like that."
"The good news is I'm now divorced. The final decree came through a few weeks ago. It actually all went very smoothly."
"As for me, I'm doing very well. Actually got a big promotion at work."
"This will probably be my last post as The Saga of Joe and Amy, or at least my role in it, is finished."
"I hope you guys enjoyed spending the day with me and my baby boy Cohen."
"I haven't really vlogged very much the last couple days because I had an emergency c-section and twins it's been a little overwhelming and we've just been really focused on babies and my health because c-sections are painful."
"That's it for this video sorry for talking so much it's just it was really great so hope you guys are doing well hope you're having a good day and I'll see you later bye."
"Ernie looks like he's doing great."
"Of course I wanted to share it with you all."
"I haven't watched a movie in so long."
"Take the camera because they haven't seen you in a while so just what are you doing or is sniffing your lettuce making sure it didn't go bad?"
"I did also finish my book, but I'm going to go get cleaned up and I'm going to make dinner and I'll check in with you guys, let you know my final thoughts on the book and what we're doing about it either later on this evening or tomorrow depending on how my evening pans."
"Good news, I'm alive, I've made it through tonight."
"I just write to say you will be glad to know that I am settled in my new place and going on all right up to now."
"I'm living in Brooklyn right now."
"I am super happy with these. I will definitely continue to use them and keep you updated on my thoughts."
"We're back, I'm back, you guys never left."
"They see you as someone who's very trustworthy, someone who they would like to update on the things that they've accomplished."
"Life's been great, how about you?"
"How's everybody doing? Well, I'm feeling wonderful this evening."
"I'm not complaining, I'm just saying like we're about 2 weeks in and I feel good."
"I hope it's worth it, and I'll let you guys know where I fall once I really spend some time with this thing."
"Hello lovely people, this is very exciting because I get to do another favorites video for the first time in months."
"The year has been going great for me, man, I hope the year has been going great for y'all."
"So far, my day has been pretty busy and enlightening."
"I am going to be filming my six months microloc update today, and I am so excited."
"I hope you're doing all right, I hope you're having a great week."
"Hi everyone, I am great. My babies are not one anymore so they're out doing cool things in the movies."
"How is Winnie doing? Winnie is great, she's becoming a teenager."
"I'm back, my spirits are high, it was a nice little break, and then I got COVID, so I had even more of a break, and I'm just rejuvenated now."
"I'm happy to be here, I just drove in from my new house in Woodland Hills."
"That's great to hear. What have you been up to lately?"
"It's literally 10 a.m. for me right now here in Melbourne, Australia."
"Hey everyone, it's Tiffany from Let's Get Scrappy, and OMG, it's been a minute."
"Good morning friends, I am right now putting the finishing touches on getting ready."
"I'm back on track, baby. It's been a while, but I'm here and I've got lots to talk about."
"Thank you for always just like listening to me and letting me update you on my state of mind and my life."
"I hope you guys are doing good because I'm doing amazing."
"Good morning, guys. Today is Sunday, and I'm going to have a pretty active Sunday than I usually do."
"What's up guys, I am officially back from the Toronto International Film Festival."
"Hey everybody, Syntax77 here, and let me tell you what the current situation is."