
Life Brevity Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Sadly, we're on Earth for only a very short time, so let's have fun solving some of the biggest puzzles in the universe while we're here."
"Life is so short and I know it's the most generic thing to say but it really is."
"Our life is but a vapor, only lasts one second and then it's over."
"Life is short, man, like we will all be dead one day and your day might be sooner than you know so just [ __ ]."
"My brain and my heart are full of ideas, and life is too short to keep them to myself."
"Life is so short... just do what you want to do for you."
"Seize the day, because your life is fleeting."
"Chase your dreams man because life is short."
"Choice is knowing that habits are made to be broken and that life is short."
"Life is short anyway regardless of what happens to me."
"Two very serious things to start the show with: the anniversary of the Munich tragedy from 1958 and the horrible news coming out of Turkey in the last 24 hours in relation to earthquakes. Thoughts and prayers are with those people involved."
"If there's anything left unsaid, it's too short, man."
"Life is literally so short, if you don't take your opportunities now, they can pass you by. Don't let it happen."
"Life is very short, you only have 80 or 100 years. The thing you can do is 30 years. If you're always in the bad mood, you cannot pick up the second. Pick up one."
"Just remember, we're only on this planet for a very short time."
"Life is so short, and I'm a living testimony."
"Life is too short, why am I just standing here waiting for someone to read my mind and see that I kind of like them?"
"Time amongst the living is but the wink of an eye."
"This life is short and you say that we could go at any moment and it's a thing you say but it's such a reality."
"Life is short. Seriously, start looking at options if you're that unhappy."
"Don't hold on to things so tightly. Life is too short to hang on to things that you can't change or that are going to slip away."
"Life is actually quite short; do the thing that you want to do."
"Life is way too short for this kind of crap."
"Life is way too short to be hiding. It is my story, it is my truth."
"Life is so freaking short... and it's too short to be allowing yourself to hold yourself back because nobody else is holding you back except for you."
"Life is short is one of our most overused clichés, yet it incites some sort of urgency in us."
"We're just here for a very short time."
"Life's short and wasting time's the only vice."
"Life is very short and I think it's too short to be comparing yourself to other people."
"The span of our life is 70 years, Or 80 if one is especially strong. But they are filled with trouble and sorrow; They quickly pass by, and away we fly." (Psalm 90:10)
"Life is far too short to read [__] books."
"Our time on this Earth is extremely limited."
"Life is so short, especially when you get to the point that he's at in his life."
"The sharp knife of a short life, well, I've had just enough time."
"Life is short, there's a lot going from bloodline if only one can see past the interference."
"Life is short, I appreciate life man, and just move on with positivity."
"It's too short to be arguing with people, it's too short to be fighting with people because you only get one chance."
"We're only here on Earth for a short amount of time."
"Life is short, guys. Honestly, man, rather than fight and create strife, let's just focus on moving forward and appreciate people while they're alive."
"We here for a good time, not a long time."
"Life is short, we're caught in other people and society's currents without being able to accomplish anything; will we disappear without leaving any trace of our existence?"
"Life is too short, like rest in peace Leslie Jordan."
"Life is short, and these moments are special."
"Time flies, man, and before you know it, you're gonna blink your eye, and this life is gonna be over."
"There's so much enjoyment to be had and this life is so short."
"Because life is short and opportunities to love and laugh and live are soon gone."
"Life is so short, why waste time worrying about what other people think about you?"
"Life is super short to not be with someone that you love."
"Life is too short... I cannot spend every day thinking about my past."
"Life is short, we don't know what's about to happen in the next couple of months."
"Life is short, and it can end in a blink of an eye."
"Life is too short for you to reminisce about the past and to really take in those negative comments."
"Life is short, and you don't get much time with the person you want to be with."
"We have a very short precious life."
"We here for a short time, not a long time."
"Life is short. You're here today, gone tomorrow."
"Life is too short, and it's horrifying how much time and effort is spent on trivial things."
"They are not long, the weeping and the laughter, love and desire and hate."
"If it feels right in your heart, just do it because life is so damn short."
"Time is very precious; our life is not long."
"Life is like literally too short and I want Austin to be able to meet my grandparents."
"Life is too short, and that's what COVID has shown everybody."
"Life is short, right? So let's minimize the madness."
"Life is short, and there is work that I needed to do."
"Life is too short, we barely have time for the people that are in our lives, let alone the people who are no longer in our lives."
"Life's too short, although we have disagreements, although things don't always go the way that we want."
"Life's short and we have a limited amount of space on the page."
"Life is very short, and Allah has given us opportunity after opportunity to come back to him."
"Life is short, our days are numbered."
"Life is so short, and obviously, you know, when I was on season seven being 21, I didn't experience some of the stuff yet that I have now."
"Life is so short, we only have one life to live."
"Life is too short, and you do not want your last words to somebody you love to be silence."
"Life's too short, so don't wait for your life to begin."
"Life is very short, there's no time for fussing and fighting."
"Life is too short, people just sit around thinking."
"Life is too short, you know. It's been so crazy and unexpected with what happened with the pandemic."