
Spiritual Truth Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"The Spirit of truth, the world cannot accept Him because it neither sees Him nor knows Him, but you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you."
"We are stepping into the truth of God, a renewed mind which will set you free."
"Faith is not denying the facts, faith is stating the truth."
"Satan is a liar and he's a father of all lies." - John chapter 8
"You don't have to live according to Romans 7. Well good luck because First John says if we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."
"The truth always ultimately fills those who love the Lord with hope."
"The truth is only achievable through surrendering to the finished work of Jesus Christ."
"If I actually say I love you but I don't even give you an opportunity to enter into eternity with God do I actually love you."
"What we see now won't last forever but what we don't see will last forever so if I truly love you and I truly care about you I have to share the truth with you."
"You can fool me, you can fool your friends and family, but you cannot fool God."
"The Bible is smart and very specific... when you fiddle with that, you fiddle with truth and you fiddle with God."
"The greatest protection my brother is love itself."
"The truth sets you free... That's the fast that God cares about."
"The Bible is an amazing book... that maintain their truth over thousands of years."
"You'll find the way, the truth, and the life."
"Faith is hope and trust that comes in harmony with the truth of God's word."
"We are so excited to share these truths of the Bible and also have the resources to reach those who are seeking for Bible truth."
"The things that Jesus said mean something, and that's what the truth of beauty is about."
"Just love. Love is the highest truth, the deepest truth, the most powerful infinite presence on Earth."
"We've got to understand what the truth is about the spiritualism that pervades our culture."
"What Jesus said - 'Am I now your enemy because I've told you the truth?' - sets you free."
"If ye abide in my word, you are my disciples indeed, and you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free." - John 8:31
"In the presence of Christ who is truth itself, the truth of each man's relationship with God will be laid bare."
"If you abide in my word and my word abides in you you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free."
"He said that he asked them which of the Christian sects to join and he and God answered that he must join none of them for they were all wrong."
"I felt something I had never felt in my life since being held in my mother's arms as a baby I felt like I was home at complete ease and complete peace"
"Perfect love casts out fear; bring illusions to the light of truth."
"Jesus Christ is the only one who speaks truth. He is the only one who gives life. He wants to give you abundant life that never runs out."
"The biggest thing that I learned through this crazy conversion: the truth is not a concept but it is a person, the living person of Jesus Christ."
"Read the Bible...Nowhere in the Bible is it going to give you the idea that you can kiss, venerate, or honor religions that are opposed to God."
"Operate in the truth and freedom in the Holy Spirit."
"The soul truth is infinitely stronger than ego illusion or conditioning."
"All you really need to know is infinite love is the only truth."
"In a world filled with opinion and commentary, we need something that does not wither nor pass away—the eternal truth of your word."
"That which glorifies Christ is of the Holy Spirit."
"The gospel is the source of all saving truth."
"Jesus said, 'You know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'"
"Real freedom and real truth comes from the word of the Living God."
"Nothing is hidden from God; there is no Gloom or deep Darkness where evildoers May hide themselves." - Kenoi
"The truth about raising your vibration is found in the Simplicity of being."
"The Spirit will lead you into all the truth, there is nothing outside of what he has to offer that is true."
"Your heart, your spirit's been telling you the truth the whole way through."
"...the Word of God is a perfect reflection of what spiritual truth is."
"The truth that Spirit wants to illuminate to you is that just because it's different doesn't mean it's bad."
"Your identity, who you are, your self-worth, the true reality of who you are is not governed by this anymore. It died with Jesus on the cross."
"You didn't call us an anointing to debate, you called us to be a witness of the truth and the power of God and the resurrection."
"False teachings indicate our need for something that can really only be found in Christ, something that can only be found in truth."
"The Dharma of emptiness is the true Dharma."
"Light erases Darkness. Good is revealed, evil disappears as darkness before the Rising Sun."
"You can't fear what you love. Perfect love casts out all fear."
"The truth is that we are part of God."
"The truth is that all the world is telling us... we need a Satya Guru, a true teacher of the truth."
"Look to the spirit and in the spirit, you'll always find truth and that truth will make you free."
"It contains deep insight into truths unplumbed... it's going to give you this real depth of truth, this other faith, spiritual truth, religious truth that could not have been gained through any other method."
"Your unbelief does not change the promise of the Living God."
"Faith is acting like the word is true."
"We will build our lives on the gospel, the foundation of the truth of God's word."
"Behold, my brethren, he that prophesieth, let him prophesy to the understanding of men; for the Spirit speaketh the truth and lieth not."
"The truth of the Lord is everlasting."
"The kingdom of God is built on truth."
"God is so good and His truth is so wonderful."
"Would you pierce our heart with the truth of Who You Are."
"The revelation of God is His presence and His saving acts and His saving truth."
"I have seen thousands and thousands of people miraculously healed because of the truth coming to them, and it's totally, totally changed their life."
"There is no reason for you to be sick. We've got the truth and the truth will set you free."
"...thank you God for not allowing us to live the lie that there is anything good or worthwhile apart from you."
"The truth is we are one. There is no difference, no distance."
"If you abide in my word, then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
"This is the generation that values intimacy, relationship, and the truth of God."
"Harmony is actually already the established fact instead of being a fleeting mortal condition."
"Truth is the only thing that can liberate people from the bondage of sin and give them eternal life."
"Once you understand what the Word of God says, that truth will set you free."
"May God make your hearts true in reverence for him."
"To remain or abide in Christ, the idea of truth, annuls all anxious thoughts."
"We don't build our Doctrine on History, we build our Doctrine on the word of God."
"The kingdom of God. That's the truth."
"When you learn something spiritually true, you don't have a sense of learning it; you have a sense of recognizing it."
"There is no death, because the wand of Truth can change the driest bones to living things."
"The recognition of the allness of God and the nothingness of any power apart from Him is all that is needed to vanquish false belief or animal magnetism."
"God, whose name is love, knows the truth, knows the heart."
"There's no other foundation that any man can lay that which is Jesus Christ."
"The sign tells the whole truth; you've got the bad news and the good news."
"The Holy Spirit can bring truth to people."
"God is in the face of shadow; God is in the lifting of the shadow itself to reveal its innate truth."
"Jesus did not come to inaugurate a new reality; he came to show us what God was always like all along."
"Love is the answer, but love has to be true; it has to be so true that it will dissolve everything in this lower realm."
"God is love, God is wisdom, God is truth."
"Our marriage is not just to make us happy... but our marriage is actually an earthly symbol of a spiritual truth."
"What cannot be forgotten is the eternal."
"Divine Science reverses the false testimony of the material senses."
"Sanctify them in that word; that word is truth."
"Be humble and see that God leads you into all truth."
"A god merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and full of grace and truth."
"When the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
"The Naam is the truth and the world is not."