
Testimonial Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Michele starts off by saying she's had an incredible experience with LimeLife, as well as tens of thousands of other people."
"In his work Steven has articulated this struggle better than anyone I've ever read."
"You helped change my life because like I went through this I experienced this."
"This will change your life because it forever changed my life."
"Testimonies of salvations and lives changed continue to grow."
"If you got saved too, please leave in the comments, I'd love to hear it. God bless you, bye-bye."
"It's like the best anti-Trump campaign ad: the people who know him best say don't vote for him under any circumstances."
"They're super helpful and I highly recommend trying them out if you haven't tried them out already."
"I saved close to nine thousand dollars if it wasn't for Car Shield I wouldn't have my car."
"I've used Dollar Shave Club for quite a while now big fan of all their products."
"The benefits that I've seen from ag1 make me just... feel healthier overall."
"Shawshank Redemption might be my all-time favorite movie." - Seth Rogen
"I can't say enough good things, just a wonderful warm spirit."
"Just like our fan Sataar who says that our lessons are the best things that he's found for improving his English vocabulary."
"A lot of people have gone on record with their experiences and accounts, backed up by evidence."
"That stem cell treatment that they did for me over there, it instantly already kicked in like a lot of good stuff for me."
"This really is you're going to see people's lives have been changed."
"I have not smoked a cigarette in over four and a half months because of these zip picks."
"There's just so many benefits that I've personally noticed since I started taking ag1."
"Kefir's calming effect on the central nervous system is one of the miracles that I have found."
"The commonest message I get, your book changed my life."
"...it works for all things I mean I've had people work through the program for Alopecia who grew their hair back."
"People know the things that I've saw with my eyes being in that circle, man, sometimes at night I couldn't even sleep."
"A lot of my students from this course are saying that they are improving faster than they have ever before."
"The entire program will change your life, that's what everyone says at the end of it, even in the middle of it."
"It's kind of insane, but the good news is that DeleteMe can help you like it helped me."
"And when I look at the before and afters, the short time frame that these before and afters are set in, and the huge difference that this light has made to people's skin, I do believe that I was seeing such a great, slightly immediate effect."
"It's quite amazing because back around this time when I was experiencing the benefits for the first time, there was hardly anyone that was talking about this."
"Honey this thing seemed to be working stick with this and it literally changed my whole life. Wow absolutely."
"This has been really, really good at calming and soothing."
"The best testimonial I can make to him came from Major General Paul Harley who was a medical director of the Allied forces."
"I think honestly the fact that I've been able to use the machine for over a year without any issues zero maintenance and that when I went to clean this and really tune it up there was nothing to do speaks volumes to the quality and the abilities of the machine."
"I'm not a tour expert I'm not sponsored by a tour I'm not dead set on the company or this machine this is just me sharing my personal experiences of using it for over a year and how it has brought money and changed my small business which has been positive overall."
"A lot of you actually reached out to us and said yes I've been using GoCar Oahu and it did help me save a lot."
"With proper Hair Care I've been able to achieve the softness and manageability I never thought possible based on the texture and appearance of my hair."
"Hello Fresh saves the day for me every time, especially in this heat. I'll be honest, not a lot of energy, I don't have a lot of energy."
"It's the best damn flighter I've ever flown." - Fred Trapmill
"This genuinely saved my skin... this completely transformed that reaction within a couple of days my skin looked 12 million times better."
"This product has changed my life."
"The nice thing about this is you'll be hearing from the people themselves not me, interpreting something I read on Wikipedia."
"...Candace that was your very first chiropractic adjustment would you mind telling our YouTube subscribers how your first experience with chiropractic was for you I was very nervous but it was very worth it."
"I completely agree. You give a TEDx talk basically saying you can basically take away somebody's chronic disease. I used to do that in my clinic when I was practicing routinely."
"Our team heard our testimonial and like tried you know we had some extra ones laying around they're just like yes nothing compares to the smoothness of your skin after cleansing um nothing compares to this yep at all."
"I've been using dermatica for over 6 months now and I have noticed a huge difference."
"I've been taking AG1 by Athletic Greens, which is a scoop of powder that's packed with 75 vitamins, minerals, and Whole Foods that is mixed with water every day and I feel unstoppable."
"I just brought your product during Christmas, and let me tell you, my hair is growing like crazy. Thank you so much."
"I started a YouTube channel and hopefully to get more subscribers. I made a video with your products, and people be asking me about it. Oh, Nikita, okay thank you. Email me so I can..."
"I have been an advocate of emergency funds now forever and a day. The thousands of letters that I got during the pandemic, the emails that said, 'Susie, the only reason I got through the pandemic is because I had an eight-month emergency fund.'"
"It has absolutely transformed my skin."
"I am in love with this product. I will use it for the rest of my life. Yes, this is an ad, but I'm just telling you from my heart, this is my favorite razor I've ever had. It is a joy to use. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this product."
"My product has changed people's lives for the better."
"This course changes lives. It's changed his life up to now, fact guaranteed."
"Within 36 hours I was symptom-free and feeling amazing."
"...has literally saved my life and made my skin look so glowy and so dewy no matter how powdery or cakey or dry and crusty it looks."
"Liver Health formula can help you. It's helped me. I took the product, my liver enzymes are in much better shape, I have more energy."
"It just wasn't just one case; this was more common than people can imagine."
"I don't know if you're seeing this too, Judy, but the number of elderly folks in their 60s, 70s, and 80s that are thriving on carnivore, I get emails every single day. 'I'm 75, I've been doing carnivore for four years, and I'm just thriving on it.' It's unbelievable."
"The gospel of grace is so real that if you have time you can go to josephprince.com. I don't promote my site, but I just want you to go to the testimonial section and see how many people have been delivered."
"500 pounds lost, life transformed, all because I found Dr. Barry's carnivore YouTube videos two years ago."
"Julie worked with you and had chronic pain and has been pain-free since working with you and loves the MELT method that you taught her."
"I found you pretty early in the process and it's made an unbelievable difference in my health and my well-being and my life."
"Everyone said this really cleared up their hyperpigmentation."
"I've seen so many mental and physical changes since using co-pilot, and it has honestly changed my life."
"I passed NCLEX on my first attempt with Remar Review's Virtual Trainer and Quick Facts. Regina's teaching was well-organized and prepared me for success."
"I have received countless messages from people who have changed their lives and lost weight using Fight Master Yoga videos."
"This has truly been a life changer."
"Wolf's Revelations added a testimonial dimension to the growing body of claims surrounding potential lunar anomalies and extraterrestrial structures."
"From the first tingle I use Campho-Phenique cold sore gel it goes to work instantly on my cold sore Campho-Phenique cold sore gel helps me face the world."
"I've seen such a big difference after using this."
"This video isn't sponsored I just really use rabby wallet that is my go-to now."
"Other witnesses at the bar contradicted this though and said that he was actually completely sober when he was kicked out and wasn't being loud or rude or aggressive in any way."
"I'm not here to sell you one. I am a guy out here running a large piece of property and this has been an essential estate management machine for my property."
"I highly recommend everyone to just buy your course, it has changed the way I trade."
"I recently took this on a weekl long trip and had to charge up a bunch of devices and never had to worry about the pack being depleted even on the 9-hour flight where my seat Outlet didn't work."
"I believe very strongly that it works. We've been taking it for two years. I have seen the benefits and I'm going to keep taking it myself."
"Definitely helps with joint pain. I stopped taking it out of laziness and after a while, my whole body became stiff and achy."
"I'm 63. Collagen did wonders for my skin. I had dry scaly patches on my head and they are all gone."
"Nearly a million guys used Keeps to keep their hair, and trust me, the before and afters on their side are mindblowing."
"So if it works for myself and if it works for all my clients, I'm sure that it will work for you as well."
"And I know for a fact it has saved minimum dozens of lives."
"I noticed a huge difference after the first day that I started taking it."
"I've used Caseify's phone cases since like a year two years ago now because I saw someone else do a video and I saw their cases and I was like oh my god."
"Banks exist to support you. They have supported me."
"This bag right here, Eric, it changed my life."
"We recorded 25 testimonies of people healed from a foot ailment, a broken tailbone, chronic nerve pain, chronic back pain, a stress fracture, a knee injury, mental illness, arthritis, partial blindness, fibromyalgia, and a torn rotator cuff."
"He undersold it. He literally made it sound, it's not dry and it tastes great."
"Chris sees these tweets and she quote tweets saying, 'What happened was hormone therapy, it saved my life and it saved many other people's lives.'"
"Would I say the Obagi Nu-Derm system can be life-changing? Absolutely."
"Nutrisystem works, it really does."
"I'm not only the Hair Club president, but I'm also a client."
"Gordy's video kind of popped up I think another student had it so he brought it in and we all watched it and we all agreed like wow this does seem like a better way of doing it"
"There's a reason that so many people are talking about their A1C miracle and feeling better than they have felt in years."
"This unit has been incredibly helpful for us and our family. One morning in particular, in Christina Gorge, it was minus two point seven degrees and it was freezing."
"My REM sleep and my deep sleep doubled."
"If you have watched my channel and I have proven that to you already and that you have put it to the test and you have manifested what you want using simple, simple processes, comment below. It helps people more than you know."
"It's Mom approved, I am a mom and I drive a Sportage."
"You just feel like a million bucks driving this thing."
"Wind noise? Zero wind noise. That's one awesome thing about it, and I try to tell people on social media, and they don't believe me."
"You can hear nothing. I had one of those square rectangular light bars, and the thing just whistled, and going to this thing, it's like my tires are louder than the wind blowing."
"These products are incredible. They have changed my skin."
"Remember everybody, go to Chuck's website and go to the about section, look at his diet before and look at his diet now, and that's everything you need to know."
"That to me is a strong testimonial for the power of bale grazing."
"I'm excited to see her video because she has loved Lancome for many years. In fact, when we were emailing back and forth, she told me that she's loved Lancome as much as I've been alive, which I loved that."
"...if somebody who's not an existing super fan of the 911 still absolutely loved it that pretty much tells you everything you need to know..."
"So I want to mention again Tina from Pink Rose Healing because she has been really helpful to me."
"It changed my life for the better and will likely do the same for you."
"Nothing will ever have a spot in my heart the way that this serum does. Life-changing. I'm not even kidding, it's so expensive."
"Vegamore is the real deal. I never thought I could see these kind of results with a product made with clean ingredients."
"I love a candle where you don't really have to light it and it just smells, and this one, y'all, even when Derek came in from the hunting lease later on tonight, this same night, he was like, 'What is that smell in the bedroom? It's awesome.'"
"Nearly all participants report that Landmark improved their relationships, improved their confidence, improved their productivity, and improved their enjoyment of life."
"I wasn't at that house. If they [ __ ] attacked you, if the guy in the bed had the gun originally, I don't know."
"Thank you for your amazing course. Today I passed first time."
"We've already camped on this platform at least six or seven times, and I can honestly say that it feels like I have a real bed in the back of my car."
"People have attributed this product to helping with so many different types of issues and honestly, I believe it."
"We had a product that was already proven by a guy who had some physical issues that he fixed."
"Then I tried Relief Factor, and three weeks into it, my pain started to dissipate."
"I had a customer upside down on a Highlander, this system saved her life."
"Black soap changed my life, like changed my life."
"This product has literally saved my skin."
"I can literally hand on my heart say that I love this product so much."
"These are my 52-year-old teeth. Never had anything done to them except for braces and the Plus White, and this Sensodyne is how I keep them so white."
"This product has actually helped me a lot."
"This is probably one of the most powerful testimonials."
"This program saved our life, and it might save your life."
"Tony, my boyfriend, has back problems; he's a carpenter, he's always complaining about the quality of mattresses, he loves it."
"It changed my skin completely. My bumps were literally fading on the second day."
"I've been using this since December and it has made a huge difference in my skin."
"This has changed my life; I'm not even exaggerating."
"This has been a true life-changer for me."
"I want to start this video with something that's actually changed my life."
"Their products have saved my skin and my lips quite a few times."
"It's really nice, it really cleared up my skin."