
File Management Quotes

There are 258 quotes

"In Python, it's so common to open files and close them. Humans make mistakes, and they often forget to close files, which might, then, end up using more memory than you intend."
"There are an estimated 2 to 5 million DWG files open today. That's a lot."
"All that we're doing is taking a bunch of different types of files... and we spit them out into bundles."
"The game restarts and Paul finds the 'strange situation' file in place of his own save file."
"If you do a lot of video work, a lot of photo work, or you're moving large files around through a cloud, the Razer Blade just wins."
"Understanding Node.js core modules like path for working with file directories and paths."
"If you're comfortable maintaining this file, then this is a great option because it saves some work."
"Now we're ready to drag our footage into our folders."
"Listing directory content: readme, index.html, style.css, Crypt."
"You're going to need to get this guy and you're going to need to email it to yourself."
"Writing to a text file: file.WriteAllLines with the same file path and the lines to be written."
"You can dumb the file down later if you need to save space but you can't dumb a file up if you start shooting small at 6 megapixels."
"Raw vs. JPEG: one's a baked file, one is raw ingredients."
"Ability to upload a file: Add a Word doc or a PDF about your hopes and dreams."
"Your file system should represent the way your brain organizes files."
"Files app integrates with other services like Google Drive."
"Touch is more useful than it may appear - it can update the date on a file or create a file if it doesn't exist."
"Copy is the one that saves your butt if you have to go edit a file or you want to change something about a file but you want to keep a copy around."
"The remove directory command does is remove directories that don't have anything in them. If you have files in there, it won't work."
"The entire Linux system, or pretty much most of it, all of the settings are contained in text files."
"Efficiency in file manipulation can be achieved through understanding and utilizing input and output redirection."
"I'm gonna leave this one saving it as a PSD cuz when I save it as a PSD if when I open it again that's a Photoshop file that I'll be able to keep all my layers and everything will be ready to keep working on it."
"Files on demand feature which only downloads files that you've recently access to save your space on your machine."
"That's it for the masking phase! Now you want to go ahead and save out your mask as an image sequence."
"Working with sessions creates a folder on your hard drive, puts all images there, and it's portable."
"What would Sonic do? He would save his files correctly."
"In Git, files transition between three different states: modified, staged, and committed."
"If you want to start tracking a directory, the very first thing you're going to want to do is actually go to that directory."
"Storing the folder path in a string variable makes life much easier when running this code."
"You can test whether a folder exists or whether a file exists."
"Of course, most of us use ZIP files on a daily basis."
"That's another rule is to organize your presets in folders."
"Robocopy will find all of the files that are under that Documents folder and copy all of them to my USB drive."
"One of the brilliant features of plex is its ability to find the metadata for all of your files automatically."
"File ownership in Linux: change it like a boss with sudo chown."
"If I open a file like a word document that I named letterhead and I change the contents of it and save it under a new name, the original created date stays the same."
"Hey y'all. This one's called Missing File Blues."
"It's slightly bigger, but we can always try to use the smaller file size."
"Having everything nicely in this file makes it so easy to deal with."
"Let's do an LS, you can see our folder, our source folder, and all the other files."
"It's absurd, like it's like the I can move multiple, you know, 100-gigabyte files between different things at once and it doesn't get bottlenecked, right?"
"File has been deleted successfully."
"Try to be simple. Try to be easy. Do not create really deep folder and deep files because otherwise you will have very long name at the end."
"I'm going to iterate over these files."
"I'm going to use JSON loads, we're going to load every single line in there."
"If you change that location or change the file name in this previous step then you will need to update the config."
"Form creating and exporting files through cmd."
"Now whilst that will get rid of the notebook from your notebooks list, it hasn't deleted it, it's just closed it, and you can jump back into file and reopen that notebook whenever you like."
"How do you create a file on a Linux machine? Use the `touch` command."
"Now for the next trick... it's actually easier to truncate a file especially if it's a log file it's a safer thing to do than outright deleting a file."
"The next thing you want to do is turn off autofile opening, especially for annoying media files like MP3."
"You can redirect folders in Windows so that instead of clicking desktop, download, music, documents, and other folders on a local machine, it really redirects those folders to a server."
"One of the most common things you'll do in a terminal is you'll want to read a file."
"To access past versions of a file, you have two options: you can either click on the ellipses next to any file or right-click on it and select version history."
"In particular when it comes to working with files and libraries, we might need the ability to move content from library to library."
"Go to the file tab, welcome to the backstage view, and then click Save As."
"If you wrote off files in the past, I highly encourage you to give it another shot."
"If you want to add content to a file and if that content already exists, what you could do is go into the file, move the cursor where you want the contents of that file to end up."
"so you can see not only can we recover previous versions of files but also those that we've deleted as well"
"Let's right-click, create a new folder in the content browser, and let's name this Blueprints instead of this Blueprint folder."
"Zero padding ensures that files sort the way you'd expect."
"We will rename all the 12 Excel files, that was January to December, and we'll add the word 'Car Sales' just before the month name, that would we will just add the prefix before the month name, and for that, we'll give the command to Chat JPD in the natural language."
"You can just drag and drop the photos in here from your computer."
"We can find files, we can continue working on files, we can add our favorites."
"But wherever you end up storing your files, it's really important to have an organized file system and one that makes logical sense, not just to yourself but to others too."
"Choosing carefully the formatting of your file name and the information you include in your file name can open up more complex opportunities for searching your system."
"So I'm going to choose add file I'm going to select that PDF deliverable file that I created that had my template link embedded in it."
"Now I'm going to go to my content folder and get my terms and conditions file."
"Microsoft Teams not only supports the manual upload of files to its document library, but it also supports storing various resources in SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business."
"If it's a new file, then we should see this message, 'Embedding computation completed.' Otherwise, we should see that message."
"There's a nice range of options for file management."
"Let's see how we can create new file and import something from there in a CommonJS way."
"...after a few minutes I now have three files I just called them old one two and three and you can see I've just run a shot to 256 some on them and all three of them are identical..."
"If you're worried about how much space you're going to be taking up then that would kind of dictate which way you want to rip the files."
"Avoid creating empty folders and mixing file types within a single folder system."
"So to summarize this section, file management is definitely better on the Mac."
"Webdav allows you to use HTTP or https to essentially access files on the nas."
"We're going to use P and because we loaded file in called sore test we can use asterisk for a filename."
"the moment the user uploads a file this button becomes active"
"Teams adds a layer of communication and collaboration onto leveraging and using and collaborating on your files that the file server doesn't really provide."
"The key concept here is when I am uploading my files there is one extra Nuance to this process that is the folder path."
"So say goodbye to the days of files trapped on a single computer."
"Autosave can be a lifesaver, automatically saving changes back to the file."
"One Drive becomes your solution for all your files and all your content you work with, no matter where it lives."
"Gosh, all right, so here we are with my random file name. That's a good one."
"So we've got lots of files here, and it's giving us the ABFS path to each file. So we can do things like this."
"I hope today's lesson has really helped you learn many different ways to work with files that will be useful for you in the future."
"Always make the largest file based on any product."
"This option is great for getting rid of any files that don't exist from our source directory."
"Listing files in Linux with 'ls' command provides detailed information, and you can customize it with flags like '-l', '-t', or '-s'."
"Finding files in Linux is straightforward, offering options like 'find' command and specifying criteria like modification date or size."
"Finder is a whole world by itself and it's very powerful if you set it up to your advantage."
"SSHFS simplifies the process of mounting a directory with SSH keys."
"First, we want to prune unused styles, minify down the CSS, and compress it to be as small as possible, helping us get those small file sizes."
"Second, we want to generate hash file names so that we can enable that safe caching. You don't want to try to Cache a file that doesn't have a unique identifier in the name."
"You can go ahead and create subdirectories in there. You can read and write files in there."
"Make sure that this Excel sheet...is in the same folder as this Python file."
"I prefer seeing a folder structure."
"So let's go ahead and save it now that it's saved I am going to put it into the Oregon PE cor folder."
"One of the reasons I really like the red codec is you still get the ability to do compressed raw without having to have huge file sizes."
"...just group the different layers we have because right now our file is a little bit messy."
"So I'm gonna have to rename this image file."
"You can actually close out one of your files or several of your files if you're not careful."
"Sometimes it's not always clear-cut searching for a file hunting down that configuration sometimes it's right in front of our faces."
"Modern attachments in Microsoft 365 give you more control over your files when sending them outside your organization."
"I love knowing there's an expiration on this link, so if they don't do anything with this attachment, that link in 30 days will just expire."
"Reads and writes are isolated and all changes are atomic no matter what you make to the file listing."
"F12 will open the save as dialogue box."
"So this has been talking about Azure file sync a really hot topic that I think a lot of people are pretty excited about right now a way to leverage cloud storage file based services and stop having to manage and maintain your file servers on Prem."
"Most of this session we're probably going to be talking about kind of file organization and how file organization works in live, and how this would work in the browser."
"The upside to this approach is that we have fewer files to manage, fewer plans that need to occur, and you can also have better access control for your Terraform Cloud workspaces."
"Awesome! And once we do so, we have a brand new file popping in our file system."
"If you open up a new instance of AUM, you're probably going to want to open up a file that you saved before."
"Crusader is perfect; it has a lot of options, it remembers position, it has all of the features that I need."
"Deciding on an allocation method depends on the intended use of the OS and the types of files it will handle."
"Nemo lets you organize files and folders both on your computer and online."
"Version Control Solutions help you control revisions to files and enable you to track any changes made to those files over time."
"You can create files and directories using the file module."
"Once you learn how to do it in SharePoint, it's pretty easy to apply the same concepts to moving files from your local file system up to SharePoint Online."
"It's very straightforward to get to all of your files inside of OneDrive."
"Next, change the name of the main file from index.js to server.js and create the server.js file."
"It's light, fast, and in my humble opinion, very user-friendly when it comes to working with files."
"Make sure you know where the course files are and I suggest that you keep a backup copy as well."
"Make the most of the files app on your iPad."
"VI FM is a file manager with the curses interface, it provides a vim-like environment for managing objects within file systems."
"If you use VI or VIM, VI FM gives you complete keyboard control over your files without having to learn a new set of commands."
"Size doesn't matter, the stitch types you use doesn't matter, just make sure you know how to save those working files, and sky's the limit."
"That's an amazing thing that it handles file uploads that easily just out of the box."
"If managing files has been intimidating, scary, or even humiliating, just relax and prepare to feel the stress melt away."
"Let's create a new folder and name it 'page'."
"It's really powerful; it gives us the file timestamp so you could do a bunch of queries here to show me recently modified files."
"I hope you learned something about working with files and Microsoft Graph."
"NTFS allows security to be applied to the file and folder level and supports users and groups."
"The cool thing about VS Code is you can actually just take this, grab, click, drag it all the way up into the components folder."
"File handling in Python performs functions such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting."
"With the Syncfusion file controls, you can not only create Excel files, you can also create Microsoft Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and PDF documents right from C-sharp."
"Everything is a file on Linux and UNIX, and it's sometimes wonderful, sometimes terrible, mostly wonderful."
"Another useful module is a path module which allows us to interact with file paths easily."
"Making files is a whole lot easier than you thought, isn't it?"
"And let's also check the file sizes to make sure that we're not losing any chunks."
"The Files app in iOS is kind of a combination of the Finder and the Preview apps on your Mac."
"It's a wonderful file manager with plenty of options to make it either simple or very powerful."
"A lot of people don't know this about Audacity, but it's basically what is going to allow us to export these files into different files once we get it all done."
"I'm going to teach you how you can arrange the folders and what should be in what folder and what should be in one file."
"I'm totally nerding out here, but to use folders... it's really important."
"Once you learn the basics of uploading a file from local storage to SharePoint online, you will be able to implement even more complex scripts."
"You can explore and edit all the files on your iPhone; it's basically Finder for iOS."
"Being able to quickly find the files you are looking for will save you time and enhance productivity."
"As you upload or create files in Google Drive, they're going to show up here in this main screen."
"If you do make mistakes or want to change a file back to a previous version, it will be a great deal easier on a NAS."
"Being able to find files and switch between projects easily is one of them."
"Sometimes you just want to see only the files that are related to something that you're working on at this moment."
"That's probably the name of the image file. This isn't particularly descriptive, so we wanna change that to something more suitable."
"Our local PC is now able to interact with the NAS on a file level."
"It's not rocket science; you'll spend some time learning, but this is a much more sophisticated way of managing your files."
"Covers are separate. There's going to be two files you're going to upload: you're going to upload a cover, you're going to upload this file, this KPF document."
"Lossless compression temporarily removes data but restores it when the file is opened."
"Just remember to always save it in the appropriate location."
"As and when a new file gets created in the library, it automatically initiates my flow."
"The larger the file, the more of a problem it is."
"The files view is very beneficial."
"It's important to have a plan to have a consistent family folder structure and naming convention for those folders so that you can keep your files organized."
"This is meant just to be a quick start guide on how to get some files from your machine to a remote repository."
"This is one of my favorite tools because it allows me to automatically backup all of the files that I have in my documents folder to my NAS."
"Use the .json trick with the file name."
"Make sure that this file is safe; you don't share the information in this file or the file itself."
"You're ensuring that the files on your NAS and the files on your client PC are always up to date."
"It allows you to access those files at all times and it just kind of works; you don't really have to think about it."
"Hopefully the next time you open your file browser, you'll notice it's a little bit easier and a little bit more delightful to find the files you need."
"If you want to securely delete files... Linux has this very nice command called shred."
"Since this is Nextcloud we're talking about, we do need to back up our data folder that contains all of our files."
"Your naming system should help you navigate through and search for your files easier and faster."
"If you have multiple versions or multiple copies of that same file, you save yourself that heartache of losing that valuable information."
"When you hover over your files, you have information available to you that you can use."
"Any type of file can be stored and a huge number can be viewed and edited."
"This is by far the most customizable terminal file manager I have ever seen."
"You can automate common file importing conversion processes."
"I'll create a file called celery in my progress folder."
"Uploading files and images is an important part of app development."
"Whatever change we do here will be replicated to the server."
"We're able to actually create child folders."
"This is going to be where you can open and save your files, you can import and export and print different things."
"Nemo is a fantastic file manager."
"We can also display the history of everything that's taken place with this particular file."
"Make your own copy of the file and name it clearly, make yourself a reference export, resize the file so it's not way bigger than it needs to be, and confirm you're in the right color mode."
"It's a good idea to keep a backup of the files before you delete them."
"Remember, don't put spaces in file names; that's poor habit, poor form."
"As we develop, we can add new files and we really wouldn't have to make any changes once we run the composer update."
"You can create directories, you can create files, you can manipulate everything."
"When I'm happy with it, I can go and say, 'Okay, let's save this test.py as the main.py file.'"
"Using a simple little tool like ampy, you can run files, you can load files, you can read files."
"A StreamWriter is an object that sits between my application and the text file itself, and it manages the process of writing data into that file."
"Workspaces allows me to bring in a folder on my system into the dev tools and edit it."
"Drive File Stream is a brand new application, built from scratch, for accessing your Google Drive files on a Mac or a PC."
"Name was updated is a good thing, it usually doesn't mean your name was updated, it just means that someone's been looking at the file."
"Path Lib module gives you controllable programmatic access to paths like you can switch out suffixes and get parent paths; you can resolve them; you get relative paths and absolute paths."
"This is the file manager, what it does essentially is it gives you a view of the directory that the web hosting company has given you."
"File naming... is key for some things and it's also kind of useless for other things."
"It enables you to view the files, browse quickly and efficiently, see the relationships between files, categorize the files, and apply a process to each category automatically."
"You can take all the files you need, check them out, and work on them completely offline."