
Companies Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"Be very, very, very vigilant about companies that you are going to spend money with and be involved with in any way, shape, or form."
"Interesting market brewing between Intel and AMD."
"Just like that, I've invested in the USA companies like Apple, Amazon, Tesla, and Google."
"Nearly 700 companies report revenues above 500 million dollars."
"A lot of these companies' decisions are based on monetary things."
"Valve is one of the few companies that seems to really respect the customer."
"One of our favorite car companies of all time."
"Martin guitars, one of the oldest family-owned companies in the world."
"I think that you should pick out companies that are profitable, companies that have good growth prospects and buy a portion of them."
"Consider the companies Volkswagen and BASF, two of Germany's largest companies."
"Visa and MasterCard: consistency in free cash flow per share."
"Great companies should have a big important mission in the world that's beyond just making money." - Brian Armstrong
"Some workers and some companies are going to be able to protect their margins to protect their purchasing powers. Others will not."
"I've recommended them many times in the past because they're one of the few companies out there that actually do it right."
"You're simply marketing for other companies and they're giving you a cut."
"...massive wall... maze of corporate booths... some of the biggest companies in the hobby."
"The real money was in the really great companies."
"The beauty of affiliate marketing is that a ton of big companies out there, almost every big company, has an affiliate program, and they're all free to join, no strings attached."
"...companies can get control over these issues, start managing their time better, and get meaningful reports from Salesforce metrics."
"There are very few companies that can actually tell you when a vehicle, a person, or even an animal is in frame."
"...it's just simply a list of companies says you know on the top is Apple and Microsoft and Amazon and Tesla and Google and all the biggest companies from biggest to smallest the first 500 that's the S&P 500."
"Skaters don't have health insurance. Companies don't provide health insurance."
"We look for companies that have a very good strategy for low or cheap customer acquisition."
"So if you support us and you like what we're doing here supporting the companies that support us goes a long way."
"The earnings picture is very unimpressive outside of a group of companies that have done extraordinarily well."
"All happy companies are different because they figured out some way to radically differentiate themselves."
"Invest in those companies whose products you like."
"Have you guys ever internally flipped a table over and just...? Oh, I just did right now. Like, yeah, yeah, you take company tech companies. I get deleted a lot when I do that."
"There's a lot to like about the metrics from these companies."
"But it was very much like, 'Okay, this company signed her, we're gonna sign her, like, no company signed both of us.'"
"Patience isn't just required in holding these types of companies. I think you also need patience in finding them."
"In strong product companies, leaders have this servant leadership mindset."
"Strong companies live for insights."
"Tesla and Apple have very much been their own unique individuals."
"The best AI talent isn't actually located at the Ivy League schools or even at the big tech companies. It's at companies like OpenAI, DeepMind, and others."
"We're investing in companies that are not only doing well today, but will be doing well a year from now, three years from now, five years from now."
"Every company is a technology company."
"Good companies understand this because that's how they learned."
"Most companies, if they don't transform, they are in trouble."
"...this really truly is the best of both worlds and I wish more companies did this where they have both as an option love that..."
"The biggest companies on Earth won't hire you based on a degree alone."
"The best companies are those that are more connected with the society in which they operate and serve a bigger role in the community."
"Pop the trunk on companies that make you enter your email to unsubscribe from their emails."
"Let's call this what it is: a joint task force by both your companies."
"Companies can do more to help countries and governments because they know no boundary."
"Owning stocks is owning a part of a living breathing dynamic companies."
"So, for example, you might have a preference of working with smaller companies, people who are self-employed, solopreneurs."
"More and more companies are starting to be more inclusive."
"We must hold companies accountable for their claims."
"We do have a lot of companies moving over there and you know, paying big salaries and affording people to be able to buy these expensive houses."
"Different companies have different strengths okay Amazon can't beat Shopify at what they do Shopify can't beat Amazon or what they do."
"I think the price cuts that we saw in 2023 were probably one of the most important strategic moves the companies made in a long time."
"I wonder if we could do that, companies taking random life insurance on their like old employees and then just silently collecting on their desks."
"You just named essentially all of the FSO companies."
"Nvidia, Google, and Microsoft are big AI winners. This has become a consensus."
"I like seeing companies try new things."
"These Clipper companies are super generous and send me their equipment."
"This is an excellent reminder that companies only care about money and if your social movement aligns with profit, great. But as soon as it doesn't, they're moving on."
"But also HP, Acer, Elgato, Dell, Intel, Google, Noctua, Sabrent, Logitech."
"I love supporting companies with conscious practices. It feels good to vote with my dollars in this way."
"One of my favorite companies in the world, Netflix."
"Buy great companies early in their life cycle... that's a better route."
"Only companies with the finest quality will thrive."
"It's weird, because most large companies didn't really make big subs tuned to like, 20 Hz or aim for deep bass, but this one did."
"Love it when you guys support the companies who support the channel."
"That's not the way to waste police time. We're paying for the police, not to protect these big companies, not to be there straight away when you need them for an unreasonable reason."
"I think there's going to be a massive shakeup between the companies that are able to adapt and those that aren't."
"As companies get larger, they have more access to money capital, which is money, machines, things of that nature."
"Nim enables companies that want to run their own AI models instead of buying access to AI results as a service from companies like OpenAI."
"The power of just buying safe and boring companies at the right times."
"Companies are very interested in hiring people who are skilled enough in the concepts of blockchain."
"There were tremendous positive economic gains here and benefits for US companies."
"Some of these companies are doing an amazing job."
"Companies are going to continue to feel the need to take a stand on social justice and community-related issues."
"Most of the companies that we grew up with have been going bankrupt left and right."
"Companies don't really care about you. You need to advocate for you."
"Many large companies are located in Atlanta, such as Coca-Cola, which was first sold there in 1886, Home Depot, Delta, and UPS."
"There's a lack of trust in technology companies."
"The best companies are based on scientific breakthroughs."
"...the people running those companies, they are, they have like a utopian intent, they recognize within it like holy [__] this could be one of the pathways to a harmonized planet."
"If you film or if you have something you could offer some of these companies, then they're most likely be willing to work with you."
"Breaking up giant companies almost always... is generally a good thing for the economy and a good thing for the shareholders."
"... when I look at companies like Meta, companies like Tesla, and some of these others that are the top of the food chain..."
"Companies go public because they want access to Capital."
"It's a bunch of baloney... Going public can actually hurt more companies than it helps."
"Find companies trading below their intrinsic value to make the most out of your investments."
"Companies are making it more difficult to say that you own what you have bought and paid for."
"Companies that share these attributes generate very strong long-term rates of return."
"How can we find the best companies to invest in?"
"Most companies actually want to hire you right out of the gate."
"Seriously, Godzilla is awesome why were all these companies trying to release Godzilla movies that weren't called Godzilla?"
"It's also prompted some companies to find alternate shipping options, but those could be more expensive."
"This works much more effectively because companies and systems don't give people jobs, people do."
"Capitalism and companies trying to keep their stock price up."
"...Seattle has become a lot more attractive of a location for people because not only you know that with the growth of Amazon but we have Microsoft and you know I get asked a lot with having companies like Facebook and Google and Alibaba coming in you know is that a bad thing."
"This is one of the main reasons companies love Foundry."
"I absolutely love logos and today we're going to be looking at some famous companies' logos with hidden meanings inside it."
"That's the great thing about wrestling is it doesn't matter what company you work for, anything can happen."
"I always never seen that yeah well show you if we find anything but I don't know let's look at how many companies don't have incarnate they have look at all these and cornichons they've got a internships immortals is still more these are the ones that you need the slips."
"Every company is feeling the pull to become a data company."
"This is the approach to software development practiced by most of the best companies at software development in the world."
"Teal says, 'All happy companies are different.'"
"The power that these companies have is really power that we've given them."
"Companies are taking notice and I am loving that."
"Life for a lot of companies is that they have to actively draw people in."
"Python is used by numerous companies like Google, Facebook, Netflix, IBM, and many more for software development and machine learning."
"I want to see more companies uh working on stuff like this."
"This ETF tracks the top 300 companies listed on the ASX including Blue Chip companies like Commonwealth BHB Telstra and Woolworths."
"The S P 500 is probably the most famous Index Fund in the world which tracks the top 500 us companies including Apple Tesla visa and Coca-Cola."
"More companies need to realize we need to have the ability to tear stuff apart and tinker with it."
"For companies, branding is very important and it's the identification to their products and to their company."
"The key is, you're going to need to know what all the information is but it's also really helpful if you know your favorite company is reporting tomorrow, figure out what you're going to look for beforehand."
"Companies or businesses are like people."
"If you invest in good companies, you earn higher returns."
"What I really like are great companies at good prices."
"Quality Companies... can weather bad times the best."
"We're now up to over a hundred and thirty companies and two million workers that have gotten raises and special bonuses."
"It's about spotting the biggest trends for the next decade and the companies that are going to benefit most."
"The early days of computing was a wash with tech companies named after fruit."
"Make it a goal to put at least five companies on a wish list in the next year."
"Go for a brand name like Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, and Tesla."
"It's no secret that companies including Amazon, Alibaba, and Google are experimenting with the possibility of autonomous drone deliveries."
"Control those companies some love if you're looking at your next performance parts."
"Byd and Tesla, I believe they're the two most successful companies electric car companies on the planet."
"The goal is to buy good companies at great prices."
"Our graduates really do get placed in some great companies."
"There are a whole bunch of companies selling at 50% discounts or higher."
"These are companies that have a history of growing their dividend each and every year."
"As a recruiter, you're basically going to go out there and look for the right people to fill certain positions for companies."
"I'm also a huge fan of companies that donate."
"All great companies are built on a mission."
"I like best of breed companies; I like founder-led companies."
"These companies have brought a great deal more financial inclusion."
"Nowadays these combinations are very common for many big companies to handle the huge amount of data."
"We're here in Silicon Valley, home of some prominent high-tech companies like Apple, Google, Yahoo, Intel."
"Making a commitment to reduce carbon emissions is a very important step many companies are making as they look to transition towards a low-carbon economy."
"There are thousands of companies out there collecting and even trading your personal data."
"Companies are even easier to forgive than people sometimes because... they exist in name that has continuation but the people that drive that company may have been changed."
"Companies are employing people directly abroad."
"I'm trying to hold to account some of the biggest and most powerful companies that are affecting how all of us live our lives."
"He's also the founder and co-owner of several companies and studios."
"Google owns YouTube but not Twitter."
"Fundamental analysis... you will study the economy, you will study the industry, you will study the companies."
"What if we could compare these two companies as a whole and really see who wins and who's better?"
"The NASDAQ includes approximately 3,800 companies spanning six different continents."
"Keep your eye out on Apple and Softy and Google."
"What's missing in 99% of all companies is there is no dream."
"More profitable than Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Google."
"It's more about discovering what companies are looking for in potential employees."
"I wish more companies would just make it for everyone in the same set."