
Meat Preparation Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Don't bother washing it; that is the advice that public health people in the U.S and Europe have been promulgating in recent years."
"When meat is removed from heat and allowed to rest, the muscles relax as everything cools down and the juices redistribute throughout the meat."
"You want meat that has a lot of collagen-rich connective tissue which will break down over the low and slow cooking period leading to chunks of beef that are tender and flavorful."
"I'm always amazed that the meat doesn't fall off."
"Muscle fibers expel moisture rapidly, so what we want to do is cook really low 200 to 250 to make sure we're minimizing that moisture loss."
"So that way you know you have this nice beautiful piece of meat."
"Just when you thought a beef rib couldn't get no better."
"That's going to help the flavor of our glaze permeate the meat."
"We found slicing it against the grain was giving us the most success."
"Juicy fleshy inside, the mix of fat, the dry age to give it depth of flavor."
"Excellent for fajitas, tacos, really, really nice cut."
"You can see that sirloin pretty much just pops right off there if I put it up on the edge of the table using that downward pressure you can pull that sirloin right out of there."
"Nobody wants to spend a high price for a beef fillet and get one that's all hacked into a bunch of pieces, so just take your time removing all the silver skin."
"The pinkness of the veal in the center is spot on."
"Pork's a very tough meat to get right, hammer's overcooked, nothing worse, dry."
"The salt penetrates deeper into the meat than it might otherwise so this is going to end up with more flavorful tender beef at the end of the day."
"The meat has fallen and is begging to be grabbed. Step one: get meat. Done. Step two: get rid of meat."
"This is a great flavorful glaze that produces a very juicy tender skirt steak."
"Dry aging is a process of basically controlled rot."
"You got to feel it or temp it with an internal probe thermometer."
"He made an 18-pound wagyu brisket... it melted in your mouth."
"If you cut a steak open fresh off the grill, it will just bleed all over the place."
"The less amount of time you spend dealing with this meat, the better it will be for the texture."
"A healthy virile animal is going to taste way better than an old sickly one."
"Dry brining makes meats tender, juicy, and easier to cook."
"Some divine culinary magic takes place when you cook meat on the bone."
"Here's everything we cut off the bones, you can legit mince meat by just hacking at it with a knife for a while."
"A brisket can handle a lot of seasoning so don't worry too much about overdoing it because it can handle a lot."
"Searing the meat first caramelizes the exterior and then roasting in the oven guarantees that the interior will be flavorful and incredibly juicy."
"Steak is definitely better when you let it rest."
"When this meat's cooked perfectly, it's just going to slice and melt in your mouth."
"Wow, that's delicious, I mean you've got the cheapest cut, one of the most awkward, but it's a really good dish."
"Let your meat rest. It doesn't matter what kind of meat it is, you always let it rest before you slice it."
"One of the first things you learn in a kitchen is how to cook meat properly."
"The flavors have just penetrated the meat so well, it just soaked it up."
"We're going to take the meat out of the broth, don't throw your broth away, okay, because we're using that beautiful broth to make beans."
"Let's take all the meat off the bone, let's take the skin off the bone, and then the meat goes back into the broth."
"What you want to do is you want to add salt. That helps enhance the meat so it holds onto moisture as it cooks."
"As the short rib cooks, the bone implants flavor, and the meat just sort of melts."
"The beautifully brown meat, although it looks burnt, it's not, I promise."
"This brisket is an Aussie brisket, and you can see the marbling that hopefully is going to keep it moist while we're cooking."
"Something about having meat come to room temperature and then cooking it—it's perfect."
"Usually when you cut meat against the grain, it'll make the meat a bit more tender and also easier to cook through."
"Let them hang out on the counter for a little while, let that chill come off, and then you put them in a hot pan, they're going to be nice and juicy every time."
"Buying a big chunk of meat and cutting it down into smaller portions will save you some money."