
19th Century Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Can you imagine what a 19th-century mental hospital would have looked like? This is it."
"The Austrian Empire was really an incredible experiment, one that you don't see anywhere else during the 19th century."
"Put very very simply The Prestige is the story of two famous 19th century stage magicians locked in a lifelong feud and rivalry."
"I wanted to step into the 19th century and I wanted to make a film that represented as closely as possible the times and the mood of the nation."
"The fear of being buried alive weighed heavily on the people of the 18th and 19th centuries."
"The shape of the earth became a hot topic of debate around the turn of the 19th century."
"When someone was murdered in the 19th century, investigators did something unusual."
"Stamp collectors date back even further, the first postage stamps were issued in the 1840s by the British government."
"The British anti-slavery movement remained powerful and unrelenting throughout the 19th century."
"Jabberwocky's origin was in 1855... he actually handily explained what all those words meant."
"Champagne Cocktail, which dates back all the way to the mid-19th century."
"As to his influence, the entire philosophic thought of the 19th century revolved about his speculation."
"This amazing American Castle was constructed in 1892 and many of the spaces don't appear to have been touched much since then."
"It's a giant structure from the 19th century, and that's kind of our remit, that's what we talk about."
"The trial was a sensation and began on the 19th of November 1856."
"The 19th century was probably the freest century we've ever had in human history."
"Why do we keep starting in the 19th century? It's because a lot happened, okay?"
"Nationalism became a very powerful force in the 19th century."
"Writing at the end of the 19th century, he was among the first to see and understand the shadow of disaster hanging over the 20th century."
"The U.S railroad system expanded nearly 1,000% from 1850 to 1885."
"Late 19th century, doesn't sound much really but actually it's 150 years ago version isn't it?"
"Imagine sexts in the 19th century. OMG! You'd spend 15 minutes unbuttoning 650 buttons only to get to a cookie that hasn't been washed since last week's river water bath."
"These revolutions... more or less laid the foundations for what would come in the 19th century."
"...parallels between what was being done as a competition shoe in the late 19th century and the type of work that we're seeing today."
"Railroads became the common way of transporting goods within a country by the middle of the 19th century."
"...in the 1870s Germany as the state that we've come to know it in the 20th century did not yet exist."
"Infanticide was a huge issue in the 19th century, accounting for many deaths of children, and they were very sympathetic to the woman and often made the case that the woman was pushed to her limits, it was because she was powerless, it was because she was abused."
"By 1800, European Colonization was at full steam."
"Japan was changing drastically in the 19th century and religion was to be no exception."
"The history of this facility dates back as far as the late 19th century."
"The UK has the oldest Chinese community in Europe, arriving in the 19th century."
"Darts and beer go hand in hand, and the game became a favorite pastime of the working classes during the 19th century."
"It's about a multicultural society of the 19th century."
"Now we're at Forsyth Park, in the 1840s William Brown Hodgson conceived the idea of setting aside 10 acres of wooded land at this site for development, and it is now Savannah's largest and oldest public park."
"The 19th century changed the face of customs; innovation, speed, traditions were altered rapidly."
"These two traditions converged, creating a junction which would produce the great cooking tradition of the 19th century."
"Xenophobia or nativism... in the 1840s and 1850s there was an increase in migration of Irish and Germans."
"Vincent van Gogh was born in the 19th century."
"These streets here... when they were kind of developed in the 19th century, they really became some of the most desirable streets in London."
"The Chinese people have been very much left alone for thousands of years until the 19th century."
"Our story starts in the summer of 1860, in the busy city of Baltimore."
"More than 70 percent of all immigrants to America in the 19th century entered through New York City."
"Believing the United States to be the country of Economic Opportunity, between 1870 and 1900, almost 12 million immigrants entered the United States."
"Algebra changed dramatically throughout the 19th century; in 1800 the subject was about solving equations, but by 1900 it had become the study of mathematical structures."
"The impressive Parliament building of the province of Quebec was built at the end of the 1870s early 80s."
"Many hard most paper mache dolls have molded hair, a kid body, wood or leather arms, and painted eyes."
"Middlemarch by George Eliot... as a study of 19th-century provincial life, it really is interesting and worth a read."
"The capital of the Cherokee Nation within the Indian Territory in the 19th century."
"However refreshingly for 19th century industrialists, the committee in charge believed that the extra expense was justified on the grounds of safety."
"So good morning. Today we're going to be talking about opera, particularly opera of the nineteenth century."
"One thing you can keep in mind then is that 19th-century idealism is going to be a metaphysics of change, a metaphysics of process."
"Too many 19th century Americans viewed Indians as culturally and racially different, therefore inferior."
"Oscar Wilde was of course one of the greatest literary geniuses of the 19th century."
"This is a secretary, believe it or not, from the 1800s."
"Image was everything; built in the 19th century, these buildings give the impression that they've been here for hundreds of years."
"Female attire responded to the social awareness of the 1840s."
"We just have a nice little 19th century oil painting by, I would think, a professional artist."
"We actually have a false impression of what the 19th century was really like."
"There's been a huge resurgence in academic naturalistic art, the kind of art that existed in the 19th century."
"The whole of the nineteenth century had been about the British conquest of Southern Africa."
"The period of reaction against the 19th century is over; the era of dispassionate historical valuation of it has begun."
"The most salient characteristic of life in this latter portion of the 19th century is speed."
"The Victorian cultural world began to fall apart at the end of the 19th century."
"On the night of January 10, 1864, a dark and frigid winter night with just a sliver of moonlight."
"Here we have the remains of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, which operated on this line from 1883 to 1890."
"In the midst of the 19th century, a diminutive figure captured the imaginations of audiences around the world—General Tom Thumb."
"The coming of the railways in the 19th century changed everything."
"After gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill in 1848, people flocked to California for the chance to strike it rich."
"It should not be possible to read 19th century British literature without remembering that imperialism was a crucial part of the cultural representation of England to the English."
"By the end of the 19th century, Glasgow, as a center of industry and shipbuilding, was one of the largest and richest cities in the world."
"Next week on Time Suck we go back in time to 19th century New York and meet a man who will change the entertainment industry forever."
"The 1870s and 1880s saw an explosion of imperial activity overseas by the European powers like Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Portugal, and Spain."
"The extraordinary success of Britain's industrialization was apparent to everyone by the 1880s."
"The Tristan Prelude is at the pinnacle of not only what he achieved but of what 19th century music achieved."
"A house that breathed with the soul of the 19th century, a living artifact of a bygone era."
"Brazil's long nineteenth century was a period of weak national integration and extreme regionalism."
"The Public Health Act that was passed in 1848 was based on Chadwick's report."
"It's the mid-19th century, a period of profound transition and change."
"Cristiana Edmonds was born on October 3rd of 1828 to parents William Edmonds and Cristiana Burns in Margate, Kent, England."
"In the 1830s and 1840s, the percentage of Cherokee that were literate in Cherokee was actually higher than the percentage of white people in the southeastern United States at that point in time."
"Revolution was one of the great themes of what's happening in the 19th century."
"Let's talk about the 19th century, very heady times."
"Queen Victoria ruled Britain for the almost the majority of the 19th century."
"The malted milk drink, a sweet and nostalgic beverage, first appeared in the late 19th century."
"Immigration from 1880 to the 1920s... new immigration is from Southern and Eastern Europe."
"In the 19th century, the novel form becomes more significant, one of the most popular forms of writing and highly regarded as a literary genre."
"The 19th century was quite prolific in this sense and also it laid the foundation to the novel in a way that it almost became the most important and the most dominant genre by the 20th century."
"Romanticism begins to dominate the 19th century."
"They conscripted Yahweh for humanitarianism as the radicals of the 19th century conscripted Christ for socialism."
"The 19th century was a time of great change in Britain."