
Web Technology Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"If you've ever used Facebook, or you've used Google Chat, or any websites that's dynamically changing every second, you can literally, if you get a little nosy, open up Chrome's inspector and watch the DOM."
"Create, retrieve, update, and delete - those are the things I want to do with my API endpoints."
"JavaScript allows us to programmatically update the website, changing the content that the user sees."
"Blazor efficiently updates parts of the page through WebSocket connections, reducing data transfer."
"I wanted to build something helpful that was way better than my static websites."
"Web browsing: Chrome vs. Safari, with tabbed browsing and private mode."
"Dynamic websites allow users to see different things every time they visit."
"It feels like a bit of you know a web 1.0 feature... but it's really nice to get that feeling."
"We created our React application, we clicked Submit, Edit, Delete, and sent an HTTP request to a RESTful API to instruct our database what needs to get done."
"Unlock the power of Ajax for seamless page updates."
"Using Ajax to fetch data from an external API asynchronously."
"Blazor is a full .NET runtime implemented in WebAssembly, executing directly in the browser."
"The Web can do really amazing things, I hope you do agree."
"All you need is that FastAPI app and then you specify the endpoint."
"Angular helps you build complex cross-platform applications using web technology."
"JavaScript was introduced because people realized we want to build a website... it needs to have some functionality."
"I'm just going to start putting in some code here to print out the web page."
"Blazor empowers developers to create rich, interactive web applications using familiar .NET and C# syntax."
"Enhance your web development workflow with Blazor's seamless integration, flexible hosting options, and powerful capabilities."
"Browsers are getting better and faster these days with JavaScript."
"Progressive web apps: awesome website and technologies."
"Bandwidth matters more than memory on the web."
"In a web environment, databases can store HTML, PDF, images, XML-based documents, and more."
"WebAssembly is fast to load, parse, and execute, thanks to its efficient low-level bytecode."
"Blazor WebAssembly app is just a bunch of static files you can host it on GitHub pages, Azure static site hosting, or whatever you want on the server."
"I wanted this to just be kind of an introduction to data scraping so that if there is data you want to get and use in some way but there's no API, you have a way to do it yourself."
"HTML5 brings a lot of new support to browsers in terms of video tags, embedding videos, and audio tags."
"Server-side rendering... if you control your servers or the computer that sends those HTML j/s and CSS file you have the option to do that."
"What exactly is the difference here between static sites versus SSR or server-side rendering?"
"A persistent cookie will always have the lifetime as you set for the cookie."
"The CSS grid is really well supported."
"Blown Away by how much this does and like how cool this feels and knowing that this is all built on web Tech."
"So now that you kind of understand the basic architecture of how we're going to approach this application and you understand what portals are, I think what we can safely do is start with our toast container or what we're calling toast portal."
"It's a chat app using React, Node, Express, and we're going to be using Socket.IO as the WebSocket library that allows us to send our data through websockets."
"How awesome is this for offline, friends?"
"The basic idea behind HTMX is it's all HTML."
"So if you have an existing application that you really want to run in the web, then this seems like a great solution."
"That's where Next.js comes in, where we're able to still wield the power of React but we're able to do things like static generation and server-side rendering."
"Next.js has really good support for server-side rendering."
"Real-time on the web has really three ways to do it: long polling, server sent events, and WebSockets."
"Office add-ins can do almost anything a web page can do inside a browser."
"It's a platform for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript."
"It has long seemed like HTML wasn't evolving, but things may be changing."
"We now have a fully functioning API that we can query in our browser or we could send requests to from Python to get data back based on the category for the quotes that we are scraping."
"HTTP cookies are really just blocks of data or pieces of information that is sent from the web server to the client."
"Ajax is a combination of JavaScript plus XML which allows us to make asynchronous calls to the server machine."
"Web components are the native component model for the web platform."
"HTTP is stateless. What that means is that every time that a new request is made, everything has to be negotiated again."
"Wordpress powers 35% of the top 1 million sites in the world."
"HTTP is the foundation of the World Wide Web."
"Interact with those applications that are desktop applications running inside of a browser."
"Server render and server pre-render both refer to your C-sharp code being executed on a server."
"We're also introducing a new packaging format for Blazer WebAssembly apps called WebCIL that's more web-friendly."
"For Blazer server apps, we're adding new APIs so that you can monitor your circuit activity."
"Phoenix LiveView is great for user interactions like events and updates from the server and page navigation among other things."
"When a user enters our website based on their IP address, we will get to know the country name."
"This is our Pizza Tracker, and we created it with Laravel and React with the help of Inertia."
"Next.js has introduced two new functions that we can use for static site generation."
"Hypertext Markup Language is what it stands for."
"Let's just think about the SDI that makes the uploading, sharing, and working with the geospatial data as easy as blogging sites like WordPress or Wix.com."
"We are sending our refresh cookie that is HttpOnly to the user."
"We talked about IPFS, the Interplanetary File System, we talked about why it exists to decentralize the web."
"With push notifications on the web, we've made it engaging."
"What is new is the progressive web apps make WebRTC really easy."
"WebAssembly is a new language for the web, specifically a low-level language designed to execute near native code."
"The goal is we want you to be able to copy and paste your markup with minimal changes into a Blazor component and it just works."
"The web and HTTP specifically, is a client-server paradigm."
"It's like wow, this is actually kind of cool the way he did that online, is some cool stuff you can do with web SDR."
"Let's do npm run dev and it should open localhost 5173."
"There are so many awesome reasons why you should be using Redis on your site right now."
"Without a web server, our computers won't be able to send the images to the browser."
"WinCC Unified's modern user interface incorporates the latest web-based technologies such as HTML5, JavaScript, and scalable vector graphics."
"Now it's searchable, selectable, accessible."
"It's really because it gives you a much richer experience."
"The Web platform is evolving at a faster pace than ever before."
"We've replicated a shell basically in HTML5 thanks to the file system API."
"If wasm can interact directly with the DOM... it should be much faster than JavaScript for all those operations too."
"We're just scratching the surface with the power that comes with being a web developer."
"As web frameworks written on Node mature, I think it's not unreasonable to use it to build entire websites."
"We're here to listen to you and collectively through consensus we can move that web platform forward."
"We wanted to bring this instant load model to the web."
"HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is really just a set of conventions that mandate how a computer speaks to another computer when it wants to request information off of the world wide web."
"Think about the fact we're talking about a browser right here."
"Progressive web apps are really just radically better web experiences."
"Web components utterly change the web platform."
"Taking advantage of sessions, we now have the ability to store information that just pertains to the current user."
"The web is a fantastic way to span all of these emerging mobile devices."
"We have one overarching goal on the Polymer project: to build the tools and libraries using the latest web platform features so that you, the developers, can build the next generation of web apps."
"One thing which is very cool with Story as well is because while using web technology web views, you can actually extend it."
"Now imagine, I had no clue on how this page was working, and now I have a bird's view on a sequence of events, synchronous and asynchronous bound together, that show me the complete picture of the page runtime together with the timers, resources, styles, etcetera."
"WebM is free. That means both senses of the word as people know it—beer and speech."
"It's just a URL, guys. It's literally just we discover the URL to the parking meter, and when you click on it, you go to the web."
"Bi-directional interaction with JavaScript... very, very important."
"We're learning a lot from distributed systems in general, and the web just happens to be one of the biggest distributed systems we've ever created."
"So this is for me what you need to do today to create a really good PWA, okay?"
"Flexbox is something pretty powerful."
"If you can understand cookies at a deep level, it's going to be much easier to understand sessions."
"Web components are no longer some distant future; they are just a reality of today's web."
"At the heart of schema.org and each schema.org vocabulary is this very old and foundational idea, that it's useful to give names to properties that express relationships between the things described by two nodes in the web."
"When a server implements a function that requires states to be maintained across the set of transactions, it sends a small amount of data to the web client called cookie."
"The sharing model is super great though, you can just send someone a URL, and they just see it."
"PWA and AMP provide an app-like experience on the web; things load quickly, they're engaging, they work offline."
"It's quite enjoyable to find a new concept on the web that you can literally understand everything about it."
"PouchDB is CouchDB shrunk down to fit in your web browser."
"By default, Next.js pre-renders every page."
"JavaScript is everywhere; it's in our browsers for almost as long as browsers have existed."
"We are just at the beginning of the story for web components."
"It still works, we can reload on all the subpages because we're offline."