
Data Handling Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Python will just use more and more and more and more bits and bytes to store really big numbers so integer overflow is not a thing."
"The advantage of using JSON data is that you can split it up into pieces."
"Pandas is great for a wide variety of steps in the data science process."
"It's like chain but backwards and we don't have to wrap and unwrap data explicitly."
"He's saying that the biggest privacy problem today are not the government's it's the ad agencies and the marketing companies."
"Take this return value and serialize it using these fields."
"Shift registers: sequential logic circuits for data storage and transfer."
"Objects allow us to access data that is stored within a specific object and do different things with it based on how different methods and different things are being called."
"Passing data to a method: All data passed to a method is passed by value."
"We can use DAX formulas to deliver a table to an Excel sheet."
"She didn't delete anything, she just deleted the classified materials or wanted to and filtered it out, no malfeasance at all."
"There's a lot of freedom in regards to how you can work with data."
"We're going to create a JSON file and fetch that data through Ajax and then output it onto the screen."
"Just simply throw those tile coordinates at a set and let the set do the heavy lifting."
"It allows us to treat all data as a stream as it unfolds through the dimension of time."
"Kafka handles large amounts of data; we produced 10 million events and it handled them with no trouble."
"Spreadsheets: The backbone of modern data analysis and business decision-making."
"It's sociopathic, psychopathic in some regards to its approach to data."
"Information is power, but the format makes a difference. In the wrong hands, electronic data can be corrupted, manipulated, erased. In the right hands..."
"Ajax is an extremely important technology in web development."
"Your information is being given away and sold to the highest bidder."
"What I'm going to do is pass the provider here is the current user."
"California sucks in a ton of categories but it's impossible to deny the nearly perfect weather beautiful nature and amazing economy."
"Don't forget about your data in terms of being familiar with it, working with it, engineering and iterating on it..."
"It's a great thing that Excel allows you to save the modifications you've made to a chart so that maybe one day you can apply it on another data set."
"You literally could have copied it straight from the calculated column and pasted it here."
"I hope you feel like you got a good introduction to the data frame and series objects."
"XGBoost has a parameter called scale pause weight that helps deal with imbalance."
"LiveData is a simple lifecycle-aware observable data holder."
"What are you gonna do with this data? None of them had anything to say except the one that was like, 'Yeah, we'll hand it over, no problem.'"
"SGS uses DTOs (Data Transfer Objects) to simplify handling data from requests."
"Record types reduce the boilerplate code that is typically associated with class definitions intended for data holding, like DTOs."
"Your job as the front end developer is just to take the Json and map it to the front end."
"Excel can only store around 1 million rows per spreadsheet, but SQL can handle massive amounts of data."
"Yes, you can pass any data to another function."
"Promises are used for asynchronous operations to consume data."
"I like my components to receive data rather than fashion data themselves."
"That simplicity is the power of iterables because because it's promising so little it's applicable towards broadest us a broader set of data as possible lots of different things can be iterable because you don't need to know much about the data to iterate it."
"So now that we've saved the data, the next step is to use this data to generate the HTML."
"Instead, we save the data for the website in a data structure like this."
"But if we have a post request we want to read the data from the form and create a new account"
"I'm going to store all the latitude and longitude data from the variables into two variables called lat and lon."
"Utilize the choices function to easily retrieve values from data sources for patching."
"Data are collected, categorized, stored, and grouped to make it useful."
"Remember, this is looping through the different users, so this is gonna return an array."
"Power Query frees us from the 1 million row limitation of Excel and is efficient handling big files."
"...a better way to deal with imbalanced data is undersampling."
"This is really useful because you can take a load of the copying."
"Often in project management, we don't want to touch the data multiple times; we just want one touch of the data, one source of truth."
"Transform streams are the essential part of the stream family."
"These types of models are very powerful and flexible, and one of their most powerful features is that it can logically handle missing data at prediction time."
"We're going to replace missing data with the average non-null data point from that column."
"I was in love with this whole engine just because I never had anything that could let me handle hundreds of millions of rows."
"I'm recording all kinds of very sensitive information... but it is all going to be destroyed at the end of the talk."
"You can use Excel for more than one use case, using its inbuilt features to easily work with your data."
"This is a real-life use case: let's say you need to create a CSV file with a ton of data; you can't really do it the traditional way because your Node app is not going to be able to handle it."
"Under sampling majority class is the first technique to handle imbalance in your dataset."
"We're going to resolve an object of data which has a property on it called id."
"Using a tool like CSV helper can be a game changer when it comes to the efficiencies of using and working with CSV files efficiently."
"It has the ability to handle structured, semi-structured, unstructured, or even raw data."
"Load column information, then construct, parse the query, define the columns, and execute. Build and display the output."
"This is a great example of getting your hands dirty with data."
"We've learned some techniques, some really simple techniques, that can dramatically make data architecture for your applications a lot easier."
"It's a plain text file that's easy to work with in programming languages such as Python."
"Let me now map over our movies inside of here."
"The way we handle data inside of a program itself is a little different from how we normally do in a normal programming language."
"This actually will allow us to have a better way of rendering and handling form data in a view."
"Once we have all of the data ready to go, that's when we send back pretty much ready to go HTML."
"First you can handle huge data sets easily by streaming them from either disk or s3 or any other cloud storage."
"It gives you more control over the process."
"We'll be using three CSV Excel files and I'm gonna show you how to load them into pandas dataframes."
"It allows you to basically pass in and then receive data from your actual route itself."
"Once the data has been passed down, the child component can use the data in expressions, directives, and methods."
"You'll be building a service that imports data from a CSV spreadsheet, transforms it with custom code, and stores the final results in a database."
"Outliers are another thing that you potentially have to deal with; you can remove them or deal with them in other ways."
"We needed this to work for massive data sets... without blinking an eye and without thrashing the DOM."
"Mapping is pretty much you're going to use it when you have a lot of data and you want to display a component."
"So pretty cool, whole bunch of ways to work with JSON data."
"With a little work in text analysis here, we can get pretty close."
"Python can still handle large data."
"You might have something where you are going to be experiencing very spiky data and sometimes long periods with no requests, but latency is so important that you want to keep at least one instance always running."
"Interactivity should remain such even at scale with large sets of data or large models."
"Use IExtensibleDataObject to preserve unknown elements during serialization and deserialization of data contracts."