
Code Efficiency Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Python, it's actually a little more succinct. You can just use a single hash."
"We can condense hundreds of lines of code into just a few lines of code by deferring update logic and rendering logic to each individual entity."
"One shortcut is if you don't plan on using this named instance of another class like game frame, you don't actually or necessarily need this portion of this line of code."
"Inheritance simplifies code reuse" - Inheriting attributes and methods from a superclass streamlines code organization and maintenance.
"Functions allow us to both reuse and better organize our code."
"Even though we wrote the code in two completely different ways, the core loop is identical in both cases."
"Optimize a program hugely just by making a couple tiny little tweaks."
"No longer do you need to pass in handle click, handle complete, handle edit, handle new, handle create, handle delete."
"Using var, you can write cleaner and shorter code."
"Start using git today to manage your project's code effectively."
"Storing a file object in a variable gives you access to all sorts of other interesting and useful properties."
"Understanding the power of simplicity: 'Move is Turing complete but what does that mean? Well, it means that any code that we write could be written as a set of moves instead and absolutely nothing else.'"
"By removing duplicate code, you remove the amount of code and hence the less code that you have the easier it is to modify as well as understand."
"Always use functional style or declarative instead of defining every single business logic."
"If it makes it possible to do something you couldn't do before, if it can dramatically simplify the code around react in your components and libraries, so that you all have less work to do and users have less code to download, that's a win."
"Effect has its own form of async or white style syntax powered by generators."
"Record types reduce the boilerplate code that is typically associated with class definitions intended for data holding, like DTOs."
"Closures are really nice because they can really shorten your code."
"ORMs are a great tool that enhance our productivity and save us from writing the same data access code over and over again."
"Haskell, allowing you to do quite a lot with very little code."
"Generics can be super powerful. They can make your code dry af by allowing you to reuse code snippets."
"The attack surface is really low, anytime you can have less code there's just easier to audit."
"Converting it to a CPP or this byte array is going to be probably the most efficient way, but there are limitations just like with everything else."
"It's a simple query builder that actually generates efficient code to retrieve the data that you want."
"Less code is better, generally, as long as it's understandable."
"We want to just return every duplicate subtree."
"WireGuard is trying to be like around four thousand lines of code; it's a really small thing that security professionals will read in their free time."
"Being trivially destructible and trivially copyable are probably the best things you can do to write optimizable code."
"Common table expressions are a pretty neat way to do code reuse."
"It reduces the amount of code behind it but also has a massive knock-on effect that it gives us a much more flexible system for creating our designs."
"Wouldn't it be better if we write this code once and then simply reuse it?"
"If you feel that there is some piece of code that you keep typing over and over, you can write your own snippet."
"Decorators allow us to modify the behavior of a function without actually changing any of its code."
"This is functional programming, passing a function as arguments around in order to create interesting behavior."
"We have to write code that is recursive or uses loops or somehow reuses the instructions that we give the computer."
"And that is exactly what the modules allow us to do."
"The fill function fills a range of elements with a specified value."
"It helps with code reusability and you don't have to repeat yourself."
"You have it in one spot with all your logic; have that DRY—don't repeat yourself."
"Instead of copy-pasting this, let's create a separate utility for it."
"Remember in programming, the goal is to make things simple and not complex."
"The whole reference code for this architecture was written in 808 lines of BASIC."
"With Julia, you don't have that problem; you can write your code and make it fast in one environment that's pretty nice to work with."
"This is the power of functions; it saves us from rewriting the code multiple times."
"It's all about being economical with your code; do it once rather than doing it like 10 times."
"So if you ever realize that you're writing very similar lines of code multiple times, maybe you just want to add them into a function."
"If you need to execute a chunk of code several times, this is a big savings rather than writing this code out multiple times."
"The real formula for calculating elapsed time is take end minus start, add a really big number to it, and then mod by that number."
"The beauty of the Spring framework: minimal code, it just makes your life easier."
"The principle benefit to IEC and programming standards in general, is that it allows code to be reused and programming techniques to be shared between different hardware platforms."
"The key aim of MAUI is to enable you to implement as much of your app logic and user interface layout in a single code base."
"Every bit of complexity that we can abstract away will bring us one step closer to creating cleaner and more efficient code."
"I want to make this DRY so I'm not repeating this every time I have a different distance matrix that I want to read in."
"Not only will the validation code we write be reusable, but it will also build upon existing HTML5 form validation."
"If you ever find yourself copying and pasting code, you really need to think, 'Is there a better way to do this?'"
"Stay DRY, which basically means don't repeat yourself."
"With generators and a little bit of knowledge of how they fit into how Python objects work, I have 95 lines of code here for a graph computation framework, not too bad."
"We can see a pretty solid looking app written in a single line of code."
"Wow, I can meet both those criteria with inheritance."
"A lambda expression is a short block of code that takes in parameters and returns a value."
"Stripping is trying to remove any code that we can statically analyze and prove that you're not using."
"The potential speedup is really proportional to the fraction of the code that can be parallelized."
"Generics allows you to create generic functions and types; it's a good way to avoid code duplication."
"Polymorphism is used for code reuse."
"We can write code that blocks the thread that could potentially slow things down."
"This phenomena of removing the stale code that you are not going to use is called tree shaking."
"Compress those down into one file each where we can, and reduce the code weight."