
Pageantry Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"Every moment and second of her performance is picturesque."
"I've been calling them robotic pageant Patty Queens like it, and they have been, but nobody understood until you see this girl come out and perform like this and you realize, oh my God, you were right."
"Speaking ability is likely going to save her."
"I love Curacao so much, but USA definitely has the edge."
"In my personal heart of hearts, I prefer Curacao as my Miss Universe."
"Celeste could muscle her way into top five, but understand, she's gonna have to come like a dragon from the cave."
"Can India get into top five for the third year in a row? Yeah, she surely can."
"I've seen people make huge successes without a dime in their pocket if they have the passion."
"The Miss America competition has now decided that they are no longer going to be having a swimsuit competition."
"We are now going to do a Miss America 2.0 makeover. We will no longer judge our candidates on their outward physical appearance."
"Our Ultimate Grand Supreme winner wins a five-foot trophy... ruler of the fantasy faces of Oklahoma."
"My personal stance on child pageants... it's just abuse. So I hate it, I absolutely hate it."
"Winning Miss World Philippines wasn't a dream of mine when I was younger, but was born purely out of purpose and passion."
"Pokemon showcases were anime exclusive competitions that are pretty much like the beauty pageants of the pokemon world."
"I remember there being a conversation at one point."
"It's intended as a pageant, it's a way of showing off."
"The way that she knows how to work dresses is what worked for her, because if you give a dress like this to a contestant that doesn't know what to do with a skirt like this, it could go south real quick."
"This is historical in my opinion because it's a huge win for Binibini Filipinas."
"Being Miss USA opened up so many new opportunities for me."
"I'm Kim Gravel, the number-one pageant coach in the United States of America."
"There is no reason why a little girl has to go through that much pressure just to win a pageant."
"A Filipina-American wins Miss Universe, representing Asian Americans."
"It's important that the girl carries herself in that same way... Louisa did this beautifully." - Commentator
"Miss United Kingdom, her presentation was one of the highlights for me... I really, really enjoyed it." - Commentator
"She handles herself with so much grace, so much elegance... that is definitely a gift." - Miss Grand Russia
"Miss Venezuela... she gave such a killer performance in my opinion."
"I'm bringing regal elegance, pageant extraordinaire, and I just feel lovely."
"I've won three different titles so far: Miss Staten Island, Miss Big Apple, and I am currently Miss Brooklyn for America."
"I was Miss World at 18. Just because I was confident."
"She gave a certain pageantry to that moment that could have been one of the rawest, most chaotic moments in American history."
"The power is here, the power is there, who's that? Oh, that's USA, that's you."
"That's all that mind, that purpose, honestly, that just yells Miss World for me."
"I remember hearing multiple times behind the scenes and in rehearsals that Miss USA is not a model, Miss USA does not have to have the best walk."
"This is one of the reasons that Miss Universe is still very relevant and still a very sought after title."
"When they asked her the questions were her answers were amazed."
"Miss Earth is very unique this year because they are doing a virtual pageant."
"Miss Earth gives us everything we would want as pageant fans."
"It changed my whole life because then I went to Miss Louisiana."
"The chivalry and pageantry of knights lived on at the joust."
"They have won in all major international pageants 15 times."
"The first official pageant was held within the country in 1908."
"Pageantry is really cool because it's not just about winning the crown."
"Winning Miss New York USA was really, really exciting."
"She is beauty and beauty and she is Miss United you t it's beauty."
"Yeah, it's way off now. You gotta give him credit for all his, you know, pageantry, his courageousness."
"Their stories are often filled with both pageantry and controversy."
"The pageantry of this... resonates beyond the ages."
"I will be the proud wearer of this beautiful crown."
"The most exciting thing that ever happened to me was I was chosen the 1954 Rose Queen."
"The winner will not only be crowned the swan but will also receive the biggest prize package in pageant history."
"They love the pageantry, the pomp, and the fact that they get a chance to see the king."
"She's beauty, she is grace, she is Miss United States."
"Whether you're a royalist or not... it was a fabulous show of organization and the military and you couldn't fail to be impressed."
"The first indigenous woman to represent her country at the Miss Universe pageant."
"She believes in chasing goals and it was her childhood dream to be Miss Universe."
"My biggest thrill today came when I was chosen to compete in the Miss America contest as Miss Hawaii."
"I've refused from the bottom of my heart to believe that Zambia cannot produce a Miss World, a Miss Universe."
"I founded this pageant named Miss Guinea USA for 10 years, running it within the 10 years I had so many mentors, many leaders who believed in me."
"I'm not only here to break the stereotypes of pageant girls, but I'm also here to break the stereotypes of Southern Bells."
"I don't think beauty pageants are relevant, but they are interesting for people to watch."
"She beat out 51 girls at the pageant and even more impressive, she went on to Miss USA."
"This 21-year-old sees pageantry as a vehicle and allows her to make a difference in the lives of others."
"She's going to win this pageant, I just know it, the double head of Christmas Pageant, she's going to win first place this year, I just know it."
"Beauty with a purpose is the core of Miss World."
"Every Miss Universe pageant is special, but tonight's is extra special."
"Good evening, I'm Angela Visser, Miss Universe 1989."
"Every crowning at Miss World is the start of a new chapter."
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, whether you're Miss Congeniality, Best in Show, or lovely fifth alternate, just make sure your page is on fire."
"Once crowned, the king will travel back to the Palace in the gold State coach, originally commissioned for King George III in the 1700s."
"A perfect background for the pageantry to follow."
"Miss Gay America is a drag queen pageant that began in the year 1973."
"I want America to know that a plus-size Queen is fully capable of taking the crown."
"I wanted to capture the look on a woman's face as she's being crowned."
"Greatness, beauty, Miss United States, the baddest [__] to ever live and the sweetest person to ever live."
"We would like to welcome the former beauty queens."
"Let us welcome these beautiful ladies right here."
"Congratulations, Miss Heritage 2020."
"The next beauty queen who is going to be crowned is Miss Congeniality 2020."
"Congratulations, Miss North Carolina, you're now Miss Universe."
"In competition with over 100 Indian girls from 55 tribes, I was chosen on the basis of poise and personality as Miss Indian America of 1957."
"I ended up winning it. Wow, yeah. So one minute I'm Miss Blackpool, and then I won the FHM."
"Across Europe, festival traditions go back centuries and are filled with time honored pageantry and ritual."
"Entering pageants might be an avenue to a career on stage."
"Days of pageantry followed with Norodom variously dressing in traditional Khmer Buddhist attire."
"Look at you, Little Miss America, down the red carpet!"
"She was crowned the 1978 South Carolina Watermelon Queen."
"We always give our little girls in the South three names, in case they want to be in a pageant."
"In many tournaments, a knight could only be helped off the field by a squire bearing his livery."
"She is beauty, she is grace, she's Miss United."
"In a few moments, our new Miss USA will be crowned."
"Imagine yourself relaxing on this enchanting island of color and pageantry."
"She had such a bright future ahead of her with her career in the dentist field and the beauty pageants."
"She's ready to fight, and I love to see a queen who's ready to go for the crown."
"Mr. Universe always comes from Earth."
"This idea came from Patreon bets; they wrote, 'I am interested in the psychology of pageantry, particularly with children. I find it fascinating.'"
"I started competing in pageants as a way to bring awareness to caregiving and to support my fellow caregivers."
"I'm going to talk about how I help kids in Kenya through a program there on a stage of Miss America."
"It's really such an interesting sport because there's so much pageantry, there's so many traditions involved."
"You can do it. You really can be the next Miss Surrounding Area."
"She is beauty, she is grace, she is Miss United States."
"I realized that maybe I can make it there, so it was never about just being there winning the crown, it's more about leaving a legacy behind."
"My journey as Miss USA has been incredibly meaningful."
"There's a really big missed opportunity here because Miss America has a talent portion."
"Most contestants love to wear gowns for pageants. It's one of the things that we look forward to."
"It creates quality control because we can't control things when contestants are responsible for bringing stuff to the pageant."
"If you're new to the channel, welcome. I'm a former title holder, pageant judge, as well as a coach."
"Let's not forget that the four points of the crown used to be style, service, scholarship, success."
"As a pageant coach, I want to offer a free resource to all the contestants out there who are watching and preparing for their competition."
"I know girls that still dream of becoming Miss America, if you can believe it, they still do."
"I remember watching Kristi, and Tanya, and Nancy being like, 'Who are these girls?' It was like watching a pageant for the first time."
"A jubilee pageant, a carnival on the mall with 10,000 people bringing to life the seven decades of the Queen's reign."
"She's beauty, she's grace, she's Miss United States."
"An unmatched vision of a world of pageantry, magic, and adventure." - The Los Angeles Times
"I love pomp and circumstance and the pageantry."
"The first black Miss Universe was Trini, 1977's Janelle Commissiong."
"It's sleek, stylish, aerodynamic; it's beauty, it's grace, it's Miss United States."
"Miss Universe 2023 starts in El Salvador, one of the most anticipated events not only by Salvadorans but throughout the world."
"Congratulations, Cookie, on winning this year's pageant."
"This was kind of top tier, this is the pageant [__] that they talk about sister, where it's like you have to be innovative and quick."
"Pageantry is more than just pretty gowns and beautiful faces, otherwise it's just so empty."
"She should not be shouldering any of the blame; she's been groomed since she's born to be in pageants and to dance and sing in front of a camera."
"Pageants was all of my life, like it was the only thing I cared about."
"She's now Miss Baby Bay Area, she won her first pageant, she's got a title, she's not just a crown, she's a beauty queen."
"The pageants were produced in suitable parts of the city."
"Alexi represents something that Filipino pageant fans have been asking for a long time, and that is diversity."
"This is about how we all were treated as a whole by the Miss brand Miss USA organization this past week in Reno, Nevada."
"Whoever saw this pageant in person, they didn't just get a pageant, they got a concert."
"I am so excited that I was able to witness this pageant."
"Cambodia has really been working for a placement, and I think this is the best preliminary gown I've seen for their titleholders."
"The crown of Miss Indian world does not make you who you are; it reveals who you are."
"I'm always a fan of blending pageantry and the Performing Arts."
"The standard of the Miss Grand International has always been grand."
"I am a proud member of the Navajo Nation and I am the former Miss Indian Arizona first attendant."
"Through pageantry, this is my way of being political and addressing these social impacts."
"How's that for an absolutely majestic display of British pageantry, folks?"
"Tonight on this stage, one woman will wear the Miss USA Crown, a lifelong dream will be fulfilled."
"Pageants are like a sport; you have to train non-stop, and the mind is the most important part."
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the Miss Universe 2018 recap."
"Ladies, you make your countries proud, and we would love to have any one of you as Miss Earth."
"I won the title of Miss Teen Galaxy England, went on to America, and won the title of Miss Teen Galaxy International."
"I hope you enjoy this little insight into the magical world of pageantry."
"She's one of the contestants that is ready to go for Miss Universe."
"We first met her when she became the first Filipina American to win both Miss Texas and Miss USA."
"My number one suggestion for all pageant contestants is to get a professional hair and makeup lesson with an artist."
"A pageant is essentially a really long job interview, so not only do you want to look your personal best, but you want to look professional as well."
"Contestants from the Philippines have won numerous major titles, making it the second most successful nation behind Venezuela."
"There is no shortage of stunning images this year at Miss Universe."
"Congratulations, Melissa Garcia won the title of Miss Florida Power Boat Club 2018."
"I loved, loved my Miss USA experience; wouldn't take it back, guys."
"Every queen is really worthy of being crowned."
"We're gonna give you like a ribbon to wear across your body and a crown and a trophy."
"It's so crazy that is the end of my six-year pageant journey."
"I really feel that in this year of Miss Universe, they really do put an emphasis on who the girl is, what she stands for."
"Being a beauty queen is so much more than the crown you wear or the sash across your chest."
"I just genuinely live, breathe, and love pageantry."
"She says in her little interview that she wants to show that she's the pageant girl with personality."
"South Africa, you can go on and live a full, impressive pageant life."
"I'm happy that I won Miss Universe. I have the whole year ahead of me."
"Pageantry is not for the faint of heart."
"You have to be willing to accept the good and bad of what it means to truly be a representative and be a pageant Queen."
"If you cannot deal with that, you should not be participating in pageantry."
"There's so much of women's empowerment when you go for these pageants and every girl supports every girl there."
"I think it's the decent thing to do is show them the respect that they have given through their loyalty to the Miss Universe organization."
"Pageants give a way for even some of the lowest in society when it comes to class or wealth, a door for them to move upwards."
"One thing a Miss Universe never is, is boring."
"You want to be stunning morning, noon, and night, every day, every press presentation, every challenge that you're in."
"If you're trying to be a Miss Universe, a Miss Universe is never subtle."
"Miss Universe Philippines Australia had me flamboozled, just flabbergasted, just like stunned completely."
"Everything on a pageant stage should be natural, effortless."
"She's elegant, she's graceful, this is a Miss Universe performance."
"This is the centennial hundredth year of Miss America."
"North Carolina looks great and she's giving energy, happiness, bubbliness, and I'm still getting a little bit of sultriness from her."
"This is what pageantry is all about."
"I want to see more diversity on pageant stages."
"Congratulations to all these ladies, everyone did a really, really good job."
"The purpose of the interview in a pageant competition is to demonstrate that you are more than a pretty face."
"Sierra Burchell earned her place on that stage."
"I cannot stand the stereotypes held in the pageant world."
"Ciara Burchell rocked it on stage."
"I'm happy that the judges didn't hold her to those stereotypes so that she was able to break them."
"Let's remember as a pageant community that our goal is to uplift wonderful beautiful women."
"Who sets the bar in pageant world? Who's been the most consistent country in pageant world?"
"Every pageant queen should be well-versed in order to handle most questions with elegance and grace."
"Philippines, honestly in recent years, do they ever disappoint? I think not."
"South Africa to me stood out because she just put off such friendly and fun vibes in her swimsuit video."
"Thailand, huge fan favorite, I was not surprised to see her do well here."
"Venezuela was beautiful, her video was solid, it looked very Venezuela to me."
"The new Miss Earth was Belize, and then air was USA, then we had Chile was water, and Thailand was fire."
"This was India's 27th placement overall - they're one of just eight countries to have won at least three Miss Universe titles."
"The USA placed for the 13th consecutive year, the longest active streak by far."
"This was the 24th consecutive year a Latin American country reached the Top 3 at Miss Universe."
"Nicaragua wins its first Big Four or Grand Slam pageant."
"After pageantry, there's more to that; it's like a life lesson for you, it's a life experience."
"Innovating Filipinas pageant was certainly a turning point in my life it was a battle that I had to fight even several years prior to the actual competition itself."
"Every girl that was chosen for top 16 is eloquent, intelligent, and charismatic to a point."
"The most common crossover for a Miss Universe winner has been a previous attempt at Miss World."
"She believes that the pageants should be used as a stepping stone to helping the less fortunate."
"Brazil has an impressive history at Miss Universe, dating back to the pageant's early days."
"Brazil's gown was insane, insane."