
Music Diversity Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I'm just a lover of all music and try to respect as much culture as I possibly can, regardless of what it is."
"I like showing to other people that, you know, there's... other types of music."
"I think each and every one of them brings a different genre of music, and it's going to be incredible."
"My favorite songs range from Garth Brooks to Drake."
"I want to thank the people in the world, my fans, really allowing me the opportunity to make all types of music and be accepted by different radio stations and genres and colors and everybody across the rainbow."
"If you're wondering, the songs chosen over the years have been wildly eclectic, ranging from classical music by composers like Bach and Beethoven to Metallica and the Beastie Boys."
"AW's entrance music is more diverse, with creative freedom and tailored to wrestlers."
"AEW's diverse entrance music offers more variety and creativity."
"You know, something on this album for everybody."
"What's beautiful about music is there are so many different genres, and people can just very easily go, 'I'm not into metal, I'm more into hip-hop,' or 'I'm not into hip-hop, I like folk music.'"
"Final Fantasy 14's musical style is far more diverse and wild and fun."
"2019 has been an incredible year in music, diverse and inspiring voices have emerged, new and sometimes challenging ideas and points of view have been expressed, truly heard and acknowledged for the very first time." - Harvey Mason Jr.
"The music of the UAE is extremely diverse... I hope that you enjoyed this segment and thank you very much."
"Alola may have my favorite soundtrack with the most unique and diverse themes in the franchise."
"We need more variety in the female rapper conversation."
"To say that alternative music has to look and sound like some specific arbitrary point in time like that would be the exact opposite of what alternative music and culture is supposed to stand for."
"1993 was jam-packed with great albums from every region."
"Let's let ska exist on the landscape of genres alongside the other ones."
"Listen to as many records as you can and listen to music you don't necessarily have an affinity with as much as the music you do have an affinity with because there's always something to learn."
"I think we gotta land on five bands that represent the diversity of that genre, otherwise, I think we'd be doing a disservice."
"I want to hear what you have to say. I don't need everything to sound exactly the same."
"It did feel like I was, I felt like I was weird in some sense for liking that music, like for pulling out, like, Digital Underground and then they're listening to, you know, whatever Metallica or something. Yeah, absolutely."
"Every song we are doing has still some other vibes which does not make me think about Tolkien."
"So many different genre inspirations."
"Porch, quite a contrast to that last song, Oceans."
"Their albums are filled to the brim with odd time signatures, unique instruments, and polymeters. Their discography spans across many genres from folk to heavy metal and everything in between."
"The music in Perfect Blue is varied, from unsettling chanting to full-blown atmospheric industrial tracks."
"Radio One gave you that access to listen to pop, hip-hop, rock, underground music."
"I love the fact that there are more female rappers now, 100% love it."
"Music can be anything you want it to be, so as long as there are people out there listening to it and people enjoying it, it really doesn't matter what anyone else has to say."
"The most interesting and pretty cool part in the song was the Arabic rapping."
"I got everything from Punk to Funk to reggae, it's a great list."
"Music broadly speaking is better than ever because I can find the specific sound I want."
"I love when a band has that one really big song that sounds nothing at all like the rest of their music."
"Just insight into me as an artist and also to appreciate that drill is not the only thing that Chicago has to offer."
"Americana is not one thing, it's all the things that make American Music so unique."
"I listen to all types, rock, techno, hip-hop."
"That's one thing with Metallica, they don't always just play the hits."
"Something really amazing about this new sect of experimental alternative pop music that some call hyper pop is that it wholly defies the typical homogeneity of what pop music is supposed to be."
"I have the most eclectic taste in music."
"Thrash is nowhere near as cookie-cutter; there was a ton of variation in the scene."
"Playing with Ghost Notes... gives a great level of diversity to the grooves that you already know."
"We know what Blackpink's music is like all together, so seeing the specific kind of genres and feels... they all have given something different."
"Music in the West sounds different from music in the East, they have different preferred scales."
"My playlist on YouTube... encompasses the full range of genres."
"We gonna get us some R&B, we gonna get us some pop, we gonna get us like classic Beyoncé."
"Every one of those songs were a hit and a thing about those songs is they were all so different."
"It's important to talk different cultures, different genres of music."