
Flaw Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"It was ultimately the Primarchs' inherent and inescapable humanity which would be revealed as perhaps their greatest flaw."
"Peter's fatal flaw is that he holds himself to an impossible standard."
"The glitch became a revelation... it's perfect."
"...the main problem with the c64 GS was that it had been designed without the pretty key aspect of a Commodore 64: the keyboard."
"They did not clean up the defensive glass."
"The need for revenge that caused him to dedicate his days to taking down Salamancas was his main flaw."
"That kind of one of my criticisms of the movie, this is just nothing that 100% sticks out in this as like that's they nailed that."
"This is an exciting but somewhat flawed application from a creative investigator."
"I don't know if it's a design flaw or what."
"But I have to say, the most crucial flaw of this alleged enigma is the variation."
"No matter what I end up finding myself liking about any of these cars, there's still a glaring problem with the concept of these SUVs."
"I love hard, maybe too hard. It's a flaw, but it's who I am."
"Retirement as a goal or final redemption is flawed."
"The only problem is this is everything that's wrong with it."
"The inherent flaw in training children to use the Force from such a young age is that Palpatine ran the risk of children growing powerful enough to overthrow him or usurp his rule."
"It's a shame this bit was included in First Blood as it's... a black mark on an otherwise amazing speech... and an otherwise excellent film."
"You could say it's the one strange and conqueros part in this otherwise 10 out of 10 work of art."
"Now we are trying to connect the dots from actual Quranic verses. However, there is an obvious flaw. The sun doesn't set for 6 months, yes, but it also doesn't rise for 6 months, which means there would be plenty of shade for 6 months out of the year."
"40% of the people in the United States read one book or less last year. The whole concept is totally flawed."
"If something seems perfect, there's probably a problem with it."
"Every version of anything that man has made will be flawed."
"Attempting to correct a flaw at the level of the flaw fails to understand the source of the flaw."
"The face is what ruins this figure for me every time I think about it."
"By setting up a great flaw in a character, you make them far more popular."
"My biggest flaw is that I want to believe that not all people are evil and I want to be able to trust people."
"His scheme was flawed from the outset."
"The amount of kibble that we have packed into the legs is atrocious."
"Mold-wise, he's okay, but he has this critical flaw where they didn't really have a way of clipping his left arm."
"Humans, we are not capable of being unified. That's something God got to do. We just, we too flawed, you know what I mean?"
"The Exorcist: The Beginning is inherently flawed in its structure."
"Flawless characters carry no drama and hence no investment."
"I inherently trust them. That might be a little bit of a character flaw."
"A serious design flaw here, Shredder."
"I think the only downside I think there is to a vampire is their own arrogance."
"It's like a dark spot on your skin."
"that almost just seems like a bit of a design fault"
"Frozen remains to be a seriously flawed film that still remains to be good overall."
"The flaw sparks the journey because when we open with the character of Phileas Fogg, he's an incredibly tormented, flawed character."
"I need that sense of accomplishment. It wasn't there and I think that that was a major flaw."
"That'd be a shame if they got over that and then your dick was your second worst flaw."
"Here is your flaw, Shaitan... it was about a hero who insisted with every breath that he was anything but a hero."
"All down to a bit of a design flaw with the downlights in our opinion."
"...a flaw should be annoying... something that leads to negative consequences for them or others around them."
"I haven't finished. I've heard all I care to. There's just one flaw in your ambitious little design."
"The scratch is really easy to spot."
"The car itself is good, it's flawed but it's good in its driving experience."
"Now one thing I didn't point out earlier that you may have seen, the rock has one major flaw."
"Literally nothing bad about this car except the cup holders."
"A car so beautiful yet so flawed."
"Humans cannot exist without being flawed. By this logic, pure perfection is a contradiction to human existence."
"The gods in God of War are as flawed as can be, which could be explained by them all originating from the demiurge."
"That connector falls out. That is a huge problem."
"This chair, the only thing wrong with it, it has like this one little tear, but it's nothing that a little blanket can't hide."
"...the first thing that's flawed that always comes to mind is the driving position."
"They've missed a trick with the engine."
"The only problem is if you know anything about Ram pickups, you know that in the rear end of those trucks, they build them with actual dog."
"My flaw is how big of a heart I got."
"It's only flaw is that it is so good that it leads to a false sense of security."
"The most accessible way to point out a silliness or a flaw is through laughter."
"His biggest flaw was a tax evasion thing. I don't count that."
"The slow speed fueling is a bit iffy."
"But in the first test and the second test I noticed that I was getting like a slight uh double image."
"The pursuit of perfection is in and of itself a flawed pursuit because there is no perfection."
"Dolores was selfish, a selfish [__]."
"That core weakness would be displaying a bunch of smaller bright highlights in a darker scene."
"Perfect preservation at least on the second view isn't perfect."
"The key, the big difference, is one of the biggest structural elements, but it's the most important element, is the flaw."
"Cersei's fatal flaw is herself. She pushes and is full of hate and jealousy. Her belief in the prophecy and inability to avoid it could be her downfall."
"The Tower of Pisa started to lean soon after construction began in 1173, due to an inadequate foundation on one side."
"The incompetent Empire that decided to build two space stations with massive flaws and then get blown up and then get all their stuff appropriated by the First Order."
"She's got ahold of luck over you, you know? You have a very beautiful belly button. What is your flaw for real? Do you have a flaw like my belly button?"
"So are there any chinks in this guy's armor?"
"This movie is one giant plot hole."
"You put on a great show but you made a robot that was flammable."
"Over 18 years of plane usage, stress on the flaw in the fan disk caused it to form a crack."
"Too sharp and the blade is too smooth. How is that a failure? The Edge never chips."
"I really liked the idea of him having that fault and kind of playing into it."
"My toxic trait is not wanting to be misunderstood."
"Prejudice," agreed the sil, acknowledging the flaw in their system.
"Hubris is a flaw, and I am perfect, therefore, I don't have hubris."
"I mean you can see a little bit of warping down here at the bottom."
"That is the weakness of an authoritarian or totalitarian regime."
"It does have that nasty crack in there."
"They do just port into the top and when you actually do remove this top weapon it does leave a huge gaping hole there which is rather unfortunate."
"He's a flawed human being who's deeply in love with a horrible person."
"I am convinced that the committee's findings are deeply, deeply flawed."
"The best villains are smart as hell but are brought down by a character flaw."
"Your hero has a flaw that's screwing up everything in their life."
"I am a perfectionist, to a fault at times."
"I am flawed by how gorgeous this looks."
"The deferred life plan is fundamentally flawed."
"This is one of the biggest flaws that we've ever uncovered against payment systems."
"Some truly gloss over what makes her so perfectly flawed in the best possible way."
"We have found the flaw, ladies and gentlemen."
"What a logic flaw is, finding a flaw in the coding that lets you bypass the actual authentication process."
"The absence of prescription drug coverage is a fatal flaw in our present health care system."
"He has one major character flaw: cutthroat poker, but in Armbruster's case, you can hardly call it a flaw because he never loses."
"I want to speak to you with God's help on the value of the flaw."
"What started as a character flaw in these characters turns into a pathology that then leads on to a destroyed life."
"The flaw acts as sort of the access point into your default network."
"His tragic flaw is not really a flaw; this flaw being his emotions."
"Holding grudges is dangerous for a child of Hades. It is our fatal flaw. You have to forgive."
"What is a foible? It's a weakness."
"The Mercator projection is the standard map of the world. However, there is a well-known flaw."
"You discovered that there is a fundamental flaw in one of the most basic laws of physics."
"Your fatal flaw may destroy us all, as well as yourself."
"This is a really good flaw to bring up for your main character."
"That character flaw usually involves narcissism and believing that they can trick people into believing their narrative."
"Perfectionism is actually a fault, so if it's a fault, then that's something that I want to basically remove from me because it's holding me back."
"He's a comic genius with a fatal flaw."
"It's beautifully flawed in its own way."
"Every move has a flaw, a drawback, every attack you can exploit."
"Russell Westbrook's flaw is lack of self-awareness."
"No one is perfect, but looking for perfection is a sickness."