
Leadership Criticism Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"We put our fates in the hands of a madman; truly, we have reaped what we have sown."
"The campaign to oust Newsom went from unlikely to unavoidable this week as pervasive frustration with Newsom's pandemic management cut sharply into his approval numbers."
"He is a petty tyrant who refuses to listen to the legions of people more capable than him in every regard."
"Stand up and grow a pair... that includes Donald Trump."
"Without saying Prigozhin's name even once, he declared that the leaders of Wagner's revolt had betrayed their country and their people."
"The fact they can't even get debt ceiling agreement here -- to me this is how you ended up with a Donald Trump, because of stupid political fights like this."
"This incompetent man that's president, he's a terrible person, he's a terrible president."
"The buck stops here, and then he blames everybody but himself."
"They are not representing reality accurately. She is acting as a leader, she is devaluing Outsiders and so are her students. They are dependent on her and they are not interested in dissent."
"I can barely imagine a more unsuitable person to take charge of a country even during Good Times."
"Conservatives need to stop cooperating in their system."
"I think she's the worst Prime Minister we've had in my lifetime."
"It's not one of those things where you can say I hope I'm wrong. We have seen tens of thousands of people die who wouldn't have died if we'd had stronger leadership."
"He thrives on chaos... He creates a real danger to this country because even the fact that it's absurd they still decided to do it."
"I just don't think we should be celebrating leaders whose main rallying cry seems to be racial genocide."
"This was the performance of a team begging for their head coach to get fired."
"It's sad that we don't have competent leadership."
"I think this is the worst we've been since Sir Alex Ferguson retired because... I've never felt as fed up as this."
"There is a whole generation under 40 having their interests completely thrown under the bus by this leadership."
"We are living in what's becoming more and more of a police state with a petulant loser in charge of the nuclear arsenal."
"CLA, you couldn't share the truth about David Miscavige's brutality."
"20 million people losing their health insurance during a global pandemic is heartless and unexplainable. It's a lack of leadership." - Dr. Leon McDougall
"I think it was inexcusable that Democratic leadership in the House and Senate blocked that in the bill we passed last week."
"The final narrative that was pushed really, really hard is, of course, the biggest one which is that Trump is himself a threat to democracy."
"The bishop of that very church said that it was a disgrace. The general who was with him said he only -- all he ever wants to do is divide people, not unite people at all."
"At best, these people have no idea what they're doing. At worst, they know exactly what they're doing, and they're evil."
"I think if more leadership to be honest with you was shown on their side they probably should have pulled the plug on this given the current community thoughts."
"How stupid does the prime minister think the British people are?"
"I'm supposed to believe that Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and what's his name, Klaus Schwab, whatever, looks like a guy from a movie, evil guy. He cares about me and my life? Yeah, he cares about my well-being."
"Your club has been underperforming for the last couple years and you say you're a cool captain, that for me shows you're not a good enough captain."
"The company has quite clearly lost its way." - Former Founders and Executives of PayPal
"All the stats we have everything unfortunately we haven't had judges that want to look at it they don't want to change elections." - Former President Trump
"Cronky is the biggest issue at this football club 100 mate."
"Is it all as Doom and Gloom as Toto wolf has made it sound I don't think so."
"The situation is unprecedented... absolute unmitigated failure on the part of all previous Executives."
"Tao Blevins and Steve Butts were scumbag bosses who abused their employees."
"Republicans have always prided themselves on being the National Security party, and yet they are letting Tuberville do this."
"This constant blaming of these poor results on the last leadership is going to really grate on the public because it just sounds like an excuse."
"China's Business Leaders are saying the country that let them Thrive is slipping away largely due to this cult of personality and Crackdown by Xi Jinping."
"Regardless of whether the allegations against Maka are true or not the man is a proven asshole and no one sensible wants to be a part of a community that's run by a dictatorial egocentric selfish immodest apathetic asshole."
"We are being led by people who are absolute pure evil to their bones."
"North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is scolding top party officials for failing to contain the CCP virus outbreak."
"Diana the uncrowned queen will always want the family that rejected her."
"The theatrical movie-going experience is doomed as long as incompetent buffoons like guys like Adam Aaron are in predominant places of leadership in the industry."
"The world leaders laugh at him because, folks, once again everything that we've been saying here on the program for the past what four years now is all being revealed."
"This deserves an apology. Donald Trump should apologize to Sadiq Khan."
"It's a different set of rules when he attacks a major leader of an allied country."
"How content are you to be a sheep led by that donkey Joe Biden?"
"If you leave a guy as compromised as Joe Biden obviously is in that office during a moment like this in history, you are telling us that you don't love your country."
"The inflation crisis we are facing is much broader than one leader's mismanagement."
"Donald Trump has not been a leader on any of the crises that have occurred in the United States ever. He hasn't been a leader in any International crisis that's occurred ever. He's just a loser."
"Deep frustration that President Joe Biden, Democrats have failed to deliver on their early promises."
"It astonishes me that this kind of nihilistic thinking has taken so much hold over the imagination of our leaders."
"Imagine being encircled and listening to this and going okay so he wants us all to die you know that's our leader and the German public they're not buying it."
"Stalingrad is the beginning of the end for Adolf."
"We need to defeat the most dangerous president this country has ever had."
"If Ollie had any integrity or honor, he would resign."
"Fans deserve better than this. You all deserve a better person in this role."
"Biden opposed killing Soleimani. He was very much... we killed this number one terrorist."
"It's a damning damning report on leaders, isn't it?"
"He's a kook. He's not fit to be President of the United States."
"Putin's War appears to have earned him the ire and indignation of those he promises to defend."
"What a horrid leader, Canada, get it together."
"We hire a President to protect us from emergencies, not to create them for us."
"Lordstown's founder and CEO Steve Burns was described to us by former senior employees as a con man and a PT Barnum figure."
"America is back," which of course means being governed by a venal mental defective.
"You can't blame the sheep when the shepherd is evil."
"President Trump woke up Sunday morning, gazed out at the nation he leads and saw the dry kindling of race relations and decided to throw a match on it."
"Listen, a historic pandemic is a bad situation; a historic pandemic with a fairly inept group of federal leaders is an even worse situation."
"It's hard to fix this when we're embedded in, in my lifetime the weakest period of leadership."
"The fact is there's a lot of dumb people at the top too."
"Boris gets it for throwing away possibly the greatest opportunity that any prime minister within our lifetime has had."
"This leadership is taking us in a bad direction. We are going to end up in a situation where the United States essentially implodes."
"It's time Pelosi took some action she's been killing the Dems"
"The biggest problem for Sunak was why the public would have any confidence in anything he says anyway."
"You cannot deal with dictatorship or authoritarians."
"I find it hard to believe that anybody today will come out and defend what Donald Trump did, attacking Canada."
"We kind of deserve a better future than just another three years of this mob."
"Be very wary of people who wield power but do not accept responsibility for the power that they wield."
"Rooting for his country, he's willing to visit financial disaster and misery upon millions of people just so he doesn't get painted as Herbert Hoover."
"People are fed up with their leaders and the murder that's taking place. They don't support us."
"People are waking up, realizing the emperor has no clothes, and saying we don't want you guys in charge anymore."
"I agree... that if he does not... if he allows Fanny to stay... it's cowering... it's cowardice."
"We have the information needed to have a human utopia, but we're led by the least noble, most greedy people."
"It's one percent of these pricks in charge that are getting rich off dividing everyone by labels. Anyone is the same on the inside."
"I'm exhausted of people supporting this man in office."
"He's weak when the Taliban took Afghanistan; he's showing weakness as Russia looks to take Ukraine."
"Putin's central insight is that he doesn't care if he's caught lying or breaking the rules. He's a shameless thug."
"Don't tolerate having a trash boss just because they're not an infinite minded player."
"They're absolutely terrified by the man. Trump is not, however, the only solution. He's only a small part of it."
"Justin Trudeau is going to lose the next election in the most epic fashion possible."
"He really has handled the coronavirus worse than any world leader by far. Brazil is now the epicenter."
"Do you really think that working your best people to the bone is the right move?"
"The establishment has collapsed... replaced by the greatest collection of liars, frauds, and clowns."
"Let's get over this obsession with leaders and be voluntary free individuals."
"Trump's ascension is a sign of the fall of America."
"It's no wonder Ukrainians don't believe Russian claims to be scaling down in the north. Lavrov is liar and Putin is killer."
"What Biden did in Afghanistan is impeachable."
"It's cruel, callous, and cold-hearted, but what else have we come to expect from Trump, McConnell, and the boys?"
"Americans overall dissatisfaction with the state of the country is on a downward trend. Joe Biden's presidency is a disaster."
"Donald Trump is a habitual liar and a grade-a chuckle [ __ ] who is bad at his job."
"He made things a lot worse but he also masked a lot of what was going on."
"It's got to be exciting for him to try on a new spaceship."
"That's exactly it. He may have been an [] to his teammates but like it's way better like you could be an [] about if you win."
"Your behavior, Mr. Johnson, makes a mockery of leadership."
"Putin is seen by the Russian people as responsible for this political and Military failure."
"They don't care, they're not scared of you. They don't care if you got guns, they don't care about none of that. This is literally an assault on our borders. Your leadership is so incompetent that they genuinely don't care."
"Trust me, it's worth every minute of your time. What's the big takeaway? Well, let me spell it out for you: our so-called leadership class poisonous, power-hungry, and downright dangerous."
"Trump took a major geopolitical flashpoint that had been contained and blew it wide open."
"I maintain that Walter Hamada is unfit for position of leadership."
"There's a class of politicians now which can only be described as buffoons, opportunistic idiots."
"Russia is a great country, no question about it. Great history, great culture, great people. But it has always suffered from disastrous leadership."
"He's just a pathetic little boy. Spoiled little brat. That's why Maga, geez, pick a different leader, you wanna be populous, great, but pick a non-clown."
"You're supposed to be directing where Disney goes and you don't put your money where your mouth is."
"When you see a leader like her who is so angry, hostile, and believes the only way to survive is to destroy the other, you realize she is afraid, weak, and ignorant."
"I think it would be a real mistake to give Vladimir Putin a pass."
"We have leadership that doesn't understand, we're going to put Americans into body bags."
"They elevate the wrong people, they push the wrong people."
"It's not gonna happen under Bob Iger, like just because he says sorry, I'm real real sorry right, that's not going to get you back."
"Nigeria is a place where crimes are rewarded now; leaders like Atiku are criminals, and you know that."
"We really had no guidance whatsoever from our supposed commander-in-chief as any of this was going on, and that was a deliberate choice."
"The best people of India have left the country. The leadership has become non-existent."
"Donald Trump doesn't give a about anyone or anything other than himself."
"This person has made things infinitely worse for not just America, but for a multitude of other countries who take America as the example of what to emulate and what to follow."
"We have the president of the United States who trusts a former KGB chief more than he trusts his own FBI director, his own CIA director, his own intelligence directors."
"He should be soundly defeated. It should start in the Republican Party, grow a backbone, stand up to this guy."
"Canada's going through absolutely insane time right now with the struggles with the trade deals of India Trudeau's insane allegations and finger-pointing."
"As long as Tedros at Hannam Runs The Who, it does not seem like we are in good hands."
"This is madness and the church which has always stood for sanity has to ask this Pope to step down."
"Glad people are starting to realize the clowns that are in charge of 2K."
"If we win it's the players, if we lose it's Ollie's fault... why he contributes to the result we get, win or lose."
"He thought that his own vice president deserved to be murdered by his followers."
"The real problem at this club is what's going on upstairs. They're the real problem."
"The root cause of Liverpool's issue today is one frugal spending, group FSG, and two, Klopp's stubborn loyalty."
"Tesla's just going full steam ahead... Tesla bad Board of director bad."
"He's a cult leader, he's a snake oil salesman."
"Last night he refused to own any responsibility for what's been going on."
"Vince McMahon is the issue, everything you see that is going wrong with this company is directly correlated to Vince McMahon."
"What president in history has ever tried to censor political opponents?"
"Russians love themselves a good dictator, but Putin broke the social contract upheld in Russia for decades."
"The simple answer is, by Johnson's actions, by his refusal to accept the seriousness of the pandemic, he took his finger out of that dyke."
"Russia is still selling oil, gas, metals, fertilizers, timber in huge quantities and the income of the population keeps declining because Putin has a palace and Kabeva and Krivonek."
"It's the fact that a man baby is running the country."
"Differentiating between the leadership and those who are following the leadership."
"His leadership on and off the court ranged from nonsense to non-existent."
"I think this is the beginning of the end for Gary Gensler."
"Maybe just maybe the American people are tired of being sold out."
"Promise to teach a nurse and police, promise to give them big salary increase, promise jobs, more jobs, and good me. But Eli, Eli is a rookie driver, Eli cannot run Jamaica, go sit down back in the har."
"The ineptitude at the highest levels of government... just quite incredible."
"Jason Kenney facilitated a lie right through their teeth to their constituents."
"We have a president that is trying to divide us."
"We have a white supremacist in the White House."
"The narrative was we're not happy with the world's leaders."
"I just think this is emblematic of everything Trump touches."
"Even people like Elon Musk realize that we are sheep."
"Despite being responsible for a multi-billion dollar award, Kathy leaders could not be bothered to pick up the phone and make a call to Blue Origin."
"The Republican party is so afraid and so weak that they can't even call out the dangerous and deranged cult of Trump."
"Scientology has been shrinking since the 90s under David miscavich's leadership"
"She's not for black people, she don't have a black agenda."
"Donald Trump is causing this immense darkness, this curtain to come over our country. It is mobilizing the worse angels of our nation."