
Profit Motives Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The news should not be for profit. The news should be to inform US citizens of things that we need to know in our daily life."
"They're selling high and they're not clearing the debt; it's going into their pockets."
"There's nothing more profitable for the pharmaceutical industry than frankly a sick kid."
"Let's be clear: private prisons are making money off of the incarceration and suffering of human beings."
"The profit motive of the media has led to some really bad coverage of sensitive issues."
"It's kind of like most things like it starts out really pure and innocent and then people come along and realize that they can profit and then it turns into something else."
"Blizzard's apology: every voice matters however yours is inconvenient to our profits."
"The system profits from people being unjustly locked up."
"There is a scandal in America: private psychiatric hospitals are locking up perfectly sane adults and children against their will purely for profit."
"It's a perfect alignment between criminal justice and profit that raises deep questions about the credibility of the system itself."
"The drug companies are coming up with some amazing cures... But the industry itself sees their function simply as making as much money as they possibly can."
"Rules don't apply when a corporation is trying to make money."
"It helps our business, and obviously I don't agree with that."
"It's not divide and conquer, it's divide and profit. And they make a bloody fortune by doing this."
"When the profit motive becomes unmoored from the purpose motive, bad things happen."
"Biggest lesson is that someone is always profiting from injustice."
"Removing the profit incentive is a huge point."
"It's like this really sick money-making business."
"Ultimately, Gabby Hannah is a multi-dimensional hypocrite... for profit."
"They are putting profit over people... profit over people and it pisses me off."
"The labels just like in the secular genres are where the real money's made."
"We shall see that war in preparation for war is not a matter of national honor and national defense but a matter of profit for the few."
"Sure, they're a business. They have to care about making money, I get that. But this dishonesty, you just kills me."
"Terrible speaking of profit ill-gotten gains and more."
"Before student loans, universities used to be somewhat affordable and reasonable. But today, it's brought into a very profitable industry for those at the top."
"This is the education industrial complex, where the ones that benefit the most are the universities, politicians, and bankers."
"Fox News is taking a jackhammer to the fabric of American culture to make money."
"The gaming industry is turning into a corpulent hell bent on making as much money as possible while giving you as little experience as possible."
"Dr. Fauci's agency profited off of the Covid vaccines."
"Major wars begin and the longer they keep going, the more profits."
"Drug companies prioritize profit over patient well-being."
"I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to make money off of helping people with their mental health."
"The misery of those locked in put money in the pockets of those left outside."
"Maybe they are learning from their past mistakes and finally realize that if they do put long-term design over short-term profits, spoiler alert, profits still come."
"For insurance companies, the bigger the disaster, the more they stand to profit."
"Neither side wanted the war, and aside from Kings, generals, and businessmen, it seems that no one's winning either."
"There will always be money to be made in the fear of the future."
"When you inject a profit motive into functions that are historically public function... bad things come of it ultimately."
"You're probably touching grass. It's terrible for them to make money but it's... the ultimate goal of all these social media companies."
"Once they are notified by the survivor or victim, that's when they're knowingly profiting off of human trafficking."
"Every institution that touches our health will make more money if you are sick."
"The thing is, they don't make more money off of your death, exactly, while you're alive."
"It very clearly is and it feels so shady because it just looks at least to me into a lot of other players is this is just Blizzard skimming off a system that they've not bothered to control and now we're going to take a piece of the pie."
"What happens when there's a profit motive to send people to prison?"
"War is extremely profitable if you are correctly positioned."
"Pandora's Box has truly been opened, and it feels to me like we've collectively decided to devalue the human soul for profit."
"I don't blame the people who do it... it's most definitely for profit at this point."
"These games are the devil, and these devil games make the most money out of all the games on phones."
"When you put profits over human lives, this is what you're gonna get again and again."