
Artistic Control Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"I want everything about my photo to look intentional. I want everything that you like about my image to be something that you think I thought about and that was very intentional, very deliberate."
"Look at the bokeh...I just think it's nice when you have that kind of control over the background."
"Final Cut privilege: a level of artistic control."
"Just like Beyoncé, Ni'Jah is only responsible for putting out her work, she has very little knowledge or control over how people react to that."
"You're not a real artist if you're not controlling the narrative of your art, you know? That's just it."
"If you can find that balance you can have a lot of control in your work."
"You should do a show the way we think it should be done."
"Music is always safer in the hands of the people than in the conference rooms of any elite."
"Tyler arranges, produces, and writes all his music, crafting each piece with precision."
"Selective focus is a powerful tool to direct the viewer's attention."
"That was my real new goal, to have my own artist."
"As artists, we have to take control of our images."
"He's a complete master over what he's doing."
"He's like a great jazz guy who's got complete control of his instrument."
"A large part of lighting is actually the absence of light, so we're gonna use a small number of lights."
"The artist has control over the art they put into the world."
"You don't have to sell the rights to your thing."
"It's not the camera, it's the person using it."
"Make it fit or make your work fit. You're the artist here, you control the art not the other way around."
"I am my own producer, my own writer, my own publisher... I own the entire process of everything I do."
"Deeply unhappy with that decision, O'Donnell felt that the publisher had 'overstepped its proper role by assuming artistic control of the trailer music.'"
"You can't control the reception of your creative work, you just have to accept that once you've created it and put it out there into the world, it's not yours anymore."
"You just don't say, 'Here are the lines, do it,' or else you'll really know."
"This is why it's important for us to take control of the music."
"True creative freedom... I own it now, nobody in a suit is going to come and tell me nothing."
"Taylor Swift is re-recording her albums to gain more control over the final product."
"Just wash and dry your brush and you can release those colors at your own desired amount."
"Little tricks like that, steering your viewer into certain areas of your painting, you are in the driver's seat."
"Split responsibilities a little bit, for example, you can have one captain that always has the last word on art decisions."
"The left has annexed all of the Arts. It was not an accident. They know that people are bored of news. The only way to give you the thoughts that I want to give you is to tell you a story or a parable."
"I love theater because when all is said and done, the curtain goes up beginning to the end—it's yours."
"Either you release the record exactly the way it is or don't release it at all."
"Editing is immensely important for what the film turns out to be. It indicates the pacing. I love editing."
"You create what you want and when you want freedom in that, I agree."
"Just the fact that he sort of conceived this track and orchestrated it and pulled it all together, I think is sort of another stroke of genius for him."
"So, the best laid plans of mice and men...this is why I'm the owner and not the artist."
"I conceptualize, produce, and write like every record."
"I own the masters to everything I'm dropping right now and the album that's coming."
"Our artists understood the power of ownership. Prince understood his worth and started to control his catalog."
"Don't let anybody change what the source audio is. Of course, you can put reverb on it, you can put delay, if Brian May wants chorus on his guitar you can do that."
"At the end of the day, it's still their movie. It's still their universe. They can do whatever they want with it."
"I don't need your player. Beyoncé told y'all before if I cared about numbers, I'd have put Lemonade on Spotify."
"It's not that they didn't really put, I think they were trying to be too controlling and it [ __ ] up the artistry."
"Owning publishing rights is crucial for long-term income and control over artistic creations."
"We wanted artists to still maintain control of the overall design."
"A big part of the creative process of this band, and I deserved to have a little more input and fealty in where the band goes."
"The camera can only use what you give it, baby."
"It's been really, really important to me to own my work, my art, my music."
"The only thing that I really cared about was having creative control."
"...that the filmmaker, any filmmaker, was able to wrest back control of a project unjustly taken from them, an attractive measure to do justice so they could present the original vision before the public."
"He is in total command of his charisma and of the songs."
"We just have serious control over every aspect of what this band does."
"The power of light painting: you are revealing your subject, you're able to choose what you want to be seen in your photo."
"So that you can have a stress-free color mixing experience and full control of the process."
"You can really manipulate where people's eye goes in your painting through your choices and your values."
"The art with photography is not how to set everything and hit the button and actually capture it... you are now the director and the camera almost doesn't matter."
"I just couldn't imagine a world where the artists don't have control."
"Make the content, don't let the content make you."
"Your ability to work in the viewport in rendered view mode... allows you to make thousands of creative decisions."
"Freedom to make what you want in the style you want."
"The harder I press, the darker it gets, just like working in Photoshop."
"The nice thing with all of this is that we can do a bit of art direction."
"The ultimate goal is really to open our eyes, to learn to control color, to learn to see how color is behaving around us."
"What we want as an artist is control."
"We knew that we needed to do it on our own, no outside budget, no outside influence, just making it, recording it."
"Fight for the final cut. If you don't have the chance to do what you have conceived, it's not worth it."
"He was very involved in what he would say and what he wouldn't say, what he wanted in the music too."
"If you really want to nail an exact image, this is where you would do that."
"Create passion projects... you get full creative control over it as an artist."
"Ultimately, you're the designer, you're the architect of your own artwork, so you decide what's right, what's wrong, what works, what doesn't."
"It's capturing all of that dynamic range and as a photographer, that's giving me the control I need to produce the images that I want."
"I like to dot it in in the middle so that I don't overwork it."
"Using a brush actually gives me more control than the airbrush."
"The director had to have complete creative control."
"It's time to see the artists take control."
"They wanna give me a record deal to control me efficiently, 'cause as long as I ain't signed, I'll keep exposing the industry."
"What I really like with this method is that we can really have artistic control over the fog."
"You don't have to work for big studios and answer to what kind of stuff they want to see; you can literally make your own stuff."
"But morality, and consequently, law, many people believe, should go further, should recognize an artist's continuing control over his creations."
"The goal here being is that not only we learn any more detailed way the way dynamics behave in cinema 4d but to be able to artistically direct to take control of your simulations."
"Hitchcock respected his friend so much that he gave him completely free reign."
"You are the one making the photographs, not the camera."
"Most of the amazing decisions in comics are made by the artists."
"She's giving people what she wants but also at the same time I feel like she's giving herself what she wants."
"The true artist controls his environment."
"It's our music, and we want control of it."
"We will be able to control the result at an artistic level, we will be able to give it an aspect more to our liking."
"You can definitely go overboard here, but you can really change the overall richness and the quality of the colors in your photograph."
"I will not allow, no matter how successful I become, for the public to define or indicate what it is I create."