
Religious Doctrine Quotes

There are 361 quotes

"This catechism is conceived as an organic presentation of the Catholic faith in its entirety."
"There is no Trinity in the Bible. There is none. Not one word, even the concept is not there."
"Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins."
"We can't fully explain the Trinity, but we can understand it through faith."
"God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit... the first person, the second person, and the third person of the Trinity."
"There's only one way of salvation, and that's the blood of Jesus Christ."
"The literal interpretation of the Bible has not always been a central part of the Christian religion."
"The Melchizedek priesthood's better because it's eternal... it's one time with a constant effect that lasts forever."
"If somebody knows and understands the gospel but rejects it, I don't believe they can be saved after the rapture."
"There's no contradiction between God's mercy and God's justice."
"The purpose of the plan of salvation is not to just make us happy, it's first and foremost to make us holy."
"Life begins at conception; God says that life begins at conception."
"The Bible contains all the rules and information for the game of life."
"That's hell. It was bad dude. No, that's what the Catholic Church teaches hell is. Well, that's what God's up to bro. He's up there by himself. It's pretty [__] sad."
"The angels of God are God's messengers, enforcers, ministers, and they're heavily used in scripture."
"The Trinity is not beyond understanding. Three can be one, there's nothing irrational in the Trinity. It is quite possible."
"All it takes is one dogma. If the dogma is claimed to be infallible, that's why it's so important not to yoke the consciences of Christians to believe things that are beyond what the gospel would require of us."
"If you gave 10,000 people who'd never heard of the bodily assumption of Mary Revelation 12 and the rest of scripture, would one out of 10,000 come up with a bodily assumption of Mary? I don't think so."
"A lot of people like to lump us in... but the problem remains is there's it's a different gospel... you can't be saved by your works."
"There is only one way to attain salvation and that is through faith in God without belief one can never be saved from their sins and from Satan."
"Messiah will be cut off... for himself... it's a substitutionary atonement."
"Destroy every speculation that raises up itself against God." - 2 Corinthians chapter 10
"Do not even entertain the idea that I came to destroy the law."
"Inside we are manifested sons of God, this is the great mystery."
"Why does he require to share his power with other entities? The question number one is why would God require that."
"I didn't change, I'm gonna still do that in the doctrine and covenants. Watch me do that in your time and with your conditions."
"You've taken the name of the Lord your God in vain when you create a God of your own making."
"Show me in the Bible where we do that. Show me in the Bible where it clearly teaches that."
"The true position of a true Muslim is that the Quran is the speech of Allah... absolutely perfect in every single way."
"Protestant theology leaves us with a God who cannot be both just and merciful at the same time."
"This has never been in the Church's teaching... Forced vaccination of people is no part of Catholic teaching."
"Nobody gets a pass, no matter their bloodline, no matter where they were born, none of those things. You still need to go through the blood which is Jesus Christ."
"The apostle Paul was very adamant on the importance of sound doctrine."
"It's flawless, it has no errors, and there's a lot of benefits if I follow what the apostles preach."
"Nobody been saved unless you obey what the word of god says."
"We believe that God created human beings male and female in his own image... created to fulfill distinct but complementary roles in the context of marriage, family, and the local church."
"The Book of Enoch introduces the Messiah, the Son of God who sits next to God and will judge both the living and the Dead."
"Jesus did die for everyone, but it's only applied if and when you accept it."
"If the only way to eternal life is for Jesus Christ, what about the millions who don't believe?"
"The Holy Spirit is God, He's fully God and He lives inside of you."
"We are seated far above even these wicked spirits in the heavens."
"Even though the governing body could... get rid of 1914, 1918, 1919 entirely... they're still wedded to it."
"So on Judgment Day, if God judges you by those standards, you're going to be innocent or guilty?"
"God was standing up in that body of flesh and blood."
"We need to get back to the core biblical doctrines of the faith."
"The doctrine of a second coming is an admission realization that Jesus did not fulfill the biblical prophecies."
"Hell is just as real a place as Heaven is, and it's going to be a place of suffering."
"It's all about knowing... the ultimate prophetic doctrine of the Bible is in fact salvation."
"These doctrines all bind under the pain of mortal sin, so if you reject them then not only do you commit an act of heresy but it's actually morally sinful."
"Either we have the inspired preserved authoritative word of God, or we don't."
"Our statement of faith is minimalistic: the Bible is God's word, Jesus is God incarnate, and the Holy Spirit empowers believers."
"Everything that is necessary for salvation, the deposit of faith, is given by Christ and it ends with the death of the last apostle."
"The gospel is a message of cosmic inequality; not everybody's going to be saved, even in heaven."
"God's plan of one: one God, one man, one woman, one marriage, one sex partner, one flesh, one lifetime, one picture."
"Doctrine matters... if anyone preaches any other gospel to you than what you have received let him be a curse... Doctrine matters."
"There is no other way of salvation except through the cross of Christ."
"This gospel emphasizes the importance of secret knowledge, predation the key to salvation."
"The Catholic Church does teach that through whoever through no fault of their own does not know the Catholic Church and its beliefs not will be saved but can be saved if they live up to the grace of God they have been given."
"Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes."
"Tradition abounds in testimonies in the favor of the doctrine."
"God calls sin sin, there is no compromise or middle ground."
"If your church does not believe the Trinity, get out."
"The resurrection of Christ sets him apart and backs up his claim to be more than a man."
"Mary didn't matter because the blood doesn't come from the mother."
"Islam presents itself as the final religion sent by the same God who established Judaism and Christianity."
"Respect for homosexual persons cannot lead to any way to approval of homosexual behavior or legal recognition of homosexual unions."
"He created everything and there's nothing created that he didn't create."
"I think we have to be careful here and just not have the attitude where we're disregarding scripture."
"Salvation brings works as opposed to works bringing Salvation."
"When it comes to the doctrines of demons, there's lies that will defend your sin, give you an excuse for holding on to your sin."
"Can a demon indwell a Believer? The answer is yes because demons only indwell demons always indwell."
"No one is entering Jannah based on their actions."
"The Father was called God and the Son is called God."
"God is not the author of confusion, but God confuses, he confounds, in what context? But of Peace, as in all churches of the Saints."
"The core of my belief is Jesus Christ died, suffered, and was resurrected."
"To say that the gifts of the Spirit, miracles, deliverance, and the power of God are not any longer for today is demonic, it's a false doctrine."
"What we're telling you is not some mystical, you who doctrine, we've made up, this is in your Bible."
"We are passionate about the clarity of the Gospel that it's by Grace only, a free gift."
"The one and only condition for any human being to be saved is faith alone plus nothing."
"You can't save yourself; it's not by works, it's only by grace."
"The Holy Ghost was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might by his revelation make known some new doctrine but that by his assistance they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith."
"My kingdom is not of this world... This world is a world built on lies and hate and fear and pain and it's coming to an end."
"There's one God, there's one Lord, there's one baptism, there's one spirit in all and through all."
"Without the shedding of blood, there's no remission of sin."
"Salvation is found in no one else but Jesus."
"Only Michael is designated as an archangel by the Bible."
"He hath answered the ends of the law, and he claimeth all those who have faith in him."
"You must submit to everything in this book, whether you understand it or not."
"You can't take what Christ has said and say you're a follower of his and believe that he is God but only sort of pick and choose what you want to believe."
"Salvation is not us coming to God and saying, 'Hey, hey up there, I'm calling on you, save me' already. That's not salvation."
"Christianity is the only religion that says that you must repent."
"What's driving all this is an end time scenario that again God told us about."
"Start with questions when dealing with Deliverance Ministry doctrines. Seek clarity, ask for biblical evidence."
"The battle is not just about liturgy or the traditional Latin Mass, it's actually about Doctrine, dogma, and morality."
"The cross of Jesus is not a sin management program, it's a sin eradication program."
"The story told by the Quran is that God has offered free will to humanity. We accepted that choice, and now we have to live up to what we have accepted."
"For every dimension, for every form of reality that God has created, there is a system of governing."
"Hell isn't an infinite punishment for a finite crime."
"Whoever speaks against the holy spirit it will not be forgiven him either in this age or in the age to come. Those are the words of Jesus."
"Islam is a religion of what we call tawheed, which means the oneness."
"Theology is dictated by the Bible, not the other way around."
"Salvation is specific, not vague; it includes individual resurrection and triumph over death."
"Scripture, tradition, and magisterium make more sense as the authority structure given by the apostles."
"God absolutely hates sickness, and we should hate it as much as He does."
"Resurrection is a conjunction of three claims."
"Do not compromise the core tenets of Christianity, such as the exclusive nature of Jesus and his atonement and resurrection."
"The Catholic Church's teachings are not subject to interpretation or to debate."
"No one on earth can change, add to, or take away from the word of God."
"Roman Catholics do not believe that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone."
"God provided the way of salvation and there was only one way."
"The point is that Christ took on flesh to give us his life through his flesh and so his his flesh and blood are life-giving."
"You cannot avoid the idea of a visible church."
"When you got another gospel, you are calling it apostles' doctrine but yet deviating from the doctrine that he gave the apostles."
"This is Islam: doing God's will, not your desires."
"Jesus fulfilled the law for us so that we could become free."
"Scripture are inspired, so we have to let scripture interpret scripture."
"Nothing by the magisterium ever outweighs scripture."
"Jesus Christ is the God of the Old Testament."
"Morality doesn't save us. Salvation is through Christ and what he did, not what we do."
"It will not change it is inherent and it is infallible."
"Nothing but His righteousness can entitle us to one of the blessings of the covenant of grace."
"Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Covenant. That means we no longer live according to the Old Covenant, we live according to the New Covenant."
"There is no escape from this endless wheel of samsara, life and death, because in Hinduism, unlike Christianity, there is no forgiveness."
"The Bible does not teach that Mary sinned, nor does it teach that every single human being has committed a sin or inherited original sin without exception. So the Immaculate Conception does not contradict Scripture."
"I didn't mean to bring up the dogma of Theotokos... each of us, we might have a problem with how to apply it, but the basic level Mother of God isn't contradicted by scripture."
"The moment you try to be justified by your own Good Deeds you've already messed up."
"The church does not create the Bible, the Bible creates the church."
"The Nicene Creed is still basically the best statement of what all Christians believe."
"The penalty for pedophilia is a millstone around the neck flung into the sea because you will not be judged favorably by God."
"The mark of the beast involves loyalty to the antichrist and worship of the antichrist."
"Unless you are born again you cannot see the kingdom of God."
"The only unforgivable sin is sin against the Holy Spirit."
"We believe that Christians should keep the Ten Commandments. They are not suggestions; they are the commandments of God."
"Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled, but the whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."
"At its core, the issue of the mark of the beast is about worship."
"Prophets declare Heaven's will, the church declares Heaven's outcome."
"The issue of the mark of the beast is about worship."
"I believe in two vital concepts: sola scriptura and total scriptura."
"Sola scriptura means the scriptures are the sole infallible rule of faith of the church."
"There is only one sacrifice, one mass. To say otherwise is heresy."
"Islam means submission to God's will; celebrating defiance of God's commands undermines faith."
"Irresistible grace: one of the most humbling beliefs you can hold."
"Allah does not charge a soul except with what within its capacity. It will have the consequence of what good it has gained and it will bear the consequence of what evil has earned."
"Salvation has always been by faith; it will always be by faith and not of works."
"In every and all situations, the ministry of the Holy Spirit is necessary."
"Once-saved always saved Doctrine just destroys the fear of God."
"The greatest sin, the sin of sins, the mother sin, the father sin, the damning sin, is the sin of not believing."
"Open sin vs. repented sin: the crucial difference."
"Allah mentions, 'There's no way that you'll escape.'"
"You need to be prepared for the imminency of the rapture."
"The Holy Spirit's perfect will is for the body to come into unity."
"For Catholics, the Eucharist is really and truly the body and blood of Jesus and they refer to this miracle or this mystery as transubstantiation."
"Nobody that I can find anywhere between Augustine and the Reformation for over a thousand years thinks that deceased infants who were not baptized get the beatific vision."
"Total depravity, what makes it distinctive, what makes it Calvinistic, is the idea that an unregenerate person, when the gospel is being preached, when the Holy Spirit is striving with mankind... that they will always say no."
"Islam is submission to one God... that's the purpose of life." - Mohammed
"No one can earn salvation by works, it is only by God's grace."
"The Bible is clear about the spiritual laws and principles."
"The vast majority of professing evangelicals reverse the order of that... the necessary condition for faith is rebirth not the other way around." - Dr. MacArthur
"The Bible says God is going to come... no matter what your view is."
"Jesus will remove the church from the earth before the days of wrath."
"They call it kind of quote unquote like deep Doctrine."
"No immoral, impure, or greedy person has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and God."
"Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the doctrine laid down by the church on this issue."
"All Christian doctrines are directly or indirectly founded in the Book of Genesis."
"Because they have to say exactly what God said. You're doing something that I didn't ordain, I didn't create this like this. I created male for female and female for male as partnership."
"As followers of Jesus, we know that we're called to love. We're called to love everybody, and we're called to love those people."
"Those that support grievous sins should not be given communion, period."
"God will only accept perfection, and that's where His justification comes in, His salvation comes in for us. It's absolutely awesome."
"Unlike fornication and adultery, there is nothing morally wrong with the intermarriage within the first generation of The Offspring of Adam and Eve according to Saint Augustine."
"Belief in them is the second pillar of our faith."
"Christianity hinges on the doctrine of grace; to discount the cross and the resurrection is to discount the whole faith." - Larry Taunton
"The Scriptures we don't think teach the papacy."
"Marriage is founded in the history there in Genesis 1 to 11 which means there's no such thing as gay marriage age right because there's only one marriage the one that God created."
"Anyone who leaves the prayer, he left the fold of Islam."
"The Christian veneration of images is not contrary to the first commandment which prescribes Idols."
"The doctrine of eminency creates in God's people a natural stimulation for holy living."
"Mormons are very very intense about the nuclear family okay they make i think recently one of the church leaders made a comment that was like what what'll happen if everybody's just gay and then there aren't any children."
"Did Jesus die for everyone or the elect only? He died for everybody."
"Confession, repentance, sin, baptism - even this is all part of it. The Bible says without confession there's no remission of sin."
"Calvinism is one of the biggest and most defended positions."
"So while it is true that Leviticus prohibits male same-sex relations, it also prohibits a vast array of other behaviors, activities, and foods that Christians have never regarded as being prohibited for them."
"Even if you're deprived of the sacraments and the outward rights of the church, He can deliver to you the sanctifying graces you need."
"Baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation."
"Protestants don't believe there is such thing such a thing as a one true church organization."
"Celestial marriage is not a prerequisite for that kingdom, it's the essence of what that kingdom entails."
"Orthodoxy benefits from having a tremendous amount of flex out there at the edges."
"Christ's perfect obedience - the most important thing you ever imagined."
"Jesus stated that in order to enter into heaven, we have to be born again of water and spirit."
"It is thus clear that the term 'sons of God' in the Bible is limited to three categories of being: Angels, Adam, and Believers of Jesus Christ."
"You can't be Catholic and not believe in the Trinity, because you're not Catholic anymore."
"Genesis is foundational to every major doctrine of theology."
"Jesus prophesied: 'whosoever will not believe in my words... shall be cut off.'"
"According to Matthew 25:41, the everlasting fire (hell) was prepared for the devil and his angels."
"The dicastri for the doctrine of the faith will release its new Declaration on human dignity titled dignitas infinata next Monday April 8th."
"The Lord Jesus Christ is the very essence of God."
"The true teaching of Jesus: worship God alone and keep the commandments."
"Roman Catholicism does not believe that...salvation was by faith alone."
"Nothing outside a man can make him unclean... it is what comes out of a man that makes him unclean."
"The only way to heaven is through the Lord Savior Jesus Christ, Lord of lords, King of Kings."
"Jesus Christ was God, yes, manifesting the flesh, that's right."