
Covert Operations Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"We don't have enough field agents to effectively run our covert operation."
"It's naive to think that governments don't engage in activities that are just below the threshold of all-out war."
"There's evidence that covert Chinese Communist Party interference is continuing."
"This is a secret operation so you keep your mouth shut, anyone finds out about this and our careers are toast."
"This was a covert operation to take down...the most dangerous man in America."
"Technology will make available to the leaders of major Nations techniques for conducting secret Warfare of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised."
"Office of Policy Coordination was a wonderfully benign name to throw people off the idea that really it was the department of dirty tricks."
"President Eisenhower said something I can no longer remember his words that came across to me as an order for the assassination of Lumumba."
"Making it one of the most expensive and extensive covert operations in all of American History."
"Throughout history, the use of poisons in covert actions has been a dark and intriguing aspect of human Affairs."
"The CIA funded jazz artists, feminist movements, it worked."
"They called this the S3 Plan aka Selection for Societal Sanity."
"Schaefer explained, 'Dutch's last phone call mentioned some kind of a rescue mission near the Colombian border. Something happened down there. Something that ties into the murders...that THING - all of it.'"
"Operation Northwoods was a proposed covert operation developed within the U.S Department of Defense during the early 1960s."
"The plan is simple: backed by the government of Iraq, the men have been armed with pistols and submachine guns along with a few hand grenades, all smuggled into Britain inside an Iraqi diplomatic bag."
"The FBI had a special tool for communicating with Twitter and providing secret instructions."
"Valentina is her contractor, is her like informant basically, is the person that gives her the jobs that gets them both paid, allegedly we don't know."
"It's the kind of operation that the CIA and other covert parts of the US government do carry out rather routinely."
"And that is the full story of Mama Dolce's in Fallout 3, a front for the Communist Chinese engaged in covert operations on American soil."
"How do you explain that propaganda message we heard while approaching Mama Dolce's?"
"If what we are observing and the events we've experienced are attributed to a covert military presence or a terrestrial type presence, something conventional, then we have more of a national security issue than anyone can imagine potentially."
"Growing up shy and reserved helps you be even better at being a sniper/spy."
"China's goals are a little bit different than other countries. They don't want to be in your face saying hey we're the best thing since sliced bread they want to operate their nefarious purposes in the background."
"Lawrence was selected for a small team that claimed to be looking for archaeological remains and the biblical exodus from Egypt but in fact the map served military plans."
"This is happening behind the scenes... economic warfare."
"Secondary objectives completed all of our agents were exfiltrated equipment acquired five-on-five classified documents acquired five-on-five beautiful start let's rock and roll now chapter one."
"Mutation, rain severity, front organizations create legal entities that claim to perform services such as education or counseling, but which are really controlled by us."
"Task Force 141 returning, fighting a covert drug war with the Colombian cartels."
"We got to blend in, we're better as a team, we can rescue anybody."
"To end Arasaka's influence in Night City, a covert mission was planned."
"It's a nice introduction to this... so you see how this whole world is a perfect cover for this kind of stuff."
"No more than a few centimeters of armor can enable targeting of vehicles mostly concealed behind cover."
"Nevertheless, America has definitely led the way in secret space program development."
"Garbo refused to belong house so it was time for operation woman moment 2 Electric bugaloo because you see Garbo was still very worried about Nazi reprisal so he and Harris pulled one last sop for the road faking Garbo's death in 1949."
"No one has pointed out in an international organ that this thing started with a CIA operation."
"We are privileged to be observing a conversation between Patriots inside the military. This operation is targeted at the bad people, the bad guys that they know are watching the boards, trying to figure out what the Patriots are going to do next."
"This used to be Lefty stuff. This used to be like, 'oh, you know what the CIA do, they go down to Nicaragua or they go down to Panama,' they're all involved in causing coups."
"Technically it wasn't an agency bunker but like, it still was very secretive."
"I think there was not just one but I think actually at one point there were two secret space programs, and NASA was a public front for that second Space Program."
"You can control an entire election and do anything they want and Escape detection."
"Seals will usually penetrate behind enemy lines and finish their mission before the enemy realizes that they're there."
"You always want to introduce your informant and or the agent or whoever is playing the undercover role as someone who's in a position of authority."
"In terms of this team Dynamic I feel like the bush viper would be the strategist, the planner, the person who's kind of coordinating everything from the shadows."
"To this day, it may be George Washington's greatest magic trick, creating a small, covert spy ring made up of regular citizens who kept their secret for over 100 years."
"There's no doubt in my mind, none whatsoever, that there's been this quiet UFO research thing going on between the two countries."
"Operation Palaceo was stunningly successful."
"A lot of those guys were paid by the Russians, they were Russian agents posing as political parties or as journalists."
"In that darkest hour, a brave group of mad men, true believers in the power of the American supercar, picked up their wrenches, strapped on their gloves, and got to work in secret."
"It is said that Pine Gap is actually a Joint Defense facility between the Australian and the United States governments." - Illuminating the secrecy and intrigue surrounding Pine Gap.
"Operators are active means people in the military are probably arresting people."
"You can really put together a nice picture of, hey look, this vessel over here is meeting with a vessel from a foreign country doing something in the middle of the ocean and then going their separate ways."
"Eisenhower knew everything they were doing and he approved everything including the assassination of two foreign leaders."
"Shadow Troopers could operate covertly and undercover using mag seals installed in their armor."
"Covert Ops clone troopers were mainly assigned to perform Dirty Work that most clones would find questionable and unethical."
"The Assassins who carry out their directives do so whilst utterly shrouded from the eyes of the citizen populations."
"...essentially set up think tanks that attract the sort of people who would the last thing they do is work for the CIA but in effect they're actually providing fresh ideas to the CIA after all."
"Part of an overt operation is to offer plausible deniability of the association of the government of the United States with the activity."
"Turns out the real purpose of that side show was to smuggle Honey Pie deep behind enemy lines inside one of the barrels: the Old Trojan Keg."
"Black Ops are the operations that the U.S. hand has to be hidden."
"Convert an old American Destroyer to look like a German one, place four and a half tons of explosives in her bows, then ram her into the lock gate."
"This World War 2 radio set played a crucial role in covert operations undertaken by the Special Operations Executive."
"I am glad that he's joining covert kai though."
"Don’t believe us? Well, at the risk of landing ourselves on an Agency watchlist, here are just ten of the most insane covert CIA operations we were able to find."
"How do you get them in the building with no one knowing?"
"I doubt we'll ever get any definitive answers about all the covert operations that must be happening out there."
"They're out there now, embedded in the data stream, manipulating the transmissions."
"Dominating the game from behind the scenes."
"We're talking about some kind of operation that was being run with knowledge of governments."
"One of the ironies built into the program was the CIA developed a covert procurement program in order to acquire quality titanium from the best source of it in another country."
"It's terrifying what these guys are able to do, how they can literally with just a very tiny group of people properly trained go into a country, a sovereign nation, and destroy it from the inside without firing a shot."
"The secret full moon squadrons carried out over a thousand sorties, dropping over 900 SOE agents into occupied Europe."
"It contains the identity of rats, active informants who are working with law enforcement on the streets, FBI 402's, SSU memorandums, debriefing reports, and statements being made by rats who are providing information in Operation Black Widow."