
Literary Characters Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice is an incredible and wonderful heroic character and role model for both girls and women."
"Both Frankenstein and the monster are the villains of this story."
"Mina Harker: The chemist with a vampire's bite."
"He introduced complex naturalistic characters who had bad tempers, fits of melancholy..."
"Voldemort's desire to conquer death is the reverse of Dumbledore's own perspective."
"Chromer was designed in a way to tie back to another major character from s novel this being Friv the mother of Max Daman and someone who possesses the same power of control over the world known within the work as The Mark of Cain."
"It doesn't matter if you're a muggle or a wizard, Harry Potter fans everywhere love Hermione Granger."
"Hope is the daughter of the history woman Miss Giddy."
"This is one of the best stories and characters coming out of the novels and just kind of left us hanging in whay, right? We want more."
"Sometimes Matilda longed for a friend, someone like the kind courageous people in her books."
"It's interesting how both Dumbledore and Voldemort have so much control over Harry's life."
"When the ring was discovered by his relative Deagol, Smeagol quickly resorted to murder to possess it... Gollum's story sadly isn't one of redemption."
"Remus reflected that James and Lily had stuck with Harry until their own deaths fighting the Dark Lord."
"Saruman's relationship with rings of power is analogous to that of a master and a dangerous craft."
"No, you're wrong. Voldemort killed my parents." - Harry Potter
"Madame Mim is the antithesis to Merlin, the yin to his yang."
"McGonagall showed true kindness to Trelawny."
"Charles and Sebastian become such close friends, you just want them to be together."
"Emma became the inspiration for the vibrantly drawn Bathsheba Everdeen."
"The real Alice may have left his life but the fictional Alice lived on."
"Her name and her characters had become a guarantee of sales."
"I know that Emma is flawed but I really love Emma."
"Saved and Peter Susan Edmund and Lucy are Crown kings and queens of Narnia."
"Nick's last words to Gatsby: 'They were a rotten bunch, and he was worth more than all of them together.'"
"Gatsby's brand of extreme charm brought a much-needed likeability to what is otherwise a rather problematic character."
"The bravest characters to me are like Atticus Finch from 'To Kill a Mockingbird.'"
"Faramir emerges as a beacon of wise and compassionate leadership in all of Tolkien's world."
"The children are the most beautiful flowers of all," said the giant.
"The books give everyone their own favorite characters."
"It starts out, 'Hamster Holmes and Dr. Watson, they were excited to take a break from detective work.'"
"The perfect gothic heroine: be aesthetic at all times, understand true beauty in nature, have the feels intensely, and live in the Scooby-Doo reality."
"Despite being a bad man, Sejun genuinely cared about Anna."
"So good one of my new favorite book boyfriends was just birds from this book."
"The ghost of Mr. Hyde: Public domain monsters."
"Characters who seek greatness for the sake of others often find it, and men who sacrifice themselves for friendship and their lives for love are among the great heroes of Middle-earth."
"My favorite protagonist, I think it might be Fanny, and she's probably the least loved Austen protagonist amongst Austen fans, but she is so strong."
"They were careless people," Tom and Daisy Fitzgerald wrote of the wealthy couple at the center of Gatsby's life. "They smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness."
"For all intents and purposes, Percy Jackson is the title character of his own book series."
"What about Sherlock Holmes? They're the ultimate buddies."
"Wizard of Oz lion and what about me Miss Dorothy was I there?"
"The woman riding horses with Tom Riddle Senior was named Cecilia."
"Remove Frodo, Samwise can stand alone. Bring Frodo in, Samwise is even better because he's also Frodo's greatest companion who would do anything for him."
"Chaucer isn't just my favorite character in A Knight's Tale he's one of my favorite characters in all of fiction."
"Katniss Everdeen walked so that Alina Starkov could run."
"'You told me you would cut all ties,' Grace is talking, her voice quiet, admonishing. 'I know, Christian,' sounds resigned, 'But seeing her finally put it all in perspective for me.'"
"Oh children, why are you following me?" he said. "Well, we couldn't sleep," said Lucy, and they felt sure that he needn't say more and that Aslan knew all they had been thinking.
"The Noldor, who are probably my favorite people in all of Tolkien."
"That's when Harry and Ron become good friends, and that they will be friends forever."
"She dives deep into the minds and the lives of her protagonists, unpacking their complexities and contradictions."
"Jane Austen's characters speak for themselves."
"A really great way to create a complex character is that once you know these methods, these five methods of characterization, you can play around with them where there are inconsistencies."
"...now there's more purpose, now there's more drive for the Baudelaires to chase Count Olaf rather than Count Olaf chasing them."
"The Baudelaire orphans looked out the grimy window of the train and gazed at the gloomy blackness of the finite forest, wondering if their lives would ever get any better."
"As long as there are mysteries and murders and fog and fear and terror and injustice, then Sherlock Holmes and John H Watson will be ready, waiting for the dramatic ring at the doorbell."
"Don Quixote is a very noble figure, often pictured on a horse, but his sidekick, his friend called Sancho Panza, is a much lowlier figure but an important figure in the book."
"All these elements, together with Don Quixote, have been the instruments of Providence."
"Aragorn met and fell in love with Arwen."
"Thank God they got together like I was rooting for them since like really book 1."
"I loved the friendship of Sophie and Agatha."
"Leslie is Anne's new bosom friend and she is definitely a more interesting character."
"Banished Peto, banished Bardolph, banished Poins, but for sweet Jack Falstaff, kind Jack Falstaff, true Jack Falstaff, valiant Jack Falstaff... banish not him thy Harry's company."
"Shrighte Emelye, and howleth Palamon, And Theseus his suster took anon."
"...Go Trek and Felix are quite literally the best."
"We left off with Rand and then we jumped straight into Egwene, Nynaeve, the White Tower, all of that."
"People of our time carry within them this double nature, inspiring Parsifal, wounded Amfortas."
"They inspire us and the characters of the works alike."
"How could you not fall in love with characters like Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy?"
"I love the two main characters, Saeed and Nadia. Their page presence was so well defined."
"What is the name of the kind of cat that spoke to Alice in 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland'? The Cheshire Cat."
"The ultimate detective, Sherlock Holmes, and the master of crime, James Moriarty, Kimon Aashi possesses the blood of them both."
"Read a book, you must be swift as Edward Cullen. Read a book, but for the forest of Katniss Everdeen. Read a book with all the strength of Harry Potter."