
Love Definition Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Love means is the decision to compassionately, righteously, and responsibly seek the well-being of another."
"To truly love someone, they have to make me a better person."
"Love is not transformation, love is acceptance and understanding."
"Love is not something that induces pain and trauma. Think about that when you think about love."
"Unconditional love is when you truly want the best for someone else."
"Love is not a feeling but the act by which one wills the good of another."
"Some people spell love as l-o-v-e but I spell it as g-i-v-e because I've learned that to truly love you must give freely." - Nigeria
"My definition of love is you would do whatever it takes to look out for what is best for the person."
"That's not what we would call homosexuality, that's what we would call brotherly love."
"Love is not about that exciting feeling; it's a decision that you make daily."
"Love ultimately is not a feeling but a commitment. To love him is to keep his word."
"Do you love Jesus? Love him in the sense of being responsible, loyal, willing to sacrifice, and to be selfless."
"Christianity defines love based on metaphysics, not measurable actions."
"Love is an experience, it's excitement, it's anxiety, it's feeling good, it's feeling bad, it's feeling everything."
"Love is not just a feeling. Love is actually a choice."
"Love is an act of will; it's a choice. It's not merely an emotion. The fuel is the choice you both make to serve each other, sacrifice for each other, and remain loyal and faithful."
"Love always protects, love rejoices in the truth, it does not rejoice in wrongdoing."
"How do you know when a man loves you? He challenges you."
"Love can be defined as sacrifice. No greater love than he who lays down his life for a friend."
"Love is a verb and love is a choice, it's not a feeling."
"Love is more than just the physical appearance."
"Love, for me, isn't what I can give you. Love, for me, is what I'm willing to sacrifice for you."
"Love is nurturing it's nourishing it's strengthening it's it's adding unto it's uplifting so to become Masters Of Love."
"Love is defined as what you're willing to give up to maintain something."
"That's the definition of unconditional love bro."
"Love doesn't mean sexual intimacy or sexual attraction."
"Love is not just a feeling; it's a vibration and a frequency that is connected through all things."
"Love is sitting by your side and wiping the vomit off your chin... love is merging our assets and buying a house together."
"Love is intimacy, love is magic, love is the closeness that co-creates between two people that makes life meaningful."
"Love isn't a feeling, love is in the action."
"Love is an action. It is doing what is actually right for the other person regardless of what it costs you."
"Love means that you can, you'll do anything for your family. Yes, you will die for your family."
"Black Love doesn't just mean sex, but tantric perspective. Kamali Mentor talks about deeper connections with one another."
"That's really what true love is: wanting the best for somebody even if it's not with you."
"Love is pure, whole, and healthy; when someone hurts you, it's not love."
"The actual beginning of real love is humility and gratitude — it's a love of others, not self-love."
"How do we determine who's right? We're both making a claim about what love is."
"Love according to the definition of love gives your life for the one you love."
"Love isn't just how much I desire you. Love is how much I care about you."
"I Define love as when you like someone's personality when you respect their values and when you're committed to helping them achieve their goals."
"Love is selfless. Love is in general. Love is selfless."
"You can't tell me that you love someone if you're just gonna trash them all day long you know that's not love."
"Love is just accepting someone that you truly despise. Love is accepting that people can be a good one and a bad one."
"Love to me is when you care for someone deeply and you would do literally anything for that person or that thing or whatever."
"What love is, is a space that is big enough for absolutely everything to exist within."
"Love is many, many things. There's no one word or thing that can describe love, but love is caring, sharing, trusting, and being there for your partner."
"Your presence in my life showed me the true definition of love."
"Love is nurtured and developed and formed over time, it's pure, you know, it's really because you have the purest of intentions for this person."
"Love is when your husband or your wife is almost burned to death in a fire and you... clean up their vomit when they have the flu, that's love."
"Love by definition is somebody who cares about the best for you."
"What is love? Love is what I feel for you, something you can't explain but you know it's there."
"Love is being who you are and accepting other people for who they are."
"Love is an unconditional commitment to an imperfect person."
"Love is not a feeling. Love is a responsibility."
"Love is a free choice to work for the well-being of someone else."
"For me, the love part is almost always going to be defined by some level of self-sacrifice... This is something that I do that I really don't want to do but I'll do it because I love you and I respect you."
"Love loves and will hold space but love creates and it's easy and it's effortless..."
"If you find yourself fighting over it, it ain't love."
"Love is when you align your actions to your words."
"What is love? Accepting the negative traits of someone."
"Love is to actively sacrificially wish and work for the success of another."
"Humans have spent the last empty thousand years trying to figure out how to define love and the answer is it is very difficult."
"Love means to be willing to give until it hurts."
"Love is literally everything, not infatuation, not obsession, but true genuine partnership."
"Love is not because there is any emotional content; love is simply a decision."
"Love is the choice to extend yourself for the spiritual growth of oneself or another. It's very big and lofty and whatever but it's you're literally extending yourself."
"Love is not feeling, love is doing. Love is a verb."
"Love is a choice, action, and effort, not just a feeling."
"Love is not a feeling, love is a decision, an act of the will."
"Love is help. Love at its core is help."
"Love, love is a verb, love is a doing word, fearless on my breath."
"Love is a deep friendship and willingness and longing to want to get to know that person more deeply."
"Love is not an emotional thing; love is a divine flow."
"Love is more commitment than emotions."
"Love isn't a feeling, it isn't an emotion, it is a modal way of being."
"Love is about prioritizing the other person."
"Love means knowing the person, caring about the welfare of the person, and having a responsibility towards the person."
"If you do not have mercy, compassion, and forgiveness within your definition of love, I don't need your love, thank you very much."
"What does love look like for us? Defining your relationship to you, I think it's like everything."
"I think the definition of love is unconditional and continuous."
"I hate to break it to you, but what people call love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed."
"Love is not a frenzy of sex and sentiment; love is an ancient wired-in survival code."
"If they don't say it involves commitment and sacrifice, it ain't love."
"Love is not a feeling, that is the least version of what love really is."
"The definition of love is this: free will, two creatures choosing to be in relationship to each other."
"Love isn't about the gifts, love isn't about a relationship, love is about two beautiful souls coming together and becoming one. Love is pure and beautiful."
"I can't put love in dictionary terms, but I would say care about people, be compassionate, be considerate to others, help people... respect boundaries."
"Remember that love is a verb, not a noun."
"Love isn't claiming something to be perfection; it's appreciating and caring about something despite its imperfections."
"This is the relationship, and it also represents the concept of what love means in your life."