
Strategic Victory Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"The Florida Mayhem snatched Shambali Monastery away, averting potential disaster."
"What matters is winning. And if we can't win a full victory, let's win the victory we can win. That's politics."
"Fnatic closed out the game 33 minutes in, despite being behind in gold."
"If Republicans and conservatives win on the school front, they win period."
"Victory is not measured in the moment, victory is measured in the movement."
"Exodia: the ultimate boss monster, capable of obliterating opponents instantly once all five pieces are collected."
"If anyone that's already a member wants to gift and give back to the community, you're also welcome to. Also, that was not that hard, I'm glad we beat that, checkmate, nice!"
"It doesn't even matter if the other person has conquered most of the world, if you had the most fame, you win the game."
"He's tamed and also drops depths pickaxe, a tool full of energy."
"It's always best to win a war by not fighting one."
"Jones made extremely comfortable work of the American Gangster... even beating Sonnen at his own game."
"Unbelievable right there, way gets it when they need it, the three star."
"This is hugely significant and it's a big big win for the Ukrainians."
"Now that we're done bullying the Ottomans, we can go ahead and move towards our real goal."
"Team Eudora, they make the comeback, they close the game and they take game one."
"What a comeback from Team Mia! What a way to bait this fight!"
"The Ukrainian army solidified its successes on the Kyiv front."
"USF is going to be moving on as they now have all of their hard-earned territory."
"Miocic's victory: An achievement of balance and skill."
"New York's wind condition gets a second point at Junkertown and claims your spot as the best team in the Overwatch League."
"Baldwin IV of Jerusalem triumphed against Saladin, ruler of a vast wealthy empire, despite facing overwhelming odds."
"They shut down Optic Gaming and go to the losers bracket final."
"Charles Martell's dramatic and unlikely victory at Tour dashed all hopes the Umayyads had of moving beyond Iberia."
"The crazy part is that Viper, he won the series or he's about to win the series 3-0 using his three weak civil sieves on the draft. I don't think I've ever seen that before."
"The tide of battle has swung back into my favor."
"Olivia gets the moral victory for being able to mill out Josh twice on camera in her career, both with Altar of Dementia."
"Until they three-stocks riddles to put USA in the lead."
"They've won a stunning victory in round one defending their capital, inflicting horrific losses on the Russian advance."
"A very, very nice win by the world champion. Slow pressure without a lot of risk, and just outplayed his opponent very comfortably in the middle game."
"I just captured the king and won the war immediately."
"After Midway, Japan did not have another victory in the Pacific."
"A victory is anything that makes future victories easier or more likely."
"You basically have a game win on your hands right there."
"The Battle of Agincourt remains as proof that seemingly insurmountable odds can be overcome with the right strategy and the desire to never give in."
"Mary Peltola's victory... is showing a change and difference in tide and direction for these midterm elections."
"Even though the division was completely outnumbered somehow they came out with the opportunity to win this battle."
"That battle's won, let's stick it over if we can."
"What a beautiful fight. The elves are taking this one, defeating the temple units. Beautiful, beautiful job there."
"This was a decisive victory on behalf of Ukrainians. They threw everything they could at probably what is Russia's most backed up position on the entire front line."
"They were good people and wanted to do the right thing for humanity."
"Enemies top barracks destroyed. You're really winning a video game here."
"The enemy's middle tower has fallen, enemies middle tower demolished!"
"The great Mariana's turkey shoot opened the way for ultimate success in the war against Japan."
"Sloppy plays aside, the Empire's resilience and leadership prevailed against the chaos onslaught."
"Darth Bane and Darth Zannah, the pioneers of the rule of two, would be the most likely victors."
"The truckers are gonna win the big picture. The outcome cards are the truckers are gonna win."
"Ukrainians had truly a massive success in the southern areas of Bahamut."
"The capture of the bridge resulted from the breach in the novakova dam which submerged Russian forces stationed in Kirsten."
"Sometimes the best fights are those a hero has already won."
"It's not just beating him, it's completely dominating him."
"They're just chipping away at the base, they secure themselves the third inhibitor."
"He technically was picking apart the former interim lightweight champion."
"Hilly just destroys him, absolutely destroys him solo killed it."
"What's more important than winning a war is winning a war in style and also however many technologies you have researched at the end of the game, also very important."
"Execute order 66 if it was an option, but this is about victory for the Republic."
"Yesterday I had a very, very important victory with the black piece against Ol Resa Fuer from France that took me back to an even score."
"We kicked the ass of his army when it was bigger than it is right now, which is beautiful."
"Oh heroic victory it's our very much game and we have also managed to capture one of their leaders."
"Wellington now had the keys to Spain in his pocket, and he intended to use them to push the French out of Spain once and for all."
"This is literal perfect 40 Value difference I actually think this is a huge W for spirit."
"In one hour the Nova Scotians, the Highlanders without kilts, would gain control of Hill 145, overrunning their objective."
"Ukraine dealing Russia one of the biggest defeats."
"Crushed them completely, crippled them, and they're not a problem anymore."
"The operation is a significant win for Ukraine demonstrating that it can counter Russian military movements within its borders."
"They got the herald as well they can get so much here."
"He saved the lives of the heroes as well as many other soldiers. He captured a powerful enemy and managed to decimate the morale of the opposing forces."
"Oh, no, and now they have control of this position. Oh, how do you do this? What a stack, what a double peek! Electronic doesn't need to go down, Bit falls."
"That is GG amazing game rogue able to hold that aggression."
"You don't have to win everything, you just need to win in the end."
"Robb Stark and his cavalry were about to make their debut on the battlefield in a display of tactical and strategic brilliance."
"Jaime had been captured, the siege of Riverrun broken and an entire Lannister army destroyed."
"It only took the hardest fight of my rust career, I'll take that, that's actual profit."
"Alright, that was quite the win for our deck."
"A significant kill, he's taken out significant centerpieces in the Endonian Genome."
"Real Madrid always seem to do what they need to do to win... It's not always about the pretty side of the game."
"Week 10 at Oakland, Rivers led a touchdown drive to go up by 4 with 4:08 left."
"This was not a success for the Russian army, it was a success for the Ukrainian Army."
"This transfer window is a huge win for Manchester United, a massive win."
"Vegito showcases all the power he's got and together the three fighters are able to knock Jiren out of the ring."
"Seth Rollins became WWE champion after cashing in his money in the bank contract."
"Oh, got them! That's better than actually winning by far, given the choice between actually winning and getting our opponent to."
"You can be outnumbered the whole time and then win in the end."
"Caps slams them down and now they're gonna get a Baron."
"Guess who always wins? The owners of the business."
"Stunning developments in Ukraine's war against Russia: Ukrainian counter-offensive highly effective, shocking victory on the battlefield."
"Winning isn't just the courtroom win, it's knowing when to take the exit and when to bow out. He left on a high note that re-establishes his name and his dominance."
"A massive round of the scheme of the map goes the way of the sentinels and puts them on 11."
"Is there anything sweeter than winning with Door to Nothingness?"
"Even though it seems like an unfair fight, Hyoma manages to make a giant rock fall on Shur."
"AP BR's perfect rotations and teamwork lead to a decisive win against RQ Hosi."
"The war had turned completely in favor of Ukraine."
"Standing Tall and with one last spark she takes out Leon's powerful Ace Charizard, winning us not just the battle but the entire run."
"It was a narrow escape... made the difference between victory and defeat at Waterloo."
"Through their combined efforts, they managed to defeat Galga."
"Iconic... they were the first qualified players to come through sand clutching up in the final moments." - Pioneering success in competitive gaming.
"The w's rolling in guys, this is a huge W that I called. We absolutely got them."
"Ultimate destination: victory for the Republic."
"Defeated the enemy by letting the enemy defeat itself."
"Finally, her Haxorus which is dangerous with Dragon Dance... We did it, we beat the championship with three Pokémon remaining!"
"Really well worked from dark zero, they find that essential attacking round."
"Never doubt the Venusaur right here, ladies and gentlemen. Do not doubt the Venusaur!"
"Technique won over brute force in this round."
"The capture of strategic locations, including Bouton, played a pivotal role in reshaping the front lines."
"Finally, after shooting down the last Blaze and killing the last Wither skeletons I was able to rush down there loot up everything and then finally when I checked my inventory I had the third Wither Skull."
"The Ukrainian Army's seasoned combatants dealt Russia a crushing blow."
"First down wins the game. That's the way I'm looking at this."
"Dumas led a cinematic bayonet charge across hard ice to take an enemy fortress, capturing 900 foes."
"Congratulations, you won the battle with zero damage, just straight optimized zero percent damage."
"Oh, I think I just took him out, yep, I just took out their general."
"Perhaps, it is through the Asuryani alone that a true victory might be achieved."
"Beating those two opponents in every phase of the game."
"The Alliance is in your debt commander you have struck a great blow against the Imperial Army today you will receive one star destroyer at Talos."
"We got the reverse sweep exactly what we needed."
"What I will say is that maybe it's not the best idea, maybe it's not the best message to send to a company just entering the gaming space."
"Scarlett holding strong, going toe to toe with Clem and coming out a step ahead."
"That's a huge win for them, one less breach to worry about."
"What if we can force them to sign it... If we can beat them, the ultimate perfect victory would be to beat them and then get them to be contracted under me." - Roulette
"They did get through the tank, so that's impressive, that's some good stuff right there."
"Magnus got four points and his teammates got three points so for those of you that are that are challenged at seven points and we got nine so we won 97 the last match."
"One decision changed everything, turning a slow descent into failure into a relatively easy victory."
"Yet the men knew that much fighting still lay ahead of them, but the threat to Port Moresby had at last been removed."
"Talking about battles where artillery saved the day."
"I love that for them. The Mariners took care of business, man."
"Yuma uses the very classic, very iconic Double or Nothing combination with Utopia to defeat Shark."
"Reinforced and resupplied, Wellington would be back the next year to deliver the final blow to Joseph's Spanish kingdom."
"Britain had managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and had overcome the weakness that it had in 1914."
"What makes this so beautiful is just watching people get beat at their own game."
"That was one of the cleanest performances I've ever seen from a striker to take out a dominant grappler."
"If you're on the defense, simply stopping the enemy offensive is going to count as a strategic victory."
"Allied airborne troops had captured several strategic bridges in France before they could be blown up."
"The battle would be recorded as a victory for the British but it was a Pyrrhic one and it amounted to an American strategic victory."
"The Knockout of Ploesti means the German will be deprived of one-third of his oil resources."
"The victory was a huge turning point in modern Japanese warfare."
"From the Britain standpoint, it was a strategic victory."
"We took their king prisoner in the first battle, how fortunate is that?"
"It wasn't about an all-singing, all-dancing victory; it was about getting the win."
"By the numbers, when has an 8,000 strong army beaten a 100,000 men on the other side?"
"All who were present witnessed firsthand a successful strike back against the Beta who had defeated them at every turn for decades."
"Chess is a mirror of life, a battlefield of the mind where the greatest victories are often silent."