
Human Stories Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Behind every case file lies a human story, a narrative that transcends legal jargon and touches the essence of justice."
"This battle against authoritarianism... by presenting these human stories, it is a way to push back against autocracy because autocracy dehumanizes."
"It's just such a human story, about family, about oppression, about resilience, about making it out of desperate circumstances."
"I can't wait to hear what you guys think about the new patch."
"It's got that haunted feeling but it's not ghosts it's all humans and I think that's so scary I think that's creepier."
"It's the story of redemption for some and perseverance for all."
"The most amazing story for humanity is gonna come from lovers that are true."
"Every single person has a story, and the person standing in front of you... every single person has a story."
"This is more than just numbers, these statistics tell the story of real people."
"Each and every one of us is made better by learning about the struggles of our fellow humans in such an intimate way."
"Farscape triumphantly succeeds in telling profoundly moving human stories."
"Insecure is not a groundbreaking premise... it focuses on relatable human stories that anyone should be able to connect to."
"There's a woman in that box... a woman who had dreams, who had passions."
"These are the stories that personify resilience."
"War brings about the most brutal and tragic stories possible..."
"You don't know their story you don't know their story you will never understand where they got to and how they got there."
"There's no one who you wouldn't love if you knew their story."
"Too often forgotten are the stories of the men who had to take it there, the men who had to go on what Winston Churchill described as the worst journey in the world."
"They had real lives, they were real people, they're not just a story."
"Recognize that there are real people's lives involved in this sort of thing... Everybody's got a story."
"It's just so heartbreaking for any people involved."
"To always play towards the light. What's so moving about human stories is people trying to see the light in moments of pain."
"Chainsaw man is a very human story about the struggles of loving other people in a cruel world."
"It is an incredibly human movie, it is so well acted, it is so beautifully told, it is so effective."
"Horrible things happen to people every day... we need to see the person they were... the life they lived."
"Amongst the stories of tragedy, there are also stories of triumph."
"There's something that really strikes me with shows that are inherently human-centric."
"These are real people. Their experiences matter."
"Sports anime is incredibly human at its core because we're watching human feats on the court."
"It's about the characters, it's about the people."
"At the heart of any good sci-fi story, then, are people and their stories, in which machines are only a part."
"The best story was probably in Afghanistan... from the ordinary people."
"I always say," Susan reflects, "I walk away with a piece of inspiration and hope because someone who is struggling lets me in and teaches me."
"There would be no heroes, villains, or icons. It would be a story of humans, rather than one of royals."
"Every single view represents an entire person with their own life, worries, struggles, their entire life story."
"Everyone loves a tale of people or groups coming together as one."
"The hardest part about this is the narratives, the human aspect."
"When people see this stuff, they see just like numbers, but they don't see that we are actual human beings with stories."
"It's in those hints of human life that we can find some incredibly rich stories."
"They are people with clear and thoughtful and deep stories and experiences."
"So many of the things that we think are natural or Eternal or Divine, no they are just human stories."
"There's a lot happening back here along these lines. It's not just talking about logistics; we're talking about real-life human stories playing out."
"Your story and stories like yours are incredibly important and very human. They're some of the most human stories that I get to encounter, the transformation and the coming to be oneself."
"The show is much more about human drama."
"It's always a common thread of human tales."
"All these horror classics carry with them very strong human stories."
"I love human stories, I love messy, I love seeing it all in light of God's Redemption."
"The richness of its history and the stories of the human beings that were on board."
"This Hand Luggage show is dedicated to emigrants, isn't it? Not only them. This is a show about people who left with nothing but their memories."
"There's never anything, no two human faces or human stories the same, and there will always be stories as long as at the center of them are human beings."
"I think the most interesting stories are from average individuals, they've really been through it."
"The foundation of the show is the people, and when you get the stories of the people, that's when you get the good stuff."
"I think it's because it's about human beings in this family that lived through some quite brutal things that you wouldn't expect."
"That's why talk shows are so popular, because people are interested in people."
"We are fascinated by shipwrecks not just because of the disaster that surrounds them, but the people, the human story that surrounds it as well."
"People are fabulous, just amazing, lovely to hear stories like that."
"A city like Toronto is full of human interest stories."