
Animal Affection Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"This horse is so happy to see its owner it can't stop hugging and kissing her."
"I love when animals love me; it makes me feel like I'm special and different. Like, it makes me feel loved."
"His name was Fang, but I called him Fanggomango. He was the sweetest dog ever."
"Hug your fur babies close or your reptiles, your birds, your fishies, you know, make sure you love them, you're treating them well, and you're giving them appropriate care for what they are."
"I cannot say no to cats, so if I see this in the store you know I'm going to buy it."
"There is not an animal on earth that will love you more than dogs."
"Even talking about it now-- Especially the dog. Is makin' it worse. Yeah."
"You know it's like a dog right if you love your dog he's gonna love you back you know and it's the same thing with reptiles and all animals for that matter."
"Dogs are essentially hugging you with their eyes."
"I just love beasts, love the little beasties."
"Honestly, personally for me, I'd love to hug a red panda, me too."
"Buttons the elk strolled into the fire district, planting sweet kisses on each firefighter's face."
"Rocky the puppy showed his love and gratitude with excited puppy kisses."
"People love cats, like that's like a new thing."
"Many people adore domestic cats, and some monkeys, as it turned out, adore tigers."
"To me, a dog is everything pure in the world. Dogs experience the world through a lens of pure joy that I don't think other animals have."
"You can't get over the cuteness and the vulnerability and the potential of a new puppy."
"Hug your pets, they're furry souls and they need our hugs too."
"I think I just love otters now, they're kind of sweet, they hold hands."
"Most people love dogs with their infectious smiles, unconditional love, and protection. It's pretty easy to see why."
"A dog may be man's best friend, but a cat is everyone's favorite feline fatale."
"It's amazing how little hairy creatures can just touch your heart."
"Animals are pure and innocent inside, and the only thing they need to be truly happy forever is you."
"People love animals, and we know this to be true because most people have dogs at home."
"Dogs are man's best friend. We love dogs, leave them alone."
"Everyone likes pandas, if you don't like pandas, something's wrong with you."
"Got a new hip, Leo? You're really lucky. Hey, it's a good boy."
"I just really like the look on their faces when this problem Kitty comes up and cuddles with them."
"That cat everyone, it met. It just showered with love."
"Anyone who says they dislike cats has obviously never snuggled up with a cat."
"Akira surprises the cat by embracing it, expressing his unwillingness to harm such a majestic creature."
"I love dogs, man. I really love dogs and the cats are a... I have some cats, they're all rescues."
"Dogs, they're a man's best friend, but we know that they like the ladies too."
"It's a tell-tale sign that you got true love from your Doberman."
"I adore rabbits, I absolutely adore rabbits."
"My dog wakes me up by licking my inner ear. My dogs love to lick my bald head, my inner ear, they go for it."
"Your pets are always the greatest pets on the planet."
"Morgan loved animals, especially cats. She had this kitten that she adopted from a shelter."
"Wood lice are my friends, I really, really like wood lice."
"Your dragons love you. They practically worship you."
"I'm a sucker for baby turtles, even more so baby diamondback terrapins."
"It's awfully cute. I would like to give him a little scratch on the chin."
"Just like the internet, the Egyptians loved their cats."
"I love the dog here, I love the dog outright."
"When a horse is relaxed around you, that means they have affection for you, they know you, and they trust you."
"Something about their cute little black eyes and their behavior just stole my heart."
"This dog is the sweetest and most gentle creature that I've ever met."
"I love cats so much; they're my favorite animal."
"People are just insane about dogs."
"I love this horse so much, he's such a good boy."
"They get very happy when you pet them, especially on their head."
"Mr. Olyman, our male clouded leopard, he's absolutely gorgeous, he's my little baby at heart."
"Children of Oshun are very loving with creatures, with their pets, loving with the family and everyone around them."
"I love it, everyone that watches this channel, they're all really big dog lovers."
"Love starts with a wet nose and ends with a wagging tail."
"I post and I like dogs and Penguins."
"I love him, look at that eye, his eyes nice and calm, he's just beautiful."
"They make you fall in love with them; they are lovable pigs."
"What an amazing horse, and I could not be more in love with him, truly."
"People obviously love dogs, people obviously love cats."
"If you love puppies, then definitely stick around and subscribe."
"He still wants to give me kisses, and he's so cute."
"Smudge is adorable, just the cutest little thing with the big round eyes."
"But first, here's a kitty to help get our wholesome levels up before we bring them right back down."
"I love dogs so freaking much, there is not one dog I don't love."
"Everybody loves their freaking pets."
"I have loved horses my entire life."
"You know the best thing about being on a farm is the farm animals. I love farm animals."
"He's the sweetest guy, the dogs love him the most."
"Tell me why this dog I just met five minutes ago loves me more than my dog who I've had for almost three years."
"So happy to see them reunited and I think they are very happy as well."
"I love animals, and animals love me."
"I'm obsessed with alpacas; I just think they are the cutest animals."
"She really loves people and she's a very funny horse."
"She loves to sleep, but when it's morning, then she gives the best smiles."
"It's another thing I've missed, everything about our elephants."
"You're a good girl," she whispered into Sunshine's ear.
"She is one of the sweetest horses."
"That's Amber eyes, she's my favorite lioness and she is so, so good with these Cubs."
"It was such a lovely reunion, they went walking up to each other and straight into that gorgeous lion head rub."
"Cats are our favorite animal; it's kind of like our mascot, really."
"She loved her cats; they were her children."
"There's like the cutest kitten in the world in my lap right now."
"I love their little ears, their little antennas, ah, so cute."
"I love pigs too. Pigs are one of my favorite animals, if you don't already know that, Brody."
"You are such a magnificent leopard, isn't he gorgeous, oh he's such a good cat, such a good cat."
"Dogs are man's best friend; they're cute, they're adorable, they just love you so much."
"That made Mo the sweetest goat ever."