
Animal Senses Quotes

There are 66 quotes

"A blind dog found its owner by his scent and is very happy to see him."
"This dog sensed the smell of his friend, a military man he hasn't seen in eight months, and finally."
"Some spiders also have senses amazing that are very close to what we have."
"Dog senses earthquake aftershocks... Sophie the Labrador appeared to feel the earthquake before it hit."
"They are always hearing things we can't hear. They are always seeing things we can't see. They are always smelling things we can't smell."
"He can detect prey and fresh blood from the presence of CO2, an infrared radiation, a heat-seeking ability."
"Dogs pick up they protect the human body and they protect your physical and they also pick up lower level vibrations."
"Their hearing is so sensitive they can easily detect burrowing termites several feet underground."
"It has been estimated that a dog's sense of smell is more than 200 million times stronger than that of humans."
"Dogs have better hearing than people."
"A dog's wet nose works to dissolve scent molecules which help them detect and recognize smells that you and I can't even perceive."
"Bears have a sense of smell a hundred times greater than human beings; that's insane."
"Dogs have a sense of smell 40 times stronger than us."
"A dog's sense of smell can be nearly 100,000 times better than ours."
"Dogs can sense and hear things that humans can't."
"Bats' eyesight is actually better at nighttime than ours."
"...it's been demonstrated that certain ocean predators like sharks, for example, can detect scents as diluted as one part for 25 million."
"Horses have heightened senses compared to humans and can notice indications we overlook."
"Polar bears can smell really well, they can even smell through snow."
"Binturongs have great senses, they use their nose to help them find fruit in the dark."
"A caribou can smell food buried six feet under the snow."
"A dog's nose is more sensitive than a human's nose."
"Dogs and cats can hear and see through a spectrum of frequency that humans can't."
"The tasmanian tiger was also known to have amazing smell, being able to track its prey from kilometers away."
"Dogs can smell in stereo, each nostril independent."
"Most reptiles have something called a Jacobson's organ... it allows them to make sense of those particles to just give them information about their surroundings."
"A dog's sense of smell is thought to be 1,000 times better than a person's."
"The vision is thought to be seven times better than humans and they do most hunting at dusk and dawn."
"It's amazing what our dogs are able to scent; their ability to scent is so much greater than humans."
"Echolocation. It's how some animals like dolphins and bats see objects by reflecting sound off them."
"A dog's sense of smell is so remarkable that they can detect scents at concentrations as low as parts per trillion."
"A fox has an incredible sense of smell, about 30 times better than humans."
"Dogs can detect extreme emotions by smell."
"Soft pads on the elephant's feet and tissue in the trunk can detect subtle vibrations through the ground."
"Dogs can smell everything. People can mostly just smell big smells like stink and flowers and dinner."
"Inside their noses, they have 220 million smell receptors, whereas we only have 5 million."
"Some animals hear sounds at very low frequencies, smell gases escaping from the ground, and even sense minute changes in the earth's electric fields."
"A goddamn great white shark could smell a drop of blood in the water from three miles away."
"He's sniffing the air because he's got a very, very good sense of smell."
"It's very exciting because their eyesight is not the best, but their smell is very good."
"A dog's sense of smell is 10,000 times more sensitive than ours, and an elephant's sense of smell is 50 times more sensitive than a dog's."
"It can smell and taste the slightest human secretion of blood and sweat one part in a billion from a mile away."
"What amazes me is that she boasts smell things and hear things and see things that we cannot."
"They can see and hear as well as we can."
"They have incredible eyesight and they'll actually spot the carcass from very very high up."
"Hyenas have exceptionally powerful noses."
"I think it would be fantastic one day to be able to probably virtually only extend your senses to those of the animals that we share this planet with."
"These are incredibly intelligent animals... they have incredible senses that are far better than humans."
"They have such a wide field of view, cheetahs do, and they can actually see phenomenal distances."
"Imagine being able to see in the dark, doesn't matter how many carrots you eat, you won't be able to see as well as a lion or a leopard or a hyena do in the dark."
"The big ears are moving all the time in order to hear what is happening in their surrounding."
"They can also smell water about 12 miles away; that is absolutely incredible."