
Mandalorians Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The iconic armor of the Mandalorians was a symbol of fear and strength earned through millennia of a long, bloody history of war and glory."
"There did, however, come a time when a Mandalorian named Tar Vizsla became the first of his kin to be inducted into the Jedi Order."
"Two young, powerful, and promising Jedi Knights disregarded the orders of their council, taking it upon themselves to defeat the Mandalorians. Their names were Alec and Revan."
"I think the mandalorians have been given this plot of land next to the lava flat and they're very much making a home for themselves."
"The darksaber was used by the Mandalorians in ancient times as a symbol to rally around and unite all their warring clans together under a single banner."
"The Mandalorians were famed as some of the fiercest fighters and most effective bounty hunters of the galaxy."
"To the Mandalorians, their armor is a significant family heirloom."
"The mandalorians have mastered the art of fighting force incidents while not being Force sensitive themselves and they had a really good reason to do this."
"I love Sacrifice because true to any Karen Traviss Star Wars novel, it's packed with juicy Mandalorian lore."
"Mandalorians are stronger together."
"They're Mandalorians, basically a society completely dedicated to the art of war."
"Mandalorians reclaiming Mandalore, obviously a great plotline."
"To grow the Rebellion, we need friends like these Mandalorians."
"I was happy that they took me in, my parents were killed and the Mandalorians took care of me."
"We need to band together as Mandalorians."
"The Mandalorians hunted these giant beasts to extinction and gained complete dominance of the planet."
"This is the way means that Mandalorians working together as opposed to having these factions fighting each other."
"Mandalorians... a society completely dedicated to the art of war."
"In the Star Wars Universe, there are several different sects of Mandalorians, each with its own unique beliefs, practices, and traditions."
"The New Mandalorians rejected the violent past of their people and instead sought to establish a society based on pacifism, neutrality, and diplomacy."
"They believed that Mandalore's future lies in cooperation with other cultures rather than in conflict."
"The True Mandalorians embraced the traditional warrior values of honor, courage, and strength but rejected the extreme violence of the Death Watch."
"Clan Wren is known for their warrior prowess and loyalty to Mandalore's traditional ways."
"The Mandalorians, even though they possessed a system of writing, did not typically keep written historical records; most of their history and traditions were passed down orally."
"We are the Death Watch, descendants of the true warrior faith all Mandalorians once knew."
"Mandalorians coming home to retake their world for good is a huge turning point in the Galaxy."
"Not all Mandalorian factions are meant to be good."
"Mandalorians have endured wars since before the formation of the Republic, just as we'll endure the Empire and your Rebellion."
"Mandalorians are crazy enough to join you."
"Man, the Mandalorians are so badass."
"It wasn't repetitive, it was like cool to watch them both be Mandalorians."
"This is what every Mandalorian has grown up eating."
"I feel like the biggest thing is, man, the Mandalorians did retake Mandalore."
"I love to see the Mandalorians at work."