
Paternal Love Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"The father loves the son so much that he comes up with ways to make the son look good."
"The love of the father can flow through anyone."
"If I find out she's not mine, I still love her, man."
"My dad always made me feel loved even when he wasn't around a lot."
"I loved her first as a song about the struggle of a father to hand off his daughter to her new husband at their wedding."
"He's a good dad, he's a really good dad, he ain't a stepdad, he's a dad."
"A father's love knows no bounds, even in the face of adversity."
"I'm thankful for my dad's regular 'I love you's.'"
"There isn't anything quite like a father's love."
"He loved his son more than anything in the world."
"Hohenheim was never great with words, so through these acts of protection and defiance, he’s finally able to be whole through expressing what he feels to his boys."
"I have a son. I will have him. I will have everything."
"A Father's love for his son or daughter never dies. The strength gained from such love is often quite unquantifiable."
"The love of the father is here today to minister to your loneliness."
"My dad is very tuned in with Mother Earth and her animals, and also he never lies."
"Yondu flies in and saves Quill and sacrifices himself to keep Quill safe as he's come to view him as a real son."
"Your father is telling you right now that this person is on their way."
"Thanks for being my hero, daddy number one."
"There is nothing more comforting than the sweet whisper of a father to his child saying that everything is going to be all right."
"My father's love and legacy continue to play an important part of our daily lives."
"God is good, he's a good good father."
"Daddy would let us win. Daddy would let us win."
"Fatherly love accepts you right where you are, but it loves you too much to keep you there."
"My dad has always been there for me. I've never had to think about how much he means to me, he's just somebody he's always been there, I can rely on."
"'I don't give a damn, it's the truth,' Dad shoved the flask back into his pocket and draped another blanket over my sleeping form."
"He works everything together for good. He's a good father. He doesn't want his children to suffer."
"'It's for the best, my angel,' Papa stroked her cheek. 'You might thank me for this one day.'"
"Stick with me son, I'll teach you."
"When your father chastises you, it feels better than when the Lord does it. Get it while you can. When you become a grown man, you're going to look back on those days and value them."
"He never hurts us to harm us. Every bitter blow that falls from His hand falls from the hand of a father who loved the world so much."
"The father he loves you so much, he adores you so much you have no idea how much you are cherished adored longed for and delighted over because that's his heart for you."
"Your father is not far away when you're suffering. He loves you. He's close."
"He was so proud of you and loved you very much."
"Your real father is so proud of you and he always loved you."
"He genuinely loves Zuko like a son."
"Introduce the new voice, the voice of your loving father."
"It also brings me peace knowing that my dad was watching over me even if it was from the other side."
"Rick values his grandson more than any living being in the Multiverse although he definitely races back in there because he strongly considers jumping in to see Diane one more time."
"You were his angel, his baby girl."
"But even though he was broken, he was beautiful in his father's eyes."
"Of all the daddies in the world, I was so glad that he was mine."
"I have a father who's in heaven who runs this universe whose Almighty was all-wise perfect in love this is my father."
"Every father to a little girl knows just how precious that relationship is."
"I'm proud of you as your father should be."
"And there was a lot of paternal love and that's something I haven't really seen before with Dracula, so, points for originality."
"'Daddy,' my soul could only smile fondly at the young child."
"He looks at you and he goes, 'Uh, I guess I love you dad.'"
"But in saying that, my dad was the best father you could ever ask for."
"My daddy will forever be with me and around me. I can just not see him and he would like me to be happy and he is going to protect me."
"The love of the Father arranged it."
"I just know that the heart of the father, he weeps at how much he feels so proud of you."
That was the first day that I heard my dad say, "Son, I love you."
"Being a father myself, I just can't imagine the emotions of trying to save your own daughter and not being able to."
"They need to reassure their first and main proper dad that they still love him and reinforce that bond."
"I love you, Dad, you're the perfect person."
"This is the best day ever and he is the best dad ever."
"You have a great dad, you have a great father, your heavenly father who loves you dearly."
"I love you, says dad, will always love you; you will forever be in my heart."
"Your father is never going to give up on you, and he's going to do whatever it takes to bring you back to him."
"A woman's father is the only man in her life that truly cares about her for her and not because of her beauty."
"This is the son I always wished I had."
"You are one beautiful baby, Daddy loves you so much."
"The first time my son touched my finger, I knew I would die for him."
"By the end of this current crisis, you might lose all of your worldly goods, but they can never take away from you the fact that you're my boy."
"Something phenomenal happens when dads tell their children I love you."
"He loved his daughter and wanted to make sure she was doing okay."
"With a father like you, they'll be happy every day of their life," Tessabelle said.
"My dad was the greatest dad in the world; he taught me how to be a good person."
"I've protected you, looked after you as if you're my own son."
"The love of my dad was more important to me, and it still is to this day."
"He obviously comes across to the viewer as a true father, one who cares more about the well-being and happiness of their child than their own."
"He loves his kids and it doesn't matter how stressed or struggling things are, he's going to hold on to his kids."
"God is our loving Heavenly Father, and He's a dad who loves you and wants the best for you."
"In the end, the old man wants the best for his daughter and wishes for her to study what she loves."
"He wraps his arms on me and says, 'I love you, Daddy.'"
"Love him as my dad. I'm glad I had him as a dad. He taught me everything I could learn."
"My father gave me the beautiful gift of learning forgiveness."
"No one has ever loved me the way my dad loves me."
"I love my kids, man, I love my daughter so much, she's like the best thing ever, bro."
"The love of a father is strong, it's intoxicating."
Dada loves you. He says, "I love you."
"Peter was a true father to me; he was wonderful."
"He loved his children, he didn't want to leave them, he didn't want them to leave him."
"Love, the love of the father has the power to bring transformation."
"All I really wanted from him was for him to be safe and happy."
"You are to be loved by a father and you are to love as a father."
"As the father loves me, that's how I love you."
"I'm not doing this just for you. I'm doing it for Naruto. I will die for my son. It is my duty as his father."
"It brings me great comfort and joy to know that my children will never grow up wondering if their dad loves or cares for them."
"I don't want that for my son; I want him to know his father loves him."
"As a father, I would do anything I could to prevent that from happening."
"This case is the most amazing portrayal of a Father's Love and how he would stop at nothing to get his child Justice."
"It's okay, son," he said, his eyes locked onto mine. "You know I would never hurt you in a million years, right?"
"I will always love him and I will always protect him as his father."
"He loved his kids with all his heart."
"It looks like a man who loves his son."
"I looked at that little boy, and my heart exploded in my chest."
"Your Royal Father loves you so much."
"No matter what happens, your father still loves you."
"I love my children so much, I'm a great father."
"If he knew how strong his father is, how competent and able his father is, and how much his father loves him, he would enjoy the ride."
"If in just the next few minutes I could remind you how strong your father is, how competent your father is, and how much your father loves you, you would never again be worried or stressed or fearful or insecure or inferior."
"No one loves like my father, no one cares like my father."
"Our most merciful God and father, after our apostasy, could have taken a handful of earth and breathe again into it and make another man. But such is not his paternal affection and capacity."
"The voice of your father will speak to you with love, he will correct you with kindness."
"No man on the planet could possibly want more and better for their son than their own father."
"Let your heart be at ease, my child, in me you have a father who is not only capable but also deeply desirous of blessing you abundantly."
"I'm very grateful for the life that I had, my father that raised me gave me everything and was such a good dad, and I love him."
"That's the power of love, because what the father's love does is he stands there and he says 'I am here,' it produces safety."
"I meant the love of a father for his daughter."
"That was as close as his father ever came to telling him that he loved him, and it was close enough."
"He absolutely loved his daughter and was incredibly offended that he was even in this position."
"He loves his students like he is a father."
"Everything was about the father, not about the boys; it was the father's love, the father's grace."
"Daddy, you're my number one star, your love makes me glad, I'm so grateful for my dad."
"I love my son to death man, that's good."
"To my darling Nita, from her adoring father."
"Our God is a good father, and he loves to give good gifts."
"For most dads, especially those with daughters, it's going to be their first instinct to do absolutely anything and everything to protect their children from any possible harm."
"Most dads' love for their daughters is so strong that they wouldn't hesitate to lay down their lives for them."
"I always felt that my father really accepted me fully and completely, and loved me fully, completely."
"I am in love with her, and this is what I guess dads feel like."
"My father loves me, and I'm letting you know that."
"Hold on to the unending love of your father who loves you more than anything else in the world."
"You'll never understand how much your father loved you."
"God's love for Israel is compared to a father's love for his son."
"I am your dad, mijo. I couldn't love you any more than I do now."
"Don't let your son grow up without his dad, you got to fight for him."
"Love you baby, daddy loves you always."
"The father's love towards the daughter is the thing that shows the daughter what she's looking for in a man when she gets older."
"He's so sweet and he loves his daughter, man, and she doesn't make it easy all the time, but he still loves her."
"Honestly, my father was a very innocent man, he loved me very much."
"As a father, a black father, that's all I want."
"It's one of the biggest gifts I could give you as a father, a love for places like this."
"A father's love is a guiding force that helps keep our lives on course."
"He was a family man, he loved his daughter, everything he did was for his daughter."
"Hey, you know what? I love you. I've got you. I'm your dad. Everything's gonna be okay."