
Gentlemanliness Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Nothing's more sexier than being a gentleman."
"The quality of being a gentleman is really something that we could look back to and I think it would balance out a lot of the anxiety that people feel today."
"I want somebody who is intuitive, empathetic, affectionate. I want a natural gentleman."
"Justin is behaving like a gentleman and showing how much he cares about her."
"Those are some of the memorable things. I'll tell you what: he was absolutely a perfect gentleman."
"Being respectful, attentive, and showing that you care. That's being a gentleman."
"He became the gentleman of the day."
"He was a gentleman to his fingertips."
"He's a real gentleman, Patrick is a real gent, really gentleman."
"Jason, you are truly unique, a sophisticated gentleman."
"Gentlemen are not turned out like sausages, they are men of ingrained honor."
"A gentleman wouldn't interest himself in gossip, my dear."
"Al Cooper, one of the sweetest, nicest guys you could ever meet and a real gentleman."
"Being a gentleman, opening the door for her, that is not old-fashioned, that is classy."
"He did come off sounding like a gentleman."
"I need to apologize to Miss Elizabeth and her sisters for my harsh words at the assembly; they were not the words of a gentleman."
"He was a gentleman, kind and clearly chivalrous."
"Just be a respectful gentleman, you know what you got to do, man, just be nice, be kind."
"A man is generous, especially a gentleman with his compliments."
"He's a character, he's an over-the-top character that's just... I would go out of my way any and every time that he was even in a building to go say hello and pay my respects to him because he's just that much of a gentleman."
"Ain't nothing to it; you are a gentleman."
"Using politeness and good manners is something which is not negotiable when you're a gentleman."
"He kissed her; a true gentleman would never act in such a manner unless his honor was engaged."
"I'm polite, I'm the ultimate gentleman."
"I'm not that corny; I'm just a gentleman because my parents raised me correctly."
"He's nothing if not a gentleman, my father."
"He had seen every action taken by Captain Richard Sharp, and that Sharp had behaved as a gentleman and an officer."
"That's chivalry, being a gentleman."
"A gentleman is always more intrigued by what's hidden than what's revealed."
"He's a gentleman... he's always explained to you in a gentle way, not in an aggressive way."
"It smells so gentlemanly, I love this stuff."
"He's such a gentleman, he's a nice guy."
"I'm not only a good wrestler, I'm a fine gentleman."
"Daniel is the perfect gentleman, in case anybody was wondering."
"Loyal and respectful behavior are more than necessary features to be considered a gentleman."
"If you act as a gentleman among these people, they are gentlemen."
"The mark of a true gentleman is honesty."
"He's a true gentleman, very honest with his answers and so down to earth."
"You want to be treated like a gentleman? Act like one and show me the receipt."
"I think you are too nice and covenanting, but you have the spirit of a very pretty gentleman."
"A gentleman isn't afraid to admit when he's wrong."
"A gentleman is not afraid to admit when he's wrong, and on this one, I was wrong."
"I think you're awesome. You're like my ideal dude because I'm a gentleman."
"The modern gentleman lives by the essence of quality over quantity."
"He's a man becoming an adult now, and he's a gentleman."
"I am a gentleman, that makes the two of us very equal."
"A truly great kind and very gentleman."
"If you ever want to become a gentleman and a scholar, you're going to have to know about the ways of the world."
"Chivalry is not dead on our end, just a gentleman, truly a gentleman."
"The hands half clenched, the easy gait, and a voice, the easy pleasant voice of an English sailor and gentleman."
"I'm not trying to impress them, I'm trying to be a gentleman."
"He's respectable, he's being a gentleman."
"The best thing a gentleman is to be kind to others."
"I'm a gentleman and a scholar first and foremost."
"It's not enough just to look good to be a gentleman, you've also got to be well-rounded in your pursuits and ultimately respectful as well."
"Being well-rounded in gentlemanly pursuits is something worth looking after."
"Charm is more like a gentleman, like being sweet, being innocently generous and being a good person."
"It is a subject which occupies the time and attention of every gentleman of property."
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a gentleman in possession of a walking stick is certain to poke something with it."
"Everyone said you're such a great dude, and I got to say, the rumors are true. You are a gentleman."
"I consider myself to be a compassionate, understanding gentleman."
"I want you to step up; I want you to be gentlemen."
"I love this, it's been a lot about masculinity, about being a gentleman."
"Not getting mad because someone didn't recognize you, that's a gentleman, isn't it?"
"He is the perfect gentleman, and He can be relied upon."
"It was so heartwarming that by the end, he did that. I just thought that was real gentleman."
"Gentlemen are made, they're not born."
"You know someone's a gentleman when they care about the noise their neighbors can hear."
"Am I behaving ethically? Am I being a gentleman?"
"What a gentleman, what a nice guy, what a mensch."
"I think the fact that you're such a gentleman is like a big thing that stands out."
"You can't really raise them to be a man, you can raise them to be a gentleman."
"I've never been called a gentleman so often as I have in the last 48 hours," mused Anthony.
"I think you're super cute and handsome. You're not only a gentleman, but you seem to be natural at it too."
"He's so polite and such a gentleman on every count."
"I'm a gentleman, yo. I respect everybody, you know what I'm saying."
"Gentlemen don't claim their lady as theirs; they say that their lady already claimed them."
"You need to be a gentleman when you're talking with a woman."
"Act like a man of your esteemed years and conduct yourself like a gentleman."
"Contend with no man; conduct yourselves as gentlemen with calmness and conviction."
"A gentleman doesn't go back on his words."
"I think you are a real gentleman."
"You're a scholar and a gentleman."
"You carried yourself like a true gentleman."
"Mr. Bingley was good-looking and gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance and easy, unaffected manners."