
Market Theory Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Investors shouldn't be able to earn abnormal returns after you adjust for risk. That's what we think of as a well-functioning market."
"What we have in the United States is not a failure really of the free market, it's an absence of the free market."
"Market pricing is an imperfect mechanism, but it works pretty well."
"The stimulus only discombobulates the market further."
"The system is now on autopilot to the extent that ease is the only thing that's possible we can never tighten again so we can only have varying degrees of the easy money and yeah it goes until it blows up."
"Free markets assume at their root that you as an individual have rights and have duties free markets assume that you are a person of Worth and that therefore you have charge of your own labor."
"The prevailing assumption was that markets always allocate Capital productively."
"There is no price too low for a bear or too high for a bull."
"Auctions and auction theory are one of the most important systems to understand in economics because they act as an efficient way to build markets."
"The fundamental value of something doesn't matter if people can inflate that price."
"Firms in perfectly competitive markets are what we call price takers."
"Financial crises are market corrections, separating the real from the pretenders."
"The value of everything is just what someone else is willing to pay you."
"Men and women operate in subconscious markets."
"Just give us a level playing field and let people play the game of the market process."
"Prices are simply information. They display value."
"Changing the price of something artificially doesn't change the value of it."
"The market can be irrational longer than you can be solvent."
"Anytime you reduce the supply of anything, even if demand holds constant, it should increase the price."
"Stock-to-flow deflection: We are at a historical deviation from the stock-to-flow model."
"The free market is like an economic Goldilocks, always looking for a price that is just right."
"Every single retracement has a market maker model on it."
"Within every Market move, a market make framework can be justified or seen."
"I want the party to keep on going... I'd prefer lengthening cycles... but the data suggests the cycles will lengthen and the cycles will diminish."
"The suspension of the free market, the invalidation of the laws of supply and demand is why we have a lot of the problems that we do." - Judge Andrew Napolitano
"Each bull market we go through this paradigm shift in the valuation of bitcoin."
"It is in the nature of unregulated markets to be volatile; bubbles are allowed to inflate and then inevitably they burst."
"Markets are not efficient or rational at all times."
"Resistance and support works because of the psychological mentality."
"We agree with Brent Johnson and the whole dollar milkshake theory that the dollar will probably get stronger in the near term."
"The longer the consolidation, the greater the expansion."
"In the long run, profits are zero because firms enter if there's profit and exit if there's loss."
"By recognizing that the efficient market hypothesis and the theory of rational expectations are fundamentally flawed, we can make significant progress."
"In a competitive market, price equals marginal cost. Memorize it, put it under your pillow."
"Until you actually take your money out of the market, those losses, that downturn in the value of your portfolio, is only really theoretical."
"Price respects supply zones, showing how the market works."
"Open markets and free markets lead to low prices, good quality products and high wages."
"Price doesn't shift the curve; price moves along the curve."
"Equilibrium: the exact spot where the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied at that exact price."
"We've got like in this sort of economic ideals the price of something is just a reflection of its supply and it's demand."
"Supply and demand is the simplest theory that explains the price action of anything in crypto."
"In a perfectly competitive market, firms are going to end up earning zero profit in the long run."
"The efficient market hypothesis states that at any given time, security prices fully reflect all available information."
"This is the power of the perfectly competitive equilibrium."
"Economics-- oligopoly. Which is basically trying to move towards the most realistic modeling of markets that we can."
"The invisible hand... optimizes bread production automatically."
"Supply and demand is a critical concept in economics."
"Firms are both productively and allocatively efficient in perfect competition."
"The financial markets appear to be an organized and uncontrolled mass of seemingly unrelated activity, but within the seemingly random fluctuations, there is a logic to the chaos."
"You have to have faith in your own valuations and faith that markets will correct their mistakes."
"In a perfectly competitive market, all goods are exactly the same, and buyers and sellers are so numerous that no one can affect the market price."
"With a capital asset pricing model, what we do is we hypothesize that the returns of a stock are in some way driven by the returns of the market at large."
"The law of demand and supply says that the price of any good or service will adjust until quantity demanded is equal to quantity supplied."
"The free market should reduce the cost of the stuff you want to buy over time."
"Inflation response is sluggish; this is the concept of sticky prices."
"Market prices reflect all available information."
"Markets don't lead to deprivation; markets lead to prosperity."
"The market segmentation Theory is based on supply and demand in different segments."
"We have reached equilibrium; we have found the point where demand equals supply, and this is gorgeous."
"We can then state our law of demand."
"The associated price is called the equilibrium price, and the associated quantity is called the equilibrium quantity."
"It is impossible to systematically beat the market unless you're cheating."
"The hybrid system itself does challenge conventional trading wisdom."
"The market equilibrium maximizes consumer and producer surplus."
"Supply and demand regulate nothing but the temporary fluctuations of market prices."
"The market discounts everything, so technical analysis generally have the view that company share price includes everything."
"If you get the prices right, independently the market will clear, meaning that we will not use more resources than we have."
"The fundamental premise upon which passive investing is based is that prices are right."