
Gettysburg Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"It is under his leadership that the two armies engage at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, initiating the bloodiest battle ever fought on American soil."
"The stakes are very high at the Battle of Gettysburg."
"On the way up to Gettysburg, Union and Confederate troops both wrote, I think this battle will decide the war."
"Little Round Top is a perfect example. Not figuring in the defense of the Union line or General Lee's attack, Little Round Top becomes the key to the position through consequence."
"The people of Gettysburg still feel the spirits of lives lost."
"None are more special than Gettysburg, Lincoln called Gettysburg hallowed ground consecrated in the blood of the soldiers who struggled there."
"It's just a small clump of oak trees at the time of the Battle of Gettysburg."
"We're back in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the actual battlefield where 165,620 men duked it out for the fate of the Union and the Confederacy in July 1863."
"The streets of Gettysburg have become a battlefield."
"I am in Gettysburg Pennsylvania and for any uh history Enthusiast this has to be a top five destination in my opinion in the United States."
"Gettysburg still sings for us because of how Abraham Lincoln translated the raw experience of the black hole of battle into an anthem of democracy."
"I love the movie Gettysburg. I mean it's what really got me interested in the battle as an adult like a lot of kids who grew up in Pennsylvania... I drove to Gettysburg three days later and I've had the illness ever since."
"The first land preserved at Gettysburg."
"It's very important that you've focused not only on Gettysburg in its entirety and also on the civilians the people that were here before and after the battle."
"What Lincoln has said at Gettysburg really is capturing that meaning."
"We are a huge repository of information and historic items located in historic Gettysburg, Pennsylvania."
"Chamberlain is the one who leads the famous charge down the hill at the Battle of Gettysburg."
"It boggles the mind to think that each one of these monuments represents about 300 men in the Battle of Gettysburg."
"The thing which puts the halo around Gettysburg is Lincoln, Lincoln on the Gettysburg Address."
"The wheat field at Gettysburg is considered among the bloodiest pieces of ground in the entire Civil War."
"If there's anybody who was the greatest and ultimate Victor at Gettysburg, we might be able to say it was that black farmer Abraham Bryan."
"So when it comes time to honor those Union soldiers who have fallen on this battlefield, he is going to buy up property on Cemetery Hill."
"Just like me, today goes by and I don't learn something new about Gettysburg, I'm not doing my job."
"...eyewitnesses to Gettysburg as William frasenito said the things they witnessed, those warm summer evenings forever locked Within."
"The story of three hills: cemetery hill, little round top, and culps hill."
"One of the most famous scenes at Gettysburg."
"The first time he goes on an offensive in 1862, it ends at Antietam. The second time, it ends at a small town some of you may have heard of called Gettysburg."
"Happy Anniversary to all of you Gettysburg nerds!"
"The battle of Gettysburg was, in a way, accidental."
"These troops went to Gettysburg because the road Maiden was following led there."
"His decisions affected the outcome of the battle of Gettysburg far beyond his lifetime."
"The remaining troops of both armies converged on Gettysburg with Mead finally taking personal charge."
"That’s one of the neat things about these accounts, that, with the way that Gettysburg Battlefield is now managed, we can look across and see everything that they’re talking about."
"We're up here on Little Round Top, this is Gettysburg 155 live."
"It's well beyond time to focus less on the Confederate high command's supposed intentions at Gettysburg and much more on the substantiated realities they faced."
"It's a great place to eat, drink, and be merry here in Gettysburg."
"...Jews and Christians have fallen in Gettysburg so Lincoln invents this term 'this nation under God'."
"For these armies on the march, all roads led to Gettysburg."
"The best, most interesting people you'll ever know in the world are those people who share an interest in Gettysburg."
"Gettysburg was not the largest battle of the American Civil War, it was the bloodiest battle."
"Gettysburg, Pennsylvania may be a location that's quite familiar to some history buffs."
"Gettysburg is kind of my field of expertise."
"If we can't look back and take the lesson from 1913, we've truly failed in our understanding of the true meaning of Gettysburg."
"Gettysburg has been discussed from every point of view except from that of the Artillery, yet every account of the battle refers to the effectiveness of that arm."
"We're going to get a chance to go to Gettysburg, which that's kind of cool."