
Apprehension Quotes

There are 481 quotes

"The discovery was intensely thrilling to my feelings, and almost appalling."
"You seem a little bit anxious, like 'Aw crap, I'm about to say somebody's name, and I might get it wrong.'"
"You want to think that it's gonna pop but you don't want it to pop."
"I honestly thought I am actually not going to projectile vomit."
"I'm actually afraid to eat it. Long John Silver, I'd eat their chicken but that'd defeat the purpose because they're a seafood place."
"Democratic dominance was inevitable. That analysis should have caused us to feel a certain looming dread."
"I'm scared of the direction that we're going in today's age."
"Let's see if I feel energized... Kind of scared... okay, taste wise kind of minty... kind of sweet."
"You're gonna be fine. I know, I just... I've never had a hairstyle like this."
"Can't shake that silly pre-Enron pre-911 pre-Worldcom feeling."
"I don't like this at all... I have a bad feeling this is where we're headed."
"Philosophy begins in wonder, yet there's an element of dread."
"I have a bad feeling about this. Veterans have an instinct for it."
"Don't let apprehension keep you from your new adventure. That feeling will fade, but the wonder that is to be found will surely not."
"We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding."
"Despite his attempts to flee his disastrous robbery attempt, the duct tape bandit was quickly tackled by the manager and held in place until the police arrived."
"I'm sure this idea has been done. I'm afraid to google. But it's just so super cute and I love it so much."
"Terrifying where our world is headed right now."
"You have some apprehension, you're not sure how it's gonna be."
"It's a whole new ball game, and I am scared, but I am determined."
"That's a lot of power I admit I'm a little nervous about this."
"Sometimes it feels like the whole world might dash itself to bits."
"I've got a bad feeling things are gonna get real nasty."
"It's the first time that I've seen like Tech that I'm like a little nervous."
"I have a bad feeling. I got a bad feeling, dude. What do we have to dig them up, bro? I'm gonna say Lanky Box, bro. That they might use us to dig them up."
"I was nervous because I hate time travel. It's so easy to fuck up."
"I have this terrible, horrible feeling that it's not a coincidence, Pat."
"There's possibly nothing as creepy and worrying as the warning sign you see on your approach."
"First thing I'm nervous about is the color, it looks like something I have a Suez Canal."
"Your vision needs to be emotionally resonant within you."
"I don't know, ever since I woke up this morning, I just feel like something horrible is gonna happen."
"Encouraging people who have never tried it and are on the fence or weary of trying it."
"That worked out pretty well. We were able to get both the guys in custody after a pretty hectic pursuit."
"I don't fear anything but I do feel apprehensive every time I go into a prison."
"I just worry that they might be here for longer than we hope and by the time they do go it might be almost too late."
"It feels like it has negative intention. Oh my."
"Let's do it right now, I'm feeling a bit of excitement, a bit of apprehension of course, natural."
"Damn, I don't know if I like the future."
"I'm feeling very confident right now, which scares me."
"The police tracked Jones down to a hotel in anticipation of a potential shootout."
"Something just touched me on the back of the neck."
"The old year is foul and the new year terrifying." - Harold Nicholson
"I just didn't know if it would be this sort of scary."
"You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that its hand is now reaching for you."
"Maybe if I bother her by ringing the doorbell, she'll execute me. I don't want to get executed for ringing a doorbell."
"I shudder to think what he may have been planning to do if he got us alone."
"I was terrified of it for some reason."
"Oh god, oh no, this is gonna be bad, man."
"Nope," was my first thought. Literally, I cannot stress how dark and cold it suddenly became.
"Oh please no, not now, not here," I muttered to myself again.
"This doesn't look good," I remarked to him.
"This room right here is by far, in my opinion, is scary."
"I'm afraid we're in very serious times."
"My blood runs cold until I see three officers jump at her from behind and one even uses a taser to zap her."
"The crew must have been a little bit scared since no one had ever been hoisted by a wire into a roaring helicopter. And I can understand it well, since I myself felt some [ __ ] looking at that thin wire."
"Oh my God!" Williams muttered with a kind of despairing reverence. "There'll be no stopping them once they're on both sides of the river."
"Abdul held it out not understanding why he suddenly felt nervous and cornered."
"I'm more afraid of the Old Forest than of anything I know about," Fredigar admitted.
"The use of AI in this fashion is like for me as a working creative person, it's scary."
"At first, it was blank—is he on drugs I asked myself—but it was quickly replaced by something else—it was fear."
"I want nothing but the best for them but I fear for these kinds of moves."
"It's just so easy for the authorities to have officers all over the place if they want for the suspect if they do decide to get out and run."
"I'm very excited and open to the idea of everything but in the back of my mind, I'm a little scared and nervous."
"I'm so in love and I'm kind of scared with how much I loved it because I'm a big one to get my hopes up."
"We need to catch this guy, not kill him."
"A dangerous individual taking off of the road this evening and not a minute too soon."
"We kept feeling like 'oh no, oh no, oh no'."
"I vividly remember knowing that I was going to wreck."
"This new encounter is yet another path through life. However, as his hand grows closer to hers, he suddenly gets another terrible feeling."
"I genuinely worry that things are going to continue to get more serious and something really really bad is going to happen."
"We are apprehensive, we are apprehensive."
"Oh, this is absolutely terrifying."
"When I first got on it I was a bit daunted at the size."
"What the heck, he just keeps going. Feel like something's behind me right now."
"Having all those blue lights in the mirror is just, it always fills you with a sense of dread."
"I am not looking forward to this."
"The thought of someone delivering you food is objectively an unnerving thing."
"I love technology, but there's a part of me that's scared. What will we become?"
"A shiver goes down your spine, you can't quite place it but something's wrong."
"I keep feeling something terrible is about to happen."
"Herbert the serial killer had been caught now he just needed to be found."
"I'm scared, this is incredibly scary right now."
"I'm really kind of nervous about this is why I didn't want to get an Irish praktice"
"As I approached the door, I started to feel that something wasn't right. It was warm, not just because I was out of the winter wind and in an enclosed space, it was physically warmer."
"I don't like the looks of this guy."
"No, I wouldn't mind going there. It's just after last time, I get nervous."
"There was something foreboding about looking at the old structure."
"A little bit of a scary ownership prospect with that car."
"...it's really big and I'm kind of scared cuz it goes really fast."
"The sense of dread and fear that this thing gave off... it felt like my life was at risk."
"I feel very apprehensive, we think you're in for a shock."
"I just hope that I don't come across any more of them."
"Man, I'm gonna get scratched. Oh, like all I can think about is, oh man, I'm gonna get tore up."
"I approached the bandstand with trepidation."
"I called the police and they immediately sent a car over when they arrived the man was just leaving the store to the front door which he must have unlocked himself they arrested him and the item he was carrying was a very sharp knife."
"They'll catch me, you know, that kind of thing."
"No one will get hurt now. The police searched Alvaro Sidro's house and found a school backpack with explosives."
"They're just in this energy of okay, I know this can be something real, I'm really happy, but I'm freaked out and I'm scared."
"Of course, my greatest fear is that somehow something will go wrong."
"Honestly, that's what I feared more."
"You're so funny because I was like, 'Oh, I don't want to do something similar to Conspiracy. I don't want people to get mad.' It's like so different already. So different. I'm sure these already. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay."
"We wandered to the middle and sat down at the desk to see if the computers could give us any idea of what was going on here. My heart was racing and I just wanted to bolt."
"Do you ever wish you could learn a new language but you're apprehensive about how difficult it might be?"
"She thought he might hurt her again."
"I cracked open his head and searched and searched for anything alien living inside."
"Let's hit the vault and go. I got a really bad feeling about this."
"He shook his head. 'No, you don't understand. It's not you I'm frightened of, not you I'm hiding from. It's them.'"
"Well - you can f*cking DEFINITELY add that to my list of fears."
"I approached the entrance to the castle, hoping my contacts would show up, not looking forward to entering the place on my own."
"This would be really nasty I just don't know if I'm ready to see this body portion."
"The nightmare never ended until his apprehension."
"He was here. The one who said he was Dr. Reinhardt. He was here. I wanted to go."
"They are nervous about coming forward, but they're thinking about it."
"Oh, that's chilling. No way. Join a meal. He's somewhere else and he's watching. It's a bait."
"I didn't like the tone I heard. I had a bad feeling about the call."
"I want to get one this time, oh not quite sure if my body will act the same as normal."
"Hopefully I don't end up picking cotton by the end of this."
"Are you feeling any apprehension at all about going up into space? Not right now but I really don't think the whole thing has hit me."
"There was a something in her countenance which made him listen with an apprehensive and anxious attention."
"Now people were starting to get scared."
"I'm not ready for this you guys you know how it is."
"The whole sky was lit up with red and blue lights. I wondered what I'd gotten myself into."
"So download the SRS app, the link is down below. I'm excited and nervous about this."
"I am freaking terrified right now."
"I'm legit worried and scared now."
"Yeah, I'm beginning to see why they thought they might not be up for taking care of Andy. Or any child, for that matter."
"Alright, letting Matt drive the Platypus, I'm scared."
"I'm a little scared because this is on the side of a mountain."
"I felt like a sickness in my stomach when I sort of knew he was going to just torture her mentally."
"Get me away from this boat, goodness. We are going to smack. Oh, look at that, I was going to say, looks like just a pipe on there, just a little cash money pipe."
"I'm very excited to see it, even though I'm kind of nervous to see it."
"Life imprisonment, that's what it means. I don't think your father will be able to live out his sentence and that worries me."
"The reality is a bit frightening."
"I felt a chill down my spine at that realization."
"The sheer gratitude and the sheer love I had for life at that moment in time, it just felt like something was gonna go wrong really quickly."
"I don't like the way this is going."
"We were almost at my house and in my mind I was going to give him his money and then run right before we entered my street."
"He went out of state on that one. He is shaking, rightfully so."
"The monks then informed Poe that they had successfully apprehended the culprit responsible for stealing the scroll."
"I'm a bit nervous about the group."
"I wasn't entirely scared per se but definitely curious and a bit worried."
"I was really nervous and originally a little bit nervous about it, um..."
"This Memphis crowd, they're gonna eviscerate me."
"...the sense of foreboding returned stronger than before."
"I couldn't shake the feeling that Ka and I had skirted the edge of something profound and terrifying."
"I stared at them, my mouth dry from fear."
"I guess Henry doesn't want to testify. Why not? Because he's afraid."
"Getting your first teaching job is super exciting but can also be pretty intimidating."
"There was something about the attic entrance that unsettled me more than the house as a whole."
"...when that news first broke that Spielberg wasn't going to be doing this, he was going to be replaced with someone else, I was so apprehensive, my heart sank."
"My parents were apprehensive when I was drafted."
"I'm kind of scared to say this, yeah. I feel like people are going to come for me."
"If he's in custody that probably makes him worse in a way, like if he's just sitting in a New Republic ship prison somewhere, that probably makes him scarier."
"I'm a little nervous, you should be nervous."
"When the police finally arrived, they found the man hiding in the restroom, crouched in a stall like some sort of trapped animal."
"I have indeed had a change of heart," she admitted, her words sending a chill down his spine.
"I have never felt so unsafe in a drive-thru until last night."
"NSA has a new boss, General Dysart. I've got a bad feeling about him."
"I felt like crying because I knew that they'd overtake the chopper and bring it down."
"How the [__] are they gonna stop this guy, man?"
"People generally, I think, in WV, are nervous about change."
"This is the first time. It's not like I've done it before, and this is legit generic organic material here, so I'm scared I'm not gonna be able to do it."
"Fearing the potential backlash that could ensue."
"He was tracked into a wooded area right behind one of the grammar schools and apprehended there."
"It's kind of nerve-wracking cutting up this plastic."
"I'm glad it's the end of the day because I am scared to forge well this thing."
"I was already dreading this transaction."
"'What are you going to do?' I started up full of nameless apprehension."
"At this point, I started to get scared."
"I feel so many mixed emotions about it because I'd be lying if I didn't say I was really apprehensive to take Bambi to the Maldives."
"heading on to Palm Springs one of our favorite places to go and one of our least favorite places to go to get into yes yeah I'm I'm very apprehensive right now it just um yeah we're always always on guard and apprehensive and and full of anxiety"
"you feel this and I mean it's like a single digit percentage of your brain but you feel this trepidation and it does it so well"
"There is this thing that is looking at me in a not-friendly way."
"I was kind of scared to get pregnant again and I wasn't ready for a very long time."
"I'm actually scared that if I start to meditate, that I might [ __ ] something up."
"The accelerating progress has been so unexpected, so completely caught me off guard, not only myself but many, many people. There is a certain kind of terror of an oncoming tsunami that is going to catch all of humanity off guard."
"I'm a little bit scared, but I am really interested to see how that goes."
"They use the spike strips slowed the suspect down they talked to him they tried to get him out of his car they boxed him in they peacefully got him on the ground apprehended him and now he's being hauled off to jail."
"I feel very much like a man who has condemned to death does when the time of his execution draws near."
"If anyone can predict the future, if you can see a future like this for me, then just put me out right now, okay?"
"It's kind of scary because on their channels, we did the same thing where I gave them a book. Different books, respectively, not equally. And it's like, it's very scary to be like, 'Yeah, in front of your face, and be like, this book is awful.'"
"I was afraid that they were going to report me."
"There was also a fair amount of concern on my part."
"I'm nervous about doing this because what I'm gonna share with you is not going to be feel-good stuff."
"I'm just afraid, like what if there's an animal in there or something?"
"Golly I hope not. Okay, I'm gonna stand back a little."
"She can't escape to Vietnam or elsewhere. I just don't see them having close tabs on her and that's sort of a scary thought."
"Those things that police found on his laptop were especially terrifying."
"I'm not gonna lie, I am a little nervous to do this."
"She was terrified of his actions."
"I just hope this is not as bad as how people are saying it is."
"It was kind of the scariest part... understanding how it worked."
"Kind of nervous about going down here alone."
"It's kind of nerve-wracking still to do like a lot. I don't know if you feel like nervous."
"I hate you... that's so [ __ ] evil and scary. I don't even know if it says 'you' at the end but the fact that it said 'I hate'... hang on, can you hold this? I'm gonna listen to it really clear, I want to listen to it, is it getting more powerful?"
"It's not very often that I get both excited about a topic and afraid to talk about that topic."
"...his picture and fingerprints were going to get taken at the precinct and he realized his days of evading arrest might soon be over."
"I like that one a lot I didn't know Sarah was going to be on that bro she kind of crazy she kind of scares you."
"I'm nervous, like I'm just really, really nervous that he's back."
"I was definitely a little more iffy about it because he was my roommate."