
Movie Plot Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"The whole plan is to make electric cars and alternative fuel look terrible."
"I think that's a part of the movie that happen is the reason why they're versus each other."
"When Indy puts treasure before Marion, he fails - but when he chooses her, he lives."
"The journey Dr. Strange undertakes to become Sorcerer Supreme is incredibly well done."
"This is one of the few fights in the trilogy where Spiderman loses completely he's beat and almost killed by villains of his own making all hope is lost."
"Not once did he so much as give a hint at the movie's outcome or the fate of his iconic character."
"Everything that Will did was so that he and Evelyn can be together."
"It takes a Palpatine to destroy a Palpatine."
"It feels like we're in the first part of 'I am Legend,' where she's talking about the cure for cancer, and then the next scene, it's three years later and Will Smith is driving through the apocalypse with his dog."
"In the movie, Batman relies on Selena Kyle, some luck, and a Houdini handcuff trick."
"The victory belongs to the Riddler here, the most corrupt leaders of Gotham are now out of the picture."
"The basic premise of this film is that Tony Stark left his dangerous, deadly glasses to a high schooler who had been dead for five years without any instructions or training."
"The big T's of the post-credits sequence is that Thanos is just gonna go get the gems himself, he's gonna stop working through third-party agents."
"He won. This is a movie where the villain gets to win."
"I'll watch a whole movie about Chewie hunting down kylo and I hope to god they let him kill kylo Ren."
"This whole thing leading up to this movie has been the origin story of this Spider-Man."
"Ultimately, McGuire and Garfield's Peter Parkers save Holland's Peter Parker from himself and his rage."
"That's what's so special about that movie, Indy has to go to save his dad."
"People came back and said, 'Huh, John, the second Creed was about fighting the son of the guy who killed his father.' It doesn't get any more personal than that."
"Evelyn realizes that she can make everyone happy and all those that have tormented her throughout the movie become people actually transformed by using their innermost desires to help to change them."
"The movie could end with Miles making that sacrifice."
"Megamind comes to face the true evil other than that Metro Man."
"Bella: 'So then the main conflict of the movie actually starts.'"
"Welcome to a Godzilla movie. Godzilla gets his ass kicked in almost every movie but he always gets back up until he wins."
"I just love that idea of when Loomis shows up and he goes to the sheriff the sheriff actually takes him seriously and the town goes into a panic."
"In Age of Ultron, Tony Stark is actually the one responsible for creating Ultron."
"This is essentially an origin story, an alternate origin story for The Joker."
"It becomes more about who gets the money and who's going to be successful by the end of the film."
"Wanda is going to be the most dangerous person in this entire movie."
"There's no feeling like the hero might not prevail."
"The nonlinear structure of heptapod B fundamentally changes Louise's perception of time."
"Stranded on an uncharted planet, Buzz Lightyear and his fellow crewmates will need to battle hostile plants, giant bugs, and the ultimate threat, Zurg, to complete their mission and return home."
"Your Name: a clever plot sets the protagonists impossibly far apart yet intimately close."
"After he reunites with Harley, their helicopter gets shot down and he blows up. Oh my god."
"Logan is stuck in this position where he has to take care of a child and an old man."
"Iron Man and Thor are not dead... it probably won't require Stark or Thor to sacrifice their own lives."
"But what makes it even more weird is that Jean Grey seemingly died in 2003's X2."
"The dramatic question of fixing the villains made it interesting."
"down in the street three blocks over in the parking lot we need to kill the gaijin assassin first few movie fans were pining for an"
"Redemption in the movie adaptation takes many different forms, but the finale is when Cherry robs his last bank, takes off his mask and puts his gun away. He apologizes and asks the bank teller to push the alarm."
"The Joker planned to get caught... he wanted to be locked up all so that he could get to Mr. Lau, the man with all of the mob's money."
"The Joker turned Harvey Dent into Twoface... Gotham's White Knight who put half of Gotham's criminals Behind Bars..."
"Batman is going to take the fall for Dent's murders... he's a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a dark knight."
"Just give me something, anything! Finally, they're going to visit the bad guy in his deadly assassin make no mistake they are exceptionally well-trained movie."
"No force on Earth or Heaven could get Dr. Grant on that island."
"The next movie is going to have to be 'Dawn of the Planet of the Dinosaurs' given how many of these got loose at the end of this one."
"The Na’vi rid their planet of humans at the end of the original 'Avatar,' but things aren’t so simple in the sequel."
"Where Red Skull would go after Nat's sacrifice and the Soul Stone was removed from Vormir."
"Bucky did in fact know that Cap was going to stay in the past to live out his life with Peggy before he stepped on the platform."
"Hela seemed to meet her end during the destruction of Asgard in Thor: Ragnarok."
"As Ant-man was stuck in the quantum realm and believed to be dust by the Avengers, he had no hope of returning until our mighty rat friend happened to stand on a button that released him."
"The Avengers win in Endgame because they do make sacrifices including the death of Black Widow and of course Tony Stark."
"Each previous Neo chose to save Zion over Trinity."
"Do you believe that the Riddler knows Batman's secret identity and will exploit that knowledge by affecting Bruce's personal life throughout the film?"
"You're gonna steal the Declaration of Independence."
"That kind of becomes that like Ant-Man introduces us to the Quantum Realm."
"Very layered, has to do with the wife and child of Dr. Gordon."
"It also ends with, like, there's gonna be a new movie called 'Son of Schlock' because the scientist eventually comes out of the hole in the ground where they found schlock and he has a baby with him, and that's supposed to be Son of Schlock."
"The Invisible Man threatens to harm those that she loved...is defeated by Cecilia."
"Perhaps the ten rings were not McLuhan tech, they were Eternal tech."
"Emergence could describe the resurrection of the deviants which might be seen by the celestials as a population control protocol."
"That's it, end of the war. He's got increased metabolism and improved thermal homeostasis. Everything, he's fast and she's weird."
"The plot of the film likely revolves around the emergence of the ancient Celestial Arishem the Judge."
"Okay then how about we accept that Peter was dumb as he is in this movie? We still have a pile of evidence and witnesses pointing at Mysterio."
"Adrian Toomes, the vulture, was the main villain of Spider-Man Homecoming, but he wasn't alone."
"Can your heart stand the shocking facts about grave robbers from outer space?"
"The motivation of the animatronics and what they want to do in this movie."
"I think the most likely scenario is that he'll start off as the antagonist in Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and then they'll all realize that they ultimately have similar goals or want the same thing against a bigger villain."
"C-3PO's memory must be erased to translate the Sith message. Why does that follow?"
"What makes ma so batshit crazy in the first place and what is her motivation behind befriending the teens?"
"Knives Out is a film about truth, about what people do with the truth once they have it."
"Star-Lord's dad is a living planet that's insanity but yet you know now that it's like it's Kurt Russell they're gonna have a back and forth it's gonna be a very much like ant-man it's gonna be about family." - Commentator
"Simba's exile is what motivated him to do just that because doing the opposite left him feeling miserable and empty."
"There are a lot of twists and turns in this movie."
"The Avengers failed to stop Thanos because they were broken apart."
"During the events of Battle LA after a meteor shower takes place all over the world..."
"This movie has nothing to do with 101 Dalmatians."
"Ending Empire Strikes Back on a massive cliff is a big risk."
"But then Tom sees the bigger picture and cures Norman instead of killing him!"
"None of us thought Tony Stark was gonna die in the first Iron Man."
"The reason the snakes are on the plane to begin with is because a Hawaiian gang boss called Eddie Kim wants to kill a murder witness called Sean."
"Pretend the disappearance of Tommy Lee Jones in Men in Black Three."
"Here we have a movie where our villain in this last movie is finally going to make up his mind about what he actually wants."
"Kang doesn't necessarily need him because of his knowledge of timelines, but I think this is going to be the first step in recruiting baddies to match up with the Avengers in the upcoming Secret Wars movie."
"But eventually Peter and his friends go off to see Doctor Strange in hopes that they can help him with this."
"So, there you go. Boo is the Witch, and she is endeavoring to save Sully from experiencing the second death by the use of time travel."
"Carol destroyed the Supreme Intelligence, and a civil war broke out on Hala. It destroyed the planet's ecology, the atmosphere was poisoned, and their star is dying."
"This movie is insane, you know how a Home Alone movie goes? There's a kid, he gets left in his house by himself, there's robbers who try to break in, and the kid sets up a bunch of traps to try to hurt them and embarrass them. And that's exactly what happens in this movie."
"The only way to bring Godzilla back to the original point was to have Mechagodzilla act as the greatest evil."
"I really don't know what's gonna be the story, chickens escaping On The Run going to some place or escaping from some place."
"such an exciting part of the movie was that pepper is back and she and Tony definitely had a rough patch but they're back together and even though it wasn't technically a proposal I think that's definitely where this relationship is going"
"What is this movie about? Someone in his life was a Denny, a kid brother. He was always looking out for someone was a Mark."
"Okay, like so Pedro Pascal begins granting wishes to everyone in America which leads to a kind of like a total breakdown in the social order."
"Sam wants to give herself up to Ghostface to end the madness but everybody else says don't do that so she says okay but then she does decide to fake give herself up in the movie theater which is probably what she should have pitched in the first place"
"Why does the movie even bother with this? Is it supposed to be useless or does it work but Hira Dugarn has just become that powerful?"
"The stakes were higher in Skyfall."
"You go through the whole damn movie and you get to the end and they're all dead so you don't know if any of that even happened."
"You're meant to think he's dead, but there's a post-credit scene, right?"
"I think the situation these two characters are put in throughout the entire movie is fantastic."
"If he didn't explode, C-3PO and R2D2 would have never ended up with Luke Skywalker, and there would be no Star Wars."
"We've never seen a superhero movie where we just don't know the identity of the superhero beforehand."
"When Cooper goes inside the black hole Gargantua at the end of Interstellar and transmits that data to Murph, she is finally able to solve the equation and save humanity."
"I like a movie that kind of tricks me into thinking it's gonna do something really stupid as just like gotcha."
"Once enemies, Rocky and Apollo had now grown to be very close friends who knew each other in ways only they could understand."
"There are always two killers. There's not always two killers. There was only one killer in Scream 3."
"Don't worry, Wanda stans, despite the ending of Multiverse of Madness, the Scarlet Witch definitely still lives."
"That's what allowed the spell to go wrong in Spider-Man: No Way Home."
"It's about Hailey Joe Osmond who has the ability to see dead people."
"They cured Sandman, they cured Electro, they cured Lizard."
"He ends up having an affair with his father's business partner's wife, Mrs. Robinson."
"We're gonna be checking out the smell movie, 'The Funeral,' so I'm guessing somebody's gonna die. I mean, why else would you have a funeral?"
"The movie's mostly based on the plot from the Gorr storyline in the comics in the Mighty Thor's storyline."
"In the new movie, the other people, the periphery characters, learn the lesson."
"We have your movie star. Gather $100,000 and await instructions."
"We are meeting a character who doesn't have full control of her powers, and this movie gets her to the point where she does."