
Personal News Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"Exciting news: the Little Miss Pippa, my dog...is officially cast free."
"First, the good news. My girlfriend and I are engaged."
"Surprise, pregnant! That sounds very weird to say."
"I don't say so much about it, but there is a child planned."
"We had a voicemail... 'You need to find a new club.' Day one of my honeymoon."
"Some of you guys are pregnant, Aquarius. Congratulations."
"We're officially engaged, thank you guys for all your support."
"Congratulations! Breaking news: I'm having a baby girl this June, so we are super excited about that."
"But when I saw that text message and found out Robin was engaged, it was like times a million."
"Bobby just gave birth to a baby girl... the name I thought would be really nice is Sapphire."
"I got a very nice message from my agent today about a TV show that I can't tell you about."
"I feel fresh and excited, I've had a smile on my face ever since I got that phone call."
"We bout to have another Vinny in the world my dudes it's gonna happen."
"I do have really really good news a billy got a job and I know he already got a job and I told you guys that but he got like a full time job which month with much better pay and benefits and all that."
"Successful conclusions and good news coming in for you here."
"Lee Chang's son reveals that they're going to the president's office."
"Visenya announced confidently she was pregnant with a son."
"He clearly doesn't know that Heather is dead."
"Rhiannon is pregnant. Excellent! Hooray for me!"
"Wow, come on, professional has been showing signs of pregnancy."
"Some of you are receiving a package or news."
"This is the only morning news show that covers business news personal news that's outside of the matrix."
"I wanted to be the first to tell you that Scott and I are going to be married."
"This is the best news ever, it's so hard to put into words how I'm feeling in this moment."
"I've got something really exciting to share with you."
"I must tell people before I actually start looking or acting pregnant."
"Actually, I can't. I came by to say happy birthday, but also tell you that a scientist and two security guards were killed at ESU last night."
"Can I get one heart in the chat 'cause I'm gonna be a dad?"
"Some of you are going to be having baby news this month."
"Congratulations to Kevin Love; he recently got married to girlfriend Kate Bach last week."
"Be careful who you tell about the good things that happen to you. Limit that to people who wish you well and really want good for you."
"Sam tells John him and Kelley will be getting married."
"It is the biggest personal announcement he will ever make."
"I definitely would remember that he's going to be released individually soon."
"Congratulations Denzel, he has a kid on the way!"
"Casey is expecting with Leo, oh my god this is amazing."
"I am so freaking excited and so relieved because I've been while saying now I've known for the past five weeks that I'm pregnant."
"After 27 years of marriage, Bill and Melinda Gates have announced that they are divorcing."
"That's big news. I'm absolutely just amped on that, I got my heart beating."
"Great things take time. When there is something to say, you will hear it from Zoe herself. Remember, Zoe always makes it happen."
"I was gobsmacked when I heard your news. Congratulations!"
"I am pregnant. You don't know but Baby Jay is super duper pregnant actually."
"I've got something to let you know, Chris. Pete Boardman and Potember are back."
"Enough about me, let's check out Tina because a lot of you mentioned she was pregnant."
"So congratulations to them as well um they had a baby daughter today watchers of the channel."
"Congratulations, you're going to be an aunt!"
"There's some news to celebrate that's coming on in for you, some of you it may be about the home space."
"I might be in the Wall Street Journal this week."
"Thomas passed away... for anyone to see this."
"I have some exciting news: I'm having a baby!"
"One other happy note to add here: Yamu welcomed a new baby girl to her family shortly after this interview. She and her family are growing and are all doing well."
"And, um, you know, I'm pregnant right now. I'm seven weeks pregnant, um, naturally."
"So my wife and I just got an offer accepted."
"The first and most important is that I'm expecting my third child."
"I'm going to be a grandad again. That's number three."
"Dalia decided that was the right moment to announce to Michael that she was pregnant."
"I'm pregnant, yeah, um, that's what we're going to talk about today."
"I came home as a fiancé as well, by the way, guys."
"Chris and I got engaged, which is obviously very good news."
"Great news everybody, I found my watch!"
"I'm super happy about or excited about that."
"I've had a girlfriend for months now and she's pregnant and we're having a beautiful baby girl."
"So excited, I can't wait to catch you up on everything."
"I can't wait to tell you guys everything that's been going on this past week."
"I need to tell my husband, oh my God."
"I'm going to have a baby in November."
"Isn't it exciting? We're going to be an aunt and uncle!"
"In early 2016, two longtime Strongsville residents received some very exciting news."
"Shalom shalom everyone, I'm engaged!"
"I've got big news, I'm going to call it a night."
"I have life-changing news to share with you all, and that is the fact that I am pregnant again."
"I'm pregnant. Now you can tell that bastard ex-husband of yours what he can do with his ethics."
"I'm pregnant. I mean, I feel like most people know I'm pregnant, but like, there's always like people shocked."
"This just happened this week, and I'm super duper excited."
"Oh my gosh, you guys, I got exciting news!"
"I'm happy to announce I got a new truck."
"You will never believe what has been going on."
"Let's meet for a drink later; I have exciting news to tell you."
"Thank you Marina, um so yeah, great news from the Gray family, they just had a baby, congratulations."
"I'm here with the most exciting news of my life right now, which is that I'm pregnant."
"Happy Thanksgiving everyone, today is Thanksgiving morning and I am still pregnant."
"I have some really exciting stuff coming up soon that I'm excited to share with you guys."
"I want to announce I'm going to be a father."
"Where have you been then? Life update: My AC is out, I wrote a book, and on my way over to my desk, I stubbed my toe. Yes, it does hurt, thank you for asking."
"I'm here to tell you that Jen's pregnant and I'm gonna be a father."
"I am very happy you chose to tell me personally that you are getting married today."
"I'm so glad that I can finally share it with you."
"I've had the most amazing news... I'm gonna be a first-time aunt."
"All right, so I've been thinking about this for a while, and I'm so happy that I get to share it with you guys today."
"I am going to be a grandmother again."