
Immigration Issues Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"Children were preyed upon by smuggling organizations, drug trafficking organizations, and by others who were benefiting and making money off of their attempt to get into the country."
"So it's the same thing it doesn't matter if you're following the law you're a foreigner you're not getting in you know it's it's incredibly disheartening."
"The reality that for so many that came to this country on America's promise, the prospect of women and girls being returned... it is very difficult to swallow."
"We're not dealing with an immigration issue, we are dealing with an organized crime issue."
"You can draw a direct line between every one of those kids sitting in cages and Christian nationalism."
"The last thing we need to do is have an unsecured border."
"It is insane there are people holding their American passports."
"Cambodian Americans are in a unique position. Any crime that carries a year or more prison term or even multiple petty crimes can result in automatic deportation, even if they've never been to Cambodia."
"Beyond outrageous that 559 children remain separated from their parents."
"It's a scary time to be an immigrant in America."
"The Biden administration negotiating a financial settlement for families torn apart at the U.S. border."
"The numbers are insane... it's a real border crisis."
"There has been more illegal border crossing under Joe Biden."
"The recent incidents involving white immigrants in Africa have brought to light a concerning double standard in the global perception of racial issues."
"Mass immigration is bad for both Canadians and immigrants, worsening the housing crisis, inflation, and unemployment."
"Canada is getting worse as more and more immigrants pour in, and the irony is that it's also getting worse for existing immigrants who are here trying to build a better life."
"What's happening at the border right now can't continue. It just can't."
"By and large, the border crisis is the big kahuna."
"Florida public safety's Larry Keefe told The Washington Examiner that over 70 flights transporting illegal migrants from the southern border have been landing in Jacksonville, Florida under the cover of night."
"We have cartel leaders, gang leaders, violent criminals who are evading arrests in their own countries fleeing to the United States."
"This is to demonize your government so you can provide money and aid to people who aren't citizens by the way who are here primarily because the billionaire class wants to lower your wages." - Jimmy Dore
"You should have hated Superman from day one if you're a Republican. He's an undocumented immigrant."
"It's a glaring Spotlight on the Biden administration's mishandling of the Border crisis."
"April had the highest ever illegal crossings - over 178,000 encounters on our southern border."
"The tensions at the southwest border reached a 20-year high."
"The biggest loophole allowing illegal aliens to our borders is the use of fraudulent or meritless asylum claims to gain entry into our great country."
"Establishment conservatives who don't want to talk about issues like immigration and demographics are shooting themselves in the foot."
"You look for scapegoats... immigrants are a scapegoat, they always are in these situations."
"Even if you're the most pro-open border person in the world, you'd be horrified by this."
"Don't confuse a border crisis with an immigration problem."
"We don't know whose hands we're putting that child's fate in and that is totally unacceptable."
"The Border issue is only going to get worse come May."
"The real thing for me is like it's not a border crisis, it's a general lack of immigration reform."
"We all know it's far more than 11 million... If we actually want a shot at saving America from the plague of illegal immigration, it starts with finding out just how screwed we actually are."
"That, of course, is why those people are coming to the United States, to escape a level of gun violence that ought to make us welcome them seeking safety, but of course, you know what we do instead."
"This bill is even worse than we expected and won't come close to ending the Border catastrophe."
"It's so easy to say all of these empty platitudes and virtue signal about immigration up until it's your family that needs to be in the hospital."
"We cannot forget that families are being torn apart at the border."