
Controversial Statement Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"If we're locking up former presidents, I've got a list."
"Antifa is a domestic terrorist organization."
"If you don't think that you have evidence about what happens when people have sex, you are literally too stupid to be allowed to have sex."
"I'm not lying, we're the black face of white supremacy."
"If a man in a relationship has sex with someone else, it's not cheating, it's exercise."
"Public education has become public enemy number one." - Kirk Cameron
"Evolution doesn't exist, of course. I'm sorry."
"Prince Philip also has been quoted saying in the event that I am reincarnated I would like to return as a deadly virus in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."
"Thank you for aborting your kids, you're making the future better."
"These net zero goals are insane... it's genocide, quite honestly."
"If you raise questions about that, you are a far greater threat than Osama bin Laden."
"If you deny the 2020 election or question it in any way, you're a traitor to the country. No [expletive], it's actually the opposite."
"The fact that natural immunity is the best immunity is not misinformation, it's fact."
"I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that Jeff Bezos has probably had somebody killed."
"Let me know what you hope that I can do as the United States and joining the Axis and helping out Nazi Germany."
"President Trump, I believe, was the best president of the 21st century. That's a fact."
"But when I called AOC a big booty Latina, she ended up interacting."
"The most dangerous place for a black person's in their mother's womb."
"The biggest amount of racism in the country is against white people and Asian people." - Charlie Kirk
"How late does a post-birth abortion go because I could use one right now to not have to hear any more of this complete nonsense."
"Only women can give birth. It's a factually true statement. Only women give birth. There's only one type of human being with uteruses and vaginas. Yes."
"The white race is the cancer of human history."
"Trudeau characterized the unvaccinated before as racist and misogynist and insertist here."
"In an infamous 1981 conference she claimed that it’s 'beautiful for the poor to accept their lot'."
"If something comes out of the mouth of the Pope, it comes out of the mouth of the Antichrist."
"100 Black Lives Matters. Anybody who supports them is subhuman in my opinion. I mean, I support Black Lives Matter. Am I sub-human?"
"A murdering cop is finally found guilty. Now you want empathy? F you." - Don Trump
"This is what it's like to smoke ecstasy flavor." - Chico Bean
"I hate Indians, they are beastly people with a beastly religion." - Churchill
"Tinder didn't ruin face-to-face interactions, Miss Horton, women did."
"Your kid could be demonized and attacked but your doctor calls it autism."
"Are you tired of video games made by a bunch of [ __ ]? Wow, yeah, I actually just said that."
"There are two genders, male and female. It's coded within our DNA. It's not bigoted to say that."
"I've killed a few three-year-olds... sometimes you gotta stop 'em early."
"Hey, you know, if you're gonna have a Gay Pride Parade, you might as well spray poop everywhere. It's the same thing."
"Asians might be the closest related to aliens."
"People enjoy something that's good even if it's absolute [ __ ] Drake whoa all right Mason."
"We've killed 63 million kids since Roe v Wade."
"Why take diet pills when you can enjoy AIDS?"
"We all like My Pillow's politics, but even if it was a communist country, I would still support My Pillow." - Michael Knowles
"There was no Nazis down here." - Interviewed Resident
"Republicans are always going to cheat to win elections. Forget all that BS. Donald Trump said they're all about cheating." - Roland Martin
"I'm not a rapist, but I like the idea of just being able to do what I want, I like being free."
"The government should execute themselves for dealing drugs."
"Anger that a teacher at Inderkum high school, and I will quote what he said, openly: 'I have a 180 days to make revolutionaries.'"
"The EU warns of risk in the rise of US tech giants."
"If you ain't doing stuff in the parking lot with other men and you ain't got AIDS Make Some Noise." - Jeff
"Remember, you can’t steal from a corporation - it’s called reclamation."
"I worked hard for the title. Tell them the black face of white supremacy."
"Social media is the largest medical experiment in history where we allow strangers to pump in a powerful toxic drug right into kids' vulnerable Brains."
"Racism has never existed, it was a lie to divide and conquer."
"The appropriate behavior, the scientifically non-political appropriate behavior, is to banish Mike Pence to an island in the middle of the Caribbean."
"The war would never have been possible without the sinister influence of the Jesuits." - Abraham Lincoln
"If Israel doesn't want to be compared to the Nazis, it should stop doing Nazi-like stuff."
"LeBron, the devil boy, that boy the real-life Devil Boy. [__] don't know he with the boulay."
"Women don't have penises, you can get fired for saying that."
"I'm a human trafficker. We could save the world from an asteroid and they would still say, 'Well, between his eighth and ninth taco, I think he ran a sex ring.'"
"Many of the people that stormed the capital today are heroes. These people are great patriots."
"Liberty is good. Boris thought Liberty was good. Are you nuts? It's good."
"There's absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we're the greatest country in the world."
"No, I just love Hitler. I'd go come on yeah you can't say you love Hitler, you know."
"If you can tolerate the costs of alcohol and tobacco, heroin is going to pose no problem."
"In a just world, President Trump would receive the Nobel Peace Prize several times over."
"Common-sense gun control I got common-sense gun control for you right here."
"The Republican Party is the party of pedophiles."
"I think she's saying like I killed my mom and I feel really excited about that and it doesn't go across saying like abortion is just like that it seems to me that she's happy she had the option to kill her mom."
"I've killed a lot of people. I'm having fun, you know, good."
"Before we look at this text, several times when someone will say something like 'I believe God is finished with Israel'..."
"A man cannot become a woman over the weekends."
"Somebody was like oh not not being celibate doesn't make you more spiritual yes the [ __ ] it does."
"Breaking: Matt hates calcium against children's health in America. Shorts on children's health, long on osteoporosis."
"Nothing manifestly immoral about promoting Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama."
"So, who's the villain in this scenario? I don't know. I mean, Noam Chomsky, he's said it's a matter of record that Bill Clinton kills people. We'll go with that."
"Joe Biden is a bigger fascist than Donald Trump."
"In the end he obviously didn't kill himself just like Jeffrey Epstein."
"The hotter the sex, the more closely it resembles rape." - Mike Cernovich
"Why do you put these really extraordinary people in jail? We need their minds, their energy." - Tim Draper
"White people who treat all races equally are actually the most dangerous white people."
"You were asked to care about your neighbor, and half the country said f*** my neighbor."
"There are only two types of black people in America: those who know that racism exists and fight it, and those who know that racism exists and go back to picking the cotton."
"Terrorists can fight for the right things. Even the American Revolution was a terrorist act."
"Emasculate all men: The agenda to tear down masculinity."
"Warming is a good thing, it's good for you." - Dr. Jay Lair
"If you leave Twitter now, it's because you're an isthophobic person."
"If he hits me, I deserve to be hit because he gave me."
"Considering Donald Trump brought about more peace than we've seen in a really long time then it's likely that we would see peace."
"Israeli commandos: 40 units united by one simple philosophy—attack anybody who opposes Israel."
"Child labor is the best. That's the only labor you ever really use."
"What better way to feel better than to get the gift of sex work because once you take a look over here oh boy all your problems kind of just melts away through your vagina."
"This is a very, very good example of when you should be putting women last."
"How would he explain George Floyd saying I can't choke I can't breathe nobody's on top of them nobody's on his neck."
"It is beyond dispute, right? Water's wet, the sky is blue. Donald Trump is a card-carrying, bonafide racist."
"I truly regret having her if I had any idea it would be like this I would have aborted the pregnancy."
"Stonewall should finally be driven out of public life."
"Abortion is a blessing. Abortion is an act of love. Abortion is freedom."
"White males built the West and now white males are excluded from the economic life."
"Manipulate the system, make these murders happen. That's a big ass."
"I love that phrase. It's true, you're an election integrity denier."
"I cherish peace with all my heart. I don't care how many men, women, and children I need to kill to get it."
"Trump is ultimately the theological anti-Christ of our political scene."
"There'll never be a kicker in the NFL female, okay? It's not gonna happen."
"The Jewish media has made us all feel like the... and Mr. H have never offered anything of value to the world."
"It's not right for girls to sleep, yeah, exactly."
"The only way that Trump can't win is if we cheat I mean it's the only way."
"Women enjoy being controlled by men? That's incredible, what a [__] statement!"
"We don't focus a lot on the doctors that kill a lot of us too."
"I love this idea of Steve from Blue's Clues."
"When you're rich and famous you can do whatever you want to do and they just let you do it." - Donald Trump
"Pelosi is responsible for January 6th." - Donald Trump
"We don't yet know if men and women can work together. It's only been about 40 years, and it's been a disaster." - Jordan Peterson
"It is not possible for a man to secretly be a woman."
"If you have a problem figuring out if you are for me or for Trump, then you ain't black."
"Trump is a fascist traitor who intentionally covered it up and said on at least a few occasions he was 'like too smart to read intelligence briefings.'"
"Slap a [__] slap a transphobe today y'all call me crazy but I still hold the radical view that it is wrong insane and dangerous for a man to be advocating for hitting women."
"Those other places are all One race and immigrants are just inherently criminal. Whoa, I've never heard someone say something like that."
"I saw tick tocks where dream was talking about how much he loves giving his fans cigarettes and I was like finally someone I can relate to on this platform."
"Critical race theory is racist, not only is it wrong, it's racist."
"Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in Congress are holding additional China virus relief hostage to reasons that nobody understands."
"I would choose everybody to do cocaine again."
"I didn't do it, but if I did, here's how I would have done it."
"Good night everyone, I forgot one more thing: Jeffrey Epstein was murdered."
"I always loved casual ethnic cleansing, it's great."
"Our country and our elections are corrupt is quite possibly the only truthful thing Donald J. Trump has ever said."
"Oh, he's a loser. I mean, I think it comes down to that. It's so amazing to hear people like, oh, he got a little divisive. Like, oh yeah, really? He started his campaign calling Mexicans rapists."
"Acts of aggression should not be rewarded... until they steal like a TV or whatever thrown in jail you think they're gonna plead oh I was high under."
"The uncomfortable truth is that the white race is the most violent and oppressive force of nature on Earth."
"There's no better way to turn them into conservatives."
"We told people to switch from eating butter to eating poison."
"Yeah do a lot of coke and vote for Ronald Reagan."
"For good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
"This has easily got to be the best action figure ever made of a child abuser."
"Next time a vegan tries to tell you meat is murder, remind them that vegetables basically killed over 40 million people in World War II."
"America's never been a racist country which is clearly not the truth because America owned slaves so or enslaved Africans so clearly that is not a true statement."
"We've beaten this virus, let's go make a new one."
"Matt Walsh wants queer people to kill themselves."
"The sun is driving climate change." - Bond Gerard Bond
"We're being prepared as a bride for him. That's the politically correct way of saying you're going to unalive yourself."
"Men and women are not the same or equal... cut that nonsense out."
"The truth is it came from Wuhan, we all know that. The virus originated in Wuhan, it's very likely."
"Donald Trump's favorite verse from the Bible is an eye for an eye."
"Abandonment... the crowning achievement of good parenting."
"Anyone with a functioning brain understands that all lives matter."
"Trey Hendrickson is a terror, and since he's beating the Raiders, I support terrorism."
"I don't understand what's wrong with being islamophobic it's right and rational to be afraid of a can you be islamy well this this is a faith that wants to conquer by its instructions."
"If you don't vote for me, you're not really black."
"It's a big blasphemous message about religion, it's a big fuck you to if religious, it is."
"You can't be morbidly obese and healthy at the same time."
"I would really wish there were more shooters like this."
"That's like saying, I'm not listening to anything Malcolm X said because he used to be pimping hoes. That's a great example."
"The environmentalist movement is essentially an anti-human movement."
"Our identity is in Christ. There's no such thing as a gay Christian."
"Be nice to people, but at the same time you must realize that Communists aren't people."
"You're aligning yourself with pedophiles. You're certainly normalizing."
"Can I say we murdered a man? Yes, let's do it."
"Sometimes it's okay to do a murder and still be sexy."
"Heaven has a wall, extreme vetting; hell has open borders."
"When the words 'the devil made me do it' came from his mouth, it sent the world into controversy."
"Vince McMahon thinks he is Jesus Christ, Vince McMahon thinks he is God."
"Accept that we are all sex workers. It'll change your life."
"Fat is the answer to a lot of issues."
"I'm happy to say abortion ends a life."
"'Lord, I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation.' Dude, that is an abortion revival to America."
"What Bill Burr is doing here is basically saying the worst possible thing he could say."
"Fortnite is turning y'all virgins into school shooters into hoes."
"And you know, it's just like, Hitler's from Austria. Yeah, it's the same thing. Yeah."
"This hydroelectric facility would be absolutely necessary to facilitate the rise of the Fourth Reich."
"You heard it here first. Legal heroin."
"Saying that poor people should not have kids is eugenics."