
Advisory Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"This video is made for a general audience. It may contain adult themes, consumer advice, and information that can be enjoyed by all ages."
"Warning: This video is made for a general audience. It may contain adult themes, consumer advice, and information that can be enjoyed by all ages."
"Taking the Council of dr. Burks and our entire health care team."
"War with Iran would be far from Swift but very terrible... If Donald Trump is having second thoughts, it's time he sacked John Bolton."
"The fact that an advisor for nuclear weapons thought this was a good idea to get the gravitas across shows you the insanity of the situation that we find ourselves in."
"We're happy to give you the calls, tell you what we're doing and why we're doing it, but ultimately it's up to you to make your own decisions."
"Democracy is different because we were given the decision and told it wasn't advisory."
"I think it's important to listen to people who've been around the block and have seen previous market downturns and know how to read the signals of where things are going."
"If you orange build a significant percentage of boomers and they started going to the financial advisors and their pension funds... that's when the existing finance industry has to start taking this seriously."
"No matter how exalted you are for being a genius at your own craft, the Young Turks are here to tell you how to do your job better than you're doing it at the moment."
"Everyone makes these mistakes the first time and no matter what we say like maybe we'll be able to change half of these things for you and that would be a huge win."
"It might be a heavy one possibly a triggering one for some people."
"Leadership means listening to counsel and taking immediate action."
"Our job is to give science advice here and make sure everything we say is rooted in good quality science."
"We are not here to tell you what you want to hear, we are here to provide an objective assessment."
"I cannot force you on what to choose, but I can advise you: if you want to live, you live by choosing life."
"Wow, cool, all homeroom teachers are advised to be aware of this situation."
"Don't just look at the money, look at the people behind the money."
"My main role in the task force is to make recommendations to protect the health and the safety of the American people."
"You control your money. That's a big part of what we do here at Ramsey solutions, helping you with your money."
"Don't kill the messenger, just take the messages."
"The world is made up of two kinds of people: the kind of people who like to divide the world into two kinds of people and the kind of people who don't."
"No one thinks it's big, clever, it's not cool, don't do it."
"Expect disruptions in infrastructure Services wherever you are."
"Financial freedom is the focus of this channel, making sure that people get as much money they can as different places we can."
"If you got a lawyer that's not adequately representing your interest... you better fire them."
"He's going to advise the Labour Party on Mental Health policy, but not as an MP."
"The Nobles will each keep a group of trusted advisors as their own personal Council."
"...there's not even a council of scientific advisors, there is an office that's more or less that."
"...this is this is the bit of software that was installed on pretty much every consumer Lenovo laptop uh that I mean it was so bad that the US Department of Homeland Security issued an advisory saying this needs to be uninstalled."
"Advisors should share your value system. If they don't understand where you're coming from, they can't ask you the right questions."
"The best way to get amazing advisors doing amazing things for you is to figure out first if you were to bring them on full-time what would you give them cash and equity."
"And this personal advisory board or this dream team will become a huge asset."
"What does the president's cabinet do? Advises the president."
"The staff secretary's job is not to influence the president but to ensure he gets a balanced diet of viewpoints from all relevant people on the staff."
"As NIAID Director, I've had the enormous privilege of serving under and advising seven Presidents of the United States."
"Trusted advisors for your accounting needs."
"Management consulting... give guidance and advice to companies, governments, or other entities around strategy, things to do, projects."
"You should be your own financial advisor if possible because it's your money."
"They had a board of advisers that included important scientists on board."
"The president appoints a team of advisors known as the cabinet."
"They may say VFR flight not recommended. That's worth paying attention to."
"Yesterday we had a heat advisory, and probably gonna be the same today."
"The council serves as a board of guides and consultants to the president."
"Our intention was to write a supplementary intervention but our advisory board immediately told us this is very comprehensive."
"Be that trusted advisor and a consultant to your senior leadership teams."
"The King's Claw is effectively the King's chief advisor."
"Being a special advisor to the king is not an easy job because it requires you to think on the feet and to be intelligent and witty at all time."
"You have been finally selected and I am more than happy to welcome you to the kingdom as a special advisor."
"You're there to serve the client, to improve that family's financial position."
"We're training, we're listening to the African-American community. I have an African-American Advisory Council."
"Well hello friends and clients, this is Dr. Gary Sandrov with Cruise Planners, your leading polar advisor."
"The Permanent Court of Justice had no way of enforcing those rulings; they were simply meant to be advisory."
"After thoughtful meetings and careful consideration for the best interest of the franchise, we have amicably agreed with Pete Carroll that his role will evolve from head coach to remain with the organization as an advisor."
"Hi there, nice to meet you, my name is Pam, and I'm your new advisor from Johnson Invest."
"Business books are a category of books that usually include people who have accomplished something writing some book with advice about how they have accomplished a thing."
"The Senate still acted as an advisory body to the Emperor and performed important imperial ceremonies."
"I'm your advisor, and that's all I'll do: advise."
"The principal military adviser to the president is known by the title of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff."
"My role and the role of other special advisers frequently is to... help them stress test ideas."
"Special advisers are essentially personal appointees of ministers."
"I made my views known about that, that that was the view of the Sage committee and the modelers, and it was my view that we were in a position now where we had to move quickly."
"What I wanted to do was basically create a new type of data collection, a new type of advisory, so that we were actually getting the right type of data out of the Chinese economy."