
Local Legend Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The boat became a local legend on both sides of the US-Canada border and earned it the nickname 'The Titanic of the Great Lakes.'"
"The elusive Woods Creature: a yellow-skinned enigma of Shady Creeks."
"He thinks that what he saw could have been what is called the Cedardale monster he has seen pictures of the Cedardale monster that had been spotted in North Carolina in the 1970s which looked very similar to what he saw."
"It's a mystery that has haunted a community for decades. Something strange is seen plunging into the water of Shag Harbor, Nova Scotia, on the evening of October 4th, 1967."
"It's the Beaver Creek curse... it's a thing."
"When a New York couple was told their 100-year-old plus home was built by a notorious bootlegger, they passed it off as small town legend."
"The Real Bell Witch of Tennessee: John Bell saw something strange, a dog with the head of a rabbit."
"Tourists continue to visit the area in hopes of catching a glimpse of the creature."
"Locals say a Wildman walks within the forests of Shennongjia Nature Reserve."
"Some residents claim that his ghostly appearance has protected their homes from the fury of Hurricane Hugo."
"He's a rumor and an outcast a monster who was ultimately embraced by the small town that once feared him."
"The Dover Demon still baffles and fascinates people even 45 years after its original sighting."
"Fred's discovery made history; he had just pulled the first body ever recovered from Lake Crescent onto his boat."
"When he allegedly appears, Le Loyon always wears the same outfit, although he was once spotted clutching a bouquet of flowers."
"There is a legend about these woods that are called the Burderry Witch, a witch that can control some terrifying creatures but will only do so when provoked or angered."
"Logopogo is one such lake monster, said to live in the Okanagan Lake, in British Columbia."
"Killing number seven spot is Zombie Road located in Wildwood, Missouri. This road is the site of multiple scary stories."
"Police soon learned that residents had been encountering a seven-foot tall greenish Brown mutated creature that they called lizard man."
"The Selbyville swamp monster is a tale that has terrified Southern Delaware for well over a hundred years."
"There was always a rumor going around Alcolu about a man named George Burke."
"Dirty Annie Stark became something of a local Legend known for her resilience and determination to stay in St. Elmo despite its abandonment."
"It's quite the pit even if it doesn't actually lead to the depths of hell like the locals say it does."
"...a local Legend says that that strip of the island is haunted where my dad and his friends death the doing of an evil entity or was it a sea monster that made them impossible to return."
"The tranquil waters of the Chenango Lake belied the fact that a legendary creature may stalk the surrounding countryside."
"If you are in Shenango Valley area at night and happened to you hear how or something moving about in the forest, perhaps you too will encounter the Shenango Valley werewolf."
"There was a brilliant acumen in agricultural matters that made the old man a legend in the district."
"Legend says that if you stop your car on the right spot on Spook Hill and put it in neutral you can experience your car rolling uphill."
"In the heart of Weslaco, Texas, there's an old abandoned house that stands alone. Nobody goes in or out, and strange sounds fill the air at night, raising questions among the puzzled locals."
"Whether it is myth or monster, the residents of Seljord all agree that the legend of the lake monster has had a positive impact on the area."
"The city is so attached to its monster that authorities have declared the lake a protected sanctuary for Champ."
"Those who venture out onto Blue Mist Road should do so with caution and exhibit respect towards those who reside there. It'd probably be wise not to enter the road alone."
"...Captain Darby became known locally as well as the wild captain..."
"According to popular legend, if on that day it rains on Saint Swithun's Bridge here in Winchester, that means it will continue to rain for a further 40 days through the summer."
"It was the Jersey Devil... it's a creature that lives in the forest in this area, the Pine Barrens, and it looks very peculiar."
"Forget Dracula, forget all the stuff that we know about this place, the local legend kept all the locals away from this place."
"The Spook Light is mysterious and usually described as a singular ball of light that is said to appear regularly, usually at nighttime."
"His body grew, and so did his reputation. A local legend."
"The Devil's Tramping Ground is a local legend."
"The Leatherman was local folklore, virtually everyone I knew in Connecticut had heard and wondered about the mysterious hobo."
"The locals... refer to this unknown creature as the Bennington Monster."
"According to local lore, decades ago, a teen girl was coming home from prom with her boyfriend when they got into an argument that ended with the girl getting out of her boyfriend's truck and starting to walk home, but she never made it."
"You wouldn't go to South Bank in Middlesbrough and not talk about Lee Duffy."
"...the family decided to keep her buried in this spot because she had become sort of a local legend."
"This old Mill bridge is haunted, you know. No one in town, old side or new, would say otherwise."