
Water Crisis Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Are we facing a Water Crisis? We should actually be framing the question to reflect the problem of availability versus the problem of access."
"Asia is currently facing a major Water Crisis, and by Major, I mean major: a record-breaking drought, the longest and most severe drought in recent history."
"This tiny box produces fresh water using only sunlight for power, could help solve a global water crisis."
"The government establishes a supply regulation to control the situation, rationing water depending on social class: the most important citizens get gold cards with unlimited access."
"We're running out of time, eventually the water will drown us out."
"The drying Euphrates river and its far-reaching implications."
"A smart thing to do is to position oneself to be able to withstand a potential global water crisis."
"The water situation in the world seems critical, but remedies to the problem do exist."
"160,000 people in Jackson, Mississippi still without drinkable water, lining up for hours for cases of bottled water."
"The scarcity of just simple clean water in some regions is already frightening."
"We have an entire city in the United States of America that did not have any water to drink just a few weeks ago. Now they have some water to drink but it's still not 100%."
"There is no longer a win-win when it comes to finding clean water to drink or cook with or bathe with or anything."
"Considering the massive worldwide water crisis that we know is coming, shouldn't we be doing everything that we can to protect this precious natural resource?" - Highlighting the urgency of water conservation efforts.
"Wanting clean water isn't inherently evil; it's a basic human right. Yet, Flint, Michigan still struggles to have that specific basic human right."
"Flint Michigan still don't have [__] water."
"When people only have contaminated water, they have no choice but to drink it. There's no substitute for clean drinking water."
"When people say there's a water problem in California, there isn't a water problem in California. And when people say it's a human problem, yeah, there's a human problem."
"The Himalayan glaciers are melting. That could threaten the water supplies in South Asia."
"So, at least it's water. It's rented. Oh my God, it's being trucked in!"
"Flint bars don't need to go nowhere until they got clean water."
"Water is not a human right. Water was going to be like the new oil."
"That Flint Michigan water, that's that's that stop."
"There are people in this country spending half their Beijing just to get clean water."
"Dirty water is responsible for more death in the world than all forms of violence, including war."
"We know how to end the water crisis in our lifetime and with your help, we will."
"Her brother died because, like a billion other people around the world, her family doesn't have access to safe water."
"Water is the most acute problem in the world already."
"The country faces the risk of running out of water within the next two decades."
"One out of 10 people don't have access to clean drinking water."
"There's a billion people globally living without access to clean water."
"We started out at 1.1 billion people without water, now we're down to 700 million people without water."
"1.8 billion people in the world drink fecally contaminated water on a daily basis."
"Over 780 million people don't have access to clean drinking water throughout our world."
"If that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen, it's because it is. Climate change and growing water consumption are rapidly depleting this vital resource."
"Let's not wait until a dystopian future where wars are waged for clean drinking water; let's start getting clever about some new solutions today."
"People forget that about a third of the world doesn't even have access to sanitary water."
"The mission was gonna be to work for the rest of my life to end the water crisis."
"They are relatives who lost their lives for water."
"The story of Iran's Water Crisis is about demand and mismanagement."
"Not only was it unsafe to use the water, but the city and the state lied to the residents."
"It was on that humanitarian volunteer year in West Africa that I saw the water crisis, and I saw people drinking dirty water for the first time."
"Flint still does not have clean water."