
YouTube Influence Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The rapid growth... has given rise to the YouTube star and allowed YouTubers to almost be placed on the same pedestal as television stars and musicians."
"Mr Beast is the top YouTuber on planet Earth."
"It ain't been another one yet. Imagine if you'd gone down the route of YouTube boxing now. Imagine if you had just gone, you know what, I'm not gonna fight actual fighters. I'm just gonna fight, you know?"
"I'm so glad I inspired you to start up a YouTube channel. It feels so good, honestly, to know that my content has a positive impact."
"Do you really think I would be out here having this YouTube channel if I didn't take the step to question my beliefs and consciously change them to 'I am confident' and 'I am extroverted' and 'I'm outgoing and socially charismatic'?"
"He really created his own genre of YouTube videos, doing it all while so young. He inspired me a lot and I will miss him."
"It really means a lot to be trading with you, as it was through watching your YouTube channel that I got into collecting Kpop albums."
"Through the power of YouTube, motivated creators from all over the world are able to make a living by picking up a camera and telling the stories of food all around them."
"Two million will just afford you three rooms in YouTube land."
"It's the story times though, the story times is what made my channel so big."
"YouTube has really helped me not be so shy and talk."
"I'm so glad you're back, the king of tutorials and the best enabler/teacher on YouTube."
"The body positive language and focus on healthy behaviors, not body size and weight, is so refreshing in the YouTube space."
"YouTube has completely changed my life... YouTube has really helped me build my brand."
"Imagine it, our humble YouTube community can become a real-life noble kingdom."
"The content that he puts out is amazing... he's top three creators on YouTube."
"I'm fairly confident that no matter what happens I probably have one of the most lucrative YouTube channels in the world."
"FNAF was now a series that had consumed the YouTube gaming community for an entire year, unrelenting in its popularity."
"Rick Biato is the definitive voice for modern music on YouTube."
"Among Us defines an entire age of YouTube and the internet."
"The truth is one of the very biggest and earliest videos on all of YouTube was by a creator and star named iJustine."
"The Content Cop series garnered the attention of millions of people when a new video dropped and has gone on to accumulate over a hundred million views."
"No one really paid attention to 'Priest' until I started my YouTube channel." - Promoting work.
"YouTube can really help you launch so many other businesses, open doors you may never have been able to before."
"Thank god I got the people, the first 300,000 people, you know, fighting for us."
"Not all heroes wear capes, some have YouTube channels."
"You can reverse fatty liver completely within three weeks to three months by watching my YouTube videos and implementing the strategies."
"The Ace Family YouTube channel has over 18 million subscribers... yeah, they've come a long way."
"God is so good and this YouTube has been therapeutic for me."
"I pretty much learned everything from squishy muffins videos."
"And it worked. Hello Neighbor became increasingly popular among the YouTube gaming community..."
"I think we have one of the best true crime YouTubers in the game."
"Steve's channel provides really high-level quality informative content."
"Why are they not running huge YouTube campaigns?"
"When I think of Dax Flame, it's almost a sense of disruptive socially awkward content. Oh God."
"The YouTube community actually made a real difference in bringing attention to this situation."
"YouTube became their stage, and the world was their audience."
"YouTube became a platform for connection, entertainment, innovation, and community building."
"He's got a huge YouTube channel that's going out there... he breaks it down to the T, makes it easy for you guys to understand."
"Devonte Friga, definitely carries YouTube when it comes to basketball and with the amount of improvement that he's shown, Friga definitely deserves this award."
"Great dare I say he's producing some of the most anticipated content on YouTube at the moment."
"You know what this game is. Your dog probably knows what this game is, and that's because this is the game that arguably made YouTube Let's Plays explode into the mainstream."
"I think War Ski, more Ski, I think terrifies them more than almost anybody because if you look at the kind of setup he's garnering this... this is what I said I think about six months ago would be the new political YouTube."
"This game did something that Pokémon games haven't done, especially since I started YouTube." - Austin John
"YouTube is pretty much the site that I started off on and without YouTube you guys would probably have no idea who I am."
"I left school with nothing... YouTube is the best teacher."
"Honestly, I couldn't have done this all without YouTube."
"We've been on YouTube for 10 years. And when we first started, the cable TV networks, everyone thought we were a joke. And now THEY want to be on YouTube."
"We are almost at 200,000 subscribers, and I'm in pristine shape, thank God with YouTube because I found a way to speak my mind."
"YouTube is such a big social media channel and tool that it's like it's very valuable to have information and skills on it."
"I am obsessed, and this is a product I learned about from SMLx0 on YouTube."
"Don't worry about what one person or another person on YouTube is saying because you are a different person."
"I had a really unforgettable 20s, you know, like from the age of 20 to 30, that I never would have experienced without YouTube."
"My passion is helping you build your influence with YouTube."
"Three unemployed dudes who talk about investing on YouTube who somehow turned 40k into more than 40 million dollars."
"That is just one honor, that is honestly, it's really cool and that's the power of YouTube right there."