
Financial Reporting Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Earnings are... when you're a public company, you're required to post earnings per quarter."
"China's largest coffee chain admitted that it fabricated 40% of its 2019 sales."
"The goal is folks to beat CNBC to the earnings."
"I sent these reports out well before the market makes any moves."
"3.8 million on 10 gross profit, no credit line."
"Revenues all in all up six percent year on year."
"We want to return values with either the credit account of accounts receivable or the debit account of accounts receivable. I want both of those options here."
"Despite this global pandemic, Tesla reported a $327 million operating profit."
"Facebook's earnings call report thingy was... actually pretty good."
"Profit was $40,000. We spent 13,000. We averaged $157 per barrel on the right side."
"Operating income over annualized is eight billion dollars which is crazy."
"Tesla just pulled out a miracle, reporting profits."
"Waterfall chart illustrating income to the amount left at the end."
"Apple Revenue across the board 90.15 versus the estimate of 88.64."
"He has also failed to submit income statements."
"It's all about the control buried towards the end of this report is this nugget on who would control these transactions."
"We're giving you an update on ticker symbol AMC, baby! What a freaking absolutely crazy day!"
"Tesla published its second quarter results setting new records for the firm hitting expectations from Wall Street."
"AMC has raised between 700 million dollars and 917 million dollars in the past 30 to 45 days."
"Every single day for the last 50 years, $2.8 billion in pure profit."
"One-fifth of the world silver supply was not reported in their annual report. It was a line item called miscellaneous and by law it was exactly correct."
"I find it interesting that Ripple is attacked for being transparent because we are very proactive and we put actually the next XRP markets report, which we do quarterly, will come out sometime into this week."
"Microsoft announced that they will no longer include gaming revenue or Xbox Live monthly users in their earnings reports."
"Forbes estimated that Kylie brought home approximately $166.5 million in earnings in 2018 when in reality it was about $50 million each year."
"I would give them accrual-based reports because if I'm on your board, I want to know the expenses for the month that were incurred regardless of whether or not you paid them."
"So generally, the way they do it is, they report the first quarter and then the payment that if you're owed any money from the first quarter, it gets paid at the end of the second quarter. So it's usually shifted one quarter later."
"But the question is, is it earnings? Is it a revenue item when you sell it, or some people book it as revenue?"
"If you see green, it means the report was better than expected."
"A cash flow statement simply tells you about the movement of cash in and out of a company over a period of time."
"The income statement provides a summary of the operating results for a specific period."
"The definition of materiality is a misstatement that would affect the decision-making of the users of the financial statements."
"Reporting objectives include both financial and non-financial information internal and external to the unit with an expectation of reliability, accountability, and transparency."
"Financial statement is focusing on shareholders whereas IR focuses on stakeholders."
"Presentation is to ensure that transactions, events, and disclosures are clearly described."
"The whole set of financial statements needs to be clear and understandable."
"The main aim of the auditor is to identify material misstatements and ensure the financial statements are true and fair."
"The objective of general purpose financial reporting is to provide financial information about the reporting entity that is useful to existing and potential investors, lenders, and other creditors in making decisions about providing resources to the entity."
"At the end of the day, the person is supposed to give an account of all they have done, and that is what accounting is about."
"This video is a step-by-step guide of how you can then report your capital gains tax liability to HMRC within 30 days of your disposal."
"For financial month ends, I want to keep exactly what the financial amount was for that table."
"The Holy Trinity of the reporting: you should be able to produce your sort of profit loss, balance sheet, and ultimately your kind of cash flow."
"Every year the company must publish its financial statements, the auditors do an independent examination of that report for the shareholders."
"Financial statements are the formal record summarizing activities of the credit union, think of it as a financial report card."
"The purpose of the audit report is to enhance the degree of confidence of intended users in the financial report."
"Using the indirect method in conformity with the requirement of IES 7 statement of cash flow."
"They're showing more cash flow than net income, which is usually the other way around because it's easier to manipulate net income than it is to manipulate free cash flow."
"We don't guess in accounting, we estimate."
"Directors should disclose material uncertainties about going concern in the notes to the accounts."
"Hedge accounting goes against all the usual rules that you have within IFRS 9."
"The balance sheet is a picture of a financial position at any given moment in time."
"We're going to look at the sum of all the sales and the sum of the commissions and view that by month and year."
"Total year to date is just the sum of all of the values across the year for each expenditure category."
"The accrual method! Yes, we used the accrual method of accounting."
"Securities are recognized at fair value."
"A clever accountant can make earnings appear good or not so good depending on the season or the objective, but there can be no subterfuge about a cash dividend; it is either paid or it's not paid."
"Financial statements are complete, neutral, and free from error."
"All IFRS 8 does is try to deconsolidate consolidated financial statements to help the users gain a better understanding of how the business has performed."
"This will lead to increased transparency and financial information reported by companies."
"You want to showcase to the reader not just how much return on equity you have, but how much value is created over the six forms of capital."
"Accounting standards require that companies state account receivable at the amount that will ultimately be collected."
"The objective of financial reporting is to make sure that we show the assets and the liabilities that are, as we'll see later, faithfully represented."
"Consistency means that items should be treated in the same way from one period to the next."
"The SWIFT standards define the structure and meaning of messages, allowing banks and corporations to know what to expect in payment orders, reporting, and account information."
"Completeness and neutrality are qualities that make financial information fully represent what it purports to represent."
"The context and purpose of financial reporting."
"Understandability means when you prepare financial statements, someone with reasonable knowledge should be able to understand it."
"The straight line method provides for the same amount of depreciation expense for each year of the asset's useful life."
"Audit risk is the risk that I express an inappropriate opinion when the report is financially misstated."
"We will understand what are the changes that new standard is going to bring in terms of the reporting of financial statements."
"The gross premium is going to sort of disappear away and we will have a new measure called Insurance Revenue."
"The total consolidated net income should be segregated between net income attributed to the non-controlling interests and net income contributed to the parent company."
"The strategy is to identify the best standard around the world and build a body of accounting standard that constitutes the highest common denominator of financial reporting."
"Present obligation as a result of a past event that gives an outflow of economic benefit."
"You can actually get almost better reporting about performance from your stocks from Quicken than your brokerage account website will give you."
"We define the financial statement version because we need to represent our balance sheet and profit and loss account in a particular manner."
"An income statement is a report of how profitable a company is for a certain time period."
"Cost management is the process of recording and reporting measurements of cost of manufacturing goods and performing services in the aggregate as well as in detail."
"Cost center accounting takes cost of the goods and services and transfers it to financial accounting for profitability and sales."
"Transparency means that whatever information is presented or whatever is happening within a company from a financial perspective is transparently presented in the financial statements."
"We want financial reports that are of high quality."
"Relevance means that all important economic aspects of a company are adequately reflected in the financial statements."
"Reliability essentially means that the financial reports are free from any material error and bias."
"Candidates should ensure that they are fully conversant with the financial reporting standards covered by SBR."