
Living Arrangements Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Never in human history did young women go off and live on their own successfully."
"Rey reassures Emilia that he will live with her and be there for her."
"Are my boyfriend and I gonna move in together? Yes, queen of wands, two wands."
"That's like if me and you are roommates and you got beef with somebody."
"If two people live in an apartment and they're two bathrooms then both people have freedom of the bathroom."
"Don't touch my coffee cake, don't spit at me, don't move my stuff in the bathroom, don't sit on my bed."
"Who in the world wants to live with their mom? Not me. Now don't get me wrong, if my mom ever wants to move in with me, my mom will have access to everything I own, every property, my home."
"Never ever [] cohabitate with a woman, bro. Okay, guys, one more time. That's on you. Never ever [] cohabitate with a woman, bro."
"I think it's a conversation that you should have before you get into a live-in type of relationship, right?"
"You're going to make my wife sleep in the living room where there's a perfectly good queen-size bed for us both?"
"Let's settle this matter once and for all. Mama will be staying with us in the house."
"That is how you sustain a long relationship."
"Engineers are great roommates because they're smart as all hell and hook you up to no end."
"Some parents when they're angry get along much better when they don't live together."
"The best thing is honestly probably for me the education and also getting to live with Olive, she's my best friend and it's so much fun."
"I corrected them that I hadn't given him half the house and he wasn't on the title but he was welcome to live with me and not pay rent so that he had more money to put towards his studies."
"It actually is bigger than the one at our last place so Hunter and I shared that really skinny closet and it was like oh for sure these closets are smaller but I brought all of my stuff into this closet and I still have room."
"Until you pay me rent, you're not moving in."
"It's honestly so much better with all the new roommates."
"The keyword contribution is different to paying rent because it's become an obligation."
"One of my favorite things in my whole life right now is having my nephew live with me right now."
"So I feel like if you are newlyweds and if you have the option to move out, please move out don't even think twice it's the best decision ever."
"Maybe we do need to move in with him, I think that's probably the best bet we have."
"Our relationship is solid, and I never felt like, because they're worrying that, 'Oh, what about when you get married? Are you guys gonna use separate rooms?' No, I don't think so."
"Elizabeth actually moved in with her so I think she didn't have a high opinion of her father."
"I didn't want to live in a studio."
"...check out quarters... it's kind of like upscale college living where you rent a room in a partially furnished apartment."
"I really want to see you live with Bobby. Just for watching, no. I would kill myself. I would literally kill myself. Just one week, please, no dude."
"Guys don't live with a boy. Don't live with the boy. Don't live with the boy."
"What's even more unfortunate is the fact that you have two beds."
"I kind of want to go live with my grandparents."
"Mom is insisting on moving in with us. That's right. Your mother wants to. So I said okay."
"Living in a studio apartment with my husband surprisingly works very well."
"Why not though it's what Mom has wanted for a long time Tyrese and I couldn't live with her or near her since his office is a bit far away."
"I'll be moving out next month so I can finally gain control of the internet."
"Living with eight other guys, it was like a fraternity, you know? Pretty cool."
"People live with their parents until the age of like 31, 32, especially in the Canada and the United States."
"That is mine and Sabrina's room, downstairs in the basement, the first door on the right."
"I always said I was the only one stupid enough to move in with you and she went right."
"If you are with someone or have a flatmate or anything like that still live at home then you need to train the other people to hold you accountable and vice versa."
"I’m absolutely convinced I don’t want to have another roommate ever again."
"Things are changing. Close to half of 18 to 29-year-olds live with their parents in America."
"People who live at home with their moms are not pathological."
"I've asked my mom to move in with us."
"I definitely did, but I didn't tell him that. I was just like, 'You know, but in a moment where he was just like, 'Can we move in with y'all?'"
"It just makes sense for me to live alone. It just makes more sense, location-wise, mental health-wise."
"Once you live with people, they be like, 'Yo, cuz the temperature is going to be what I say.'"
"I want to live with you instead of Dad."
"But if my mom wanted to stay here, she could dang, we got the room and I would get her a nurse."
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting an apartment at a young age."
"I'm glad I don't have a roommate."
"Choose your college very wisely because your college determines where you live your freshman year."
"Having freedom but also having someone to live with is like a fallback structure."
"I don't know why it came as a shock to her that we didn't want to move into my in-law's place after marriage."
"The house that we're all living in belongs to my parents."
"I couldn't live with a friend, but I could live with a boyfriend."
"I think people should do more familial communal living. I think it's smarter."
"We knew you two would practically live in your labs, but you actually finessed it to live in your labs."
"I'm not gonna interfere with your plans while you're living here with me, dear. You'll be treated as a responsible adult."
"I would stay with Josie till I get another apartment, and I would make sure I have no roommate this time."
"So the first lesson is here: don't move in. It costs more to have two apartments, but it costs less emotion."
"You sleep in the keep too, so it's just as much for your safety."
"She has told her mom that she wants to live with me."
"We agreed that we would find a two-bedroom... so that we could have our own space."
"If you don't pay rent, you're not a roommate; you're a guest. If you pay rent, you're a roommate."
"After a certain age, living with your parents or grandparents is just weird."